A Message from the Angels: Ride Life's Waves of Love and Purpose
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- Written by Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Imagine you are sitting on a beach. You have the coziest chair or the softest towel.
The sun and sand are warm and there is a gentle breeze blowing. The pleasant sound of waves crashing on the shore and the murmur as they recede is hypnotic. You inhale deeply while watching the waves rush up on the shore and then fall back into the eternal sea. Up and back. Up and back.
The never-ending motion of the ocean brings you into the eternal presence where there is nothing to do but be. Up and back. Merging with sand and sea, you are not an observer of this landscape. You are part of it. The ocean is part of the eternal motion of energy. You feel your own energy relax into its rhythm, as you take in the nourishig energy with each wave that crashes up on the shore. Exhale, releasing what no longer serves as the waves recede into the ocean. In and out. Up and back. Shut your eyes if you like, and imagine watching those waves come and go as they bring you into a deep state of relaxation.
Your world appears uncertain at times, but those waves go up and back endlessly. Your seasons come and go, Your jobs come and go. Relationships come and go, and governments come and go, and those waves continue in their eternal dance. The years pass and you change but the ocean remains constant. In and out, up and back, always changing, but nonetheless always there.
So, dear ones, what is the meaning of life? What is the point of it all if you, like those waves, reach beyond the ocean for a brief time in this life and then recede back into the eternal ocean of love? How do you find meaning in a world that seems random and chaotic. The answer is simpler than you might imagine.
Each wave that rolls up on the shore creates a new experience. It sculpts the beach in different ways, affects the tourists in new interactions, delights the fish, and tosses the shells... in short, it expresses itself in a new and unique way and then brings that experience back into the ocean, adding to all that this ocean knows itself to be. The wave is an extension of the ocean, creating new experiences and enriching its awareness of all it can be. It returns to the ocean, richer for the experience and more aware of all that they are.
You, dear ones, are waves in an ocean of consciousness, an ocean of love, an ocean of Divinity. You reach out into a new reality when you incarnate upon the earth. You carve out this reality in various ways, some loving, some not so much, but in any case, you have experiences, and you learn what feels good and what does not. You learn how to expand love, and in some cases, you forget and pinch yourself off trom the experience of your true nature.
Your life is about love, dear ones. How will you aim it, shape it, experience it, and expand it? What would you like to "carve out" in your time upon this earth as you bring your unique perspective and point of view to the heart? What would you like to experience? How would you like to share and receive love in this particular sojourn upon the planet?
You are not judged against some mythical scorecard at the end of your life. You are loved, and welcomed home.
You are not judged by the widgets or the money you did or didn't produce.
You are not judged by the number of friends you had, your accomplishments in the eyes of the world, or the likes you generated on social media.
You are not even judged by the number of people you helped... or hurt.
Dear ones, you are not judged. You are loved.
At the end of your life you stand in the light of the Divine, in the deepest, truest essence of your very being. You feel loved, cherished, and valuable, and in that moment, you know exactly what you did that was loving and what you did that was not. You celebrate the love you received and shared. You often see how you could have done differently when you pinched off love. And best of all you will see the farthest reaches of the love you shared and how it impacted earth for generations to come.
You may think nothing of the door you held for a stranger and the smile you shared. You don't know how desperately this person needed to be seen. You don't know how you changed their day or prevented an accident or an outburst that would affect all their loved ones and their loved ones loved ones.
You can't possibly see the far-reaching ripple effect of your life until you reach the other side, but we can assure you that with each kind, loving, or appreciative though or action, you are putting a ripple in the cosmic pond that continues on far past anything you can possibly imagine. And someday, when you rejoin us, you will know this love that you shared, and you will celebrate every small, seemingly insignificant loving thought or action you left behind on the shores of your earthly experience,
As for those who pinch themselves off from love and inspire others to pinch themselves off too—pray for them or ignore them. They have no power over you except insofar as they inspire you to forget who you really are. If someone offers hate, and you remember you are love, they cannot affect you. If someone offers insecurity but you rest securely in Divine love, they cannot wobble you. If someone offers chaos, but you rest in the stability of your connection with the source, their chaos remains with them.
Fear not dear ones. Fret not. We know your world often looks unhinged and uncertain, but you can count on the endless motion of the ocean and the endless flow of love. As you reach beyond the known to bring your love into new creations, know that you will all someday return to the ocean of love, to your true nature, rich with experience, awareness, and a sense of becoming more than you were before.
The point of life is love, dear friends, Seek it. See it. Be it. In so doing you will experience the constancy of the ocean of love, the peace present in its, depths and the security you have had beneath and within you all along.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message from Ann
Hi Everyone,
I'm writing this Thursday night during the lunar eclipse. I've always loved the moon. I often think about the fact that for centuries and in countless lifetimes, I've looked up and admired its same light and presence. I've reveled in the beauty it reveals as it casts its soft glow on the otherwise dark landscapes. I have sat out under the full moon, slept under it, and spent hours contemplating the beauty of life as it shines overhead. Tonight, it is shining brightly, and in spite of the chill of winter's last hurrah, I'm out at midnight taking pictures. An hour ago, it looked like an acorn with a cap of light. Now, it is a pure red pearl in the starry night sky. So beautiful. I don't mind the kink in my neck that comes from pointing the camera straight up or the chill in my knees from the cool grass. The moon's beauty is a constant that spans lifetimes.
