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Break Free from Self-Haunting

Break Free from Self-Haunting

My friend Ashley got a job as a scare actor in a haunted house attraction for Halloween. She jumps out of a closet and yells, “Boo!”  Then people shriek and run away.

Hearing this, I scratched my head, wondering why people pay to be scared. This dynamic goes far beyond a Halloween prank.  People pay lots of money to watch horror movies, go on thrill rides at amusement parks, and visit  nutty relatives for Thanksgiving. Beyond that, many millions watch scary newscasts daily and engage in distressing conversations about how bad the election could turn out.

While people do not pay money to watch the news or have morbid conversations, they pay dearly with loss of peace. Every thought, word, feeling, and action represents an investment in what you want more of. Today’s thoughts are coming attractions of tomorrow’s experiences.

If you are concerned about the election or any other event, it's important to examine the state of mind from which you are proceeding. Fear distorts our vision and inhibits us from seeing clearly. Relaxation and trust clear our vision and enable us to make wise choices. Your greatest contribution to generate positive results is to stay in a positive mindset. Then negativity cannot encroach on your experience, and you will be an empowered influence on everyone you meet.

The Halloween haunted house is a game that people choose to play. We don't have to enter that house or play that game if we choose not to. There are higher and more rewarding games that befit us as divine beings.  There are really only two emotions: fear and love. Every moment represents our choice between these two entirely discreet experiences. 

My client Jeffrey complained, "I feel haunted by my past."  I told him, "Your past has no power to haunt you. Only you can haunt yourself with scary thoughts." We are continually writing and rewriting the script of our lives. No matter what story you have written, you can write a new and better one. 

Break Free from Self-Haunting

Prayer and affirmation are two of the greatest gifts from God that we can use to create our future, personally and collectively. Every day I pray for a  healthy, peaceful, empowered nation and world that takes the best possible care of everyone. No one deserves to be in pain or conflict or lose in any way. I invite you now to join me in holding the highest vision for all of our lives.  Every thought we think is a prayer. A Course in Miracles tells us that "there is no such thing as an idle thought, for what creates a world can hardly be called idle."

If you feel fear about any aspect of your life, practice these lessons from A Course in Miracles. Let the truth behind them sink into your subconscious until you recognize that when we establish ourselves in well-being, fear cannot move us or manifest results in our experience.

  • Fear is never justified in any form.
  • I could see peace instead of this.
  • I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.
  • I have a kingdom [my mind] which I must rule.
  • Trust would settle every problem now. 

This season let us make the only choice that matters, not just between political candidates, or whether or not to visit relatives, or what to do about your relationship, but between states of mind.  While we seem to be electing leaders outside ourselves, we are being called to be leaders by means of the consciousness we hold. We influence the world more by our state of mind than any specific action.  As the Irish proverb calls us to remember, "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered, and no one was there."


© Alan Cohen Publications - http://www.alancohen.com - Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspirational books, including the just-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. For more information about Alan’s other books and free daily inspirational quotes via email, visit www.alancohen.com, email , or phone 1 808 572-0001.

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