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Supercharged Full Moon in Leo Ignites a Duality Gateway Activation

Supercharged Full Moon in Leo Ignites a Duality Gateway Activation

This Powerful Full Moon in Leo is a Duality Gateway activation and is highlighting any disharmony within to recognize what no longer resonates with your energy and for the highest good.

Numerical 9 universal Vibrations embody the energy of closures, exposures, rediscovery, reinvention, karmic completions, attention to inner patterns and outdated cycles, beliefs are ending, preparing for new beginnings and infinite possibilities.

The full moon will activate Molecular and Cellular corrections in the DNA and genetic structures. This healing phase allows the ascending to overcome obstacles and limitations hindering the path. This planetary phase may bring in sudden surprises, unexpected blessings, divine justice, quantum leaps, profound insights, spiritual enlightenment, personal enlightenment, liberation, deeper soul connections, DNA/genetic repairs, new opportunities/awareness, and soul course corrections.

The Ascending have all been receiving powerful activations of the soul's infinite embodiments and downloads of ancestral wisdom over the last week. Many can feel this powerful and intense energy building in energetic momentum, retreating when necessary into the preferred space within connecting deeper into the cosmic energetic womb of creation.

Expanding into this stillness as divine light codes are fully activating within. Before the next new moon many will begin to feel a deeper sense of acceptance and purpose in life, the ascending are birthing the true self into a new earth energy. Upgrading and expressing the authentic version.

This week many will experience flashbacks old memories, life reviews, coming up out of nowhere. Dream experiences may become very active, intense, conscious, vivid, lucid, with major purging’s and clearings taking place during Sleep. Dizziness and head pressure may peak at times while accompanied by what is known as the elevator feeling. The inner feeling of an up and down motion.

The Ascending may also experience intense moments of heart palpitations and past grief may resurface temporarily. High pitched ringing frequency in the ears, for some it can feel like there is water trapped the ear drums that clicks and pops, jaw clicking, and an overall feeling of UN alignment in the jaw area. Regurgitation and trouble swallowing for some. This may be felt later in the week.

This is a supercharged week for things shaking up from within, breaking unhealthy thinking patterns, surprise encounters. Divine interventions, endings revelations, karmic retributions, Justice, balance, alignment, abundance, blessings, and breakthroughs are anticipated.

The stars are aligning and prayers are being answered, bringing in long-awaited blessings, preparing for manifestations. This amplified energy remains highly charged for the next 7-9 days.

During this intense full moon, the ascending might experience heightened pain syndromes that appear and disappear out of nowhere, replaced by waves of bliss and healing throughout the physical body and energy centers. These shifts can also make the internal structures feel jittery and a little off-balance, for a short time.

The internal body is vibrating. The physical is adapting to higher vibrational energy frequencies, observing without judgment and supporting self just as you would a close loved one going through a significant life transition, the ascending self is undergoing drastic transformation.

Past Trauma may arise in the next coming days this is experienced by the mind, physical body, and subconscious, not by the soul or consciousness itself. The mind and body are finite, limited while the soul and consciousness are infinite, unlimited. It is important for us to recognize that the self is not limited to the mind or body. Self as a whole has the full capacity to heal and rise above any and all trauma experienced from this life and all life expressions.

All ascending are still clearing older realities from their auric fields. Strange memories are resurfacing as the timelines and past self-emotions attached continue to detach and dissolve. The intensity within the collective during this full moon is rapidly increasing, leading to profound surges in emotional sensitivity for many ascending individuals.

This full moon will highlight what is out of alignment in the heart centre, it is a time of truth discovery in self’s current situations, planetary energies are aligning to prepare for profound global change, during this full Moon, collective duality is at play and will be amplified, however the focus for the ascending is expanding their light consciousness and activating transformation into unity consciousness and new beginnings on ascending Earth.

The heart and third eye chakra energy bodies are merging, unlocking cosmic communication abilities. There is a heightened shift towards heart-centered living in new earth, a much higher state of vibrational existence.

Love is now becoming the new normal for the ascending. There may be those that feel disoriented at this time transforming into a much higher state of conscious being. Allowing self to rest, practicing patience, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-love.

Keeping dark thoughts at bay in this full moon, recognizing self to be the master and deliberate creator here in new earth creation as conscious self-recreation takes place, allowing for the true self emergence as the metamorphosis cycle occurs, recognizing that this time on earth is truly sacred and one of miracles, strengthening internal beliefs as many will be tested during this full moon and duality gateway activation,

Divine Love is true salvation on this dualistic planet and the ascending sovereign are here to fully reclaim their sovereign and divine birthright.

The All Seeing third Eye is activating and awakening, granting the self-access to many hidden truths and higher realm wisdom. Expanding Into this alchemical process of transformation towards a lighter, multi-dimensional existence. Time on ascending planet is becoming fluid, and a new way of life is centered deeply in love, compassion and unity consciousness.

This intense planetary energy provides strength and courage to release what no longer serves and brings in heightened awareness to the unlimited potential and possibilities through transformation. Anything out of alignment in new earth is no longer supported and may possibly collapse during this intense gateway.

Solar Plexus upgrades and Kundalini activations are occurring in many, leading to temporary fatigue and disorientation due to the intense integration process. These energies help to conquer inner fears, to make vibrationally aligned and conscious choices, to be present, to take inspired action, to remain sovereign, authentic, true to the self, feeling supported and guided on the chosen path.

This full moon activation will rapidly shift many ascending into higher conscious time lines and accelerate their ascension, the ascending are experiencing heightened energy levels at this time as Cosmic Light Codes are pouring into our planet creating a significant collective Solar Plexus activation. This is intensifying in energy and aligning the ascending with soul's truth.

In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service

Source Inspiration: By Ascension Lightworkers


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