So much of nature was here eons before us and will be here eons after. I stand with my back against trees that were born far before I was and who will outlive me. I have visited places rich with forgotten history and mysteries, and I'm sure I now walk in places that will be the curiosity of future societies. Our forms are temporary, but the love we create is a note that sounds through eternity.
So, as we watch the circus in our world right now, there's no need to fear. A power so much greater, richer, and more loving is our Source and the Source of all creation. As I like to say, "Aligned with the Divine, everything is fine." I see this time and again in my life and my client's lives. Someone loses a job but resting in the faith that they are loved, they're guided to a better one. A spouse cheats on someone. It hurts beyond words, but by leaning strongly on the One who will never betray them, the person is guided to love themselves in a way that opens them to more love than they could have ever imagined. A child leaves this earth far too early, and yet in reaching for them, grieving parents often find that their child becomes their teacher, offering them a glimpse into a love beyond reason as they grow forward together. These things are unthinkably hard, and that is an understatement. No one in the heavens expects us to feel warm and fuzzy about them, but as we move into greater awareness and connection with the Source, we find the love we seek in all things and all beings, even after the toughest of times.
I go to the Divine all the time for all things great and small. "I know you know where my keys are. Please help me find them." "Would this warranty plan be helpful for me?" "How do I cope with this anger I see in the world? With the pain? The loss of life and jobs and security." "How do I help my very dear ones who have come close to death recently?" Resting in the awareness that we are loved, the answers come. I find my keys in the kitchen. I realize the warranty plan isn't necessary. I hear, "Rest in my love. Look through my eyes. " I sit, breathe, receive and once again feel that peace and Presence that surpasses all understanding." I am given a nudge when to call my dear ones when they need prayers the most. All may not seem "right" with the world right now, but all is right in my world, even with its highs and lows. Aligned with the Divine all will be fine.
Here are some ways to tap into the constant and eternal love when you feel anxious or concerned about life, the world, or anything you are experiencing:
1. Look at nature
No matter the challenges we face, they are temporary. No matter how we cannot even fathom a solution, there is a power that can offer one. The things that seemed insurmountable in our past are behind us now, and all challenges we face today will also fall behind us in time. The most devastating loss can lead us to reach and stretch to connect with dimensions of love we never would have known otherwise. We will all reunite with our dear ones. We will all move beyond the current situations.
As we look at nature, we are reminded that while change is inevitable, the force of life keeps flowing. Plants die in the winter and burst into glorious new life in the spring. The flowers that bloom today might be gone tomorrow but give way to fruits, seeds, and berries. The animals come and go in their visits to the yard, leaving me in a constant state of curiosity about who will visit next, and the trail I've known and loved for decades has been reshaped by a flood within hours, offering new twists and turns and paths to be discovered.
Life keeps on lifing. Spring follows all winters. All that challenges us today will pass. Nature is a beautiful reminder.
2. Quiet the mind
Eternity is found in stillness. We can wrap our thoughts around a problem and dance with it for decades, or we can quiet the mind and find a peaceful moment in which we allow the stillness to speak vibrationally to our hearts. We can watch the clouds, take a few deep breaths, nap, or meditate. However we quiet the mind, it is a useful way to tap into the eternal - that peace that lies in the depths of the ocean of love rather than the turbulence that grabs our attention at the surface.
There isn't one right way to do this. Use whatever works for you. On occasion, it has been a glass of red wine for me! More often it is my practice of sitting in ice water. Naps are nice, too.
However you quiet the mind, it is a quick and kind way to tap into the eternal peace.
3. Look for the good
Love is eternal. The pains, challenges, and problems, although they seem huge at times, are only shadows dancing in front of a constant light. Look for the good anywhere and everywhere. You'll find it in the smallest ways. A whiff of rain in the air today felt like love. The chilly night with a beautiful red moon feels like love. The stars twinkling look like love. The smell of a candle burning in my dimly lit kitchen feels like love.
These are such small things in life compared to the turmoil and contentiousness going on in the world, but love is real, and all the shadow dancing in the world cannot dim the truth that love is what lives beneath and within all things. It is worth looking for it, wherever you find it, because when you tune into any love, you are tuning into the One love.
The fleeting forms on the surface of the ocean come and go, but in its depths, there is stillness and peace. The fleeting situations on earth come and go, but in the depth of the Divine, there is love and guidance around all obstacles. A dear one worries about his retirement plan being taken away, and I gently remind them that "God is still God." God is my retirement plan! God is my source of all that I need.
Though the groceries come from the store today, they could come from a farmer's market tomorrow or from an independent gardener. Though the money to pay the bills comes from your job today, it could come via a gift tomorrow (I've seen this. happen to people!). Though the answers come from a trusted friend today, they could come from a total stranger tomorrow.
As we loosen up our control over how we feel life and others must look, think, and act, we allow the Divine to deliver the essence of all our desires in many ways. We begin to see the waves of love flowing into our lives in many ways, no matter what others choose to experience.
So many I talk to these days are worried about our world, our country, our bills, you name it. Yet our grandparents lived through wars, and most of our great-grandparents lived through the Great Depression. I'm sure they thought the world was falling apart, too, but here it is, still held together by love. Here we are, still moving forward in love.
So, while we watch the ebb and flow of the world's forms, remember the eternal ocean of love lives beyond all we see on the surface. Take comfort in the fact that this love is reality and the only thing that will last for all eternity. You are this love.
Have a blessed week,
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