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How Homeopathy Heals: Science or Myth?

How Homeopathy Heals: Science or Myth?

Homeopathy is a traditional system of medicine which employs healing substances containing intense charges of etheric life energy.

It was developed in Germany in 1796 by the physician Samuel Hahnemann. Today, other countries also include homeopathy in their healthcare systems, taking advantage of its low cost and effectiveness in curing many conditions.

Hahnemann discovered the Law of Similars, which states that you can treat like with like. A substance that causes symptoms when taken in larger doses can be used in micro-dose amounts to treat those same symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause insomnia and a mental and physical restlessness. However, when prepared as a homeopathic remedy it can treat people with insomnia and restlessness.

Another principle involved is that Less is More, meaning that less physical material allows for a higher charge of etheric life energy. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by specialty pharmacies utilizing a highly refined process of repeated dilution and succussion (a specific form of vigorous shaking).

Homeopathic remedies include a range of elements, compounds, and plant-based substances which are diluted and energetically boosted in a series of stages. To produce a remedy, first one part of the chosen substance is diluted with 99 parts of water, making a 100:1 or “1C” dilution. Then, it is shaken vigorously many times.

Traditionally this was achieved by holding a vial of the substance in the hand and then striking the base of the hand on a book forty times. Later, machinery was developed to automate this task. As we shall see, the shock of the substance hitting a solid object is key to the process of etheric empowerment.

To produce a basic 6C remedy, the process is repeated for a total of six times, each time diluting the substance by 100:1. Similarly, a higher potency of 30C means that it has been diluted and shaken vigorously 30 times. 30C is the most commonly available medium potency and is typically utilized to address acute episodes or illnesses that manifest as flare-ups of an underlying chronic condition. This higher potency affects whole organ systems, involving groups of related organs and tissues, such as. the digestive, respiratory, or immune systems.

How the etheric charge is amplified

In homeopathy, succussion is the severe shaking or repeated impact of a dilute solution of the remedy material. Every material is composed of three energies – etheric, electric and magnetic. The electro-magnetic parts are physical in nature. Etheric energy is pre-physical and is not seen by human physical eyes.

With succussion, every time the container is brought down hard and made to hit a solid object, the base of the container stops the physical part of the substance in its tracks, but the etheric energy component continues on, passing through the base like a ghost and continues its trajectory out into the room.

At the same time, because the container is being shaken in the same up-and-down direction every time, the magnetic axes of the physical atoms all line up in one direction. This has the effect of immediately attracting new etheric energy into the container to replace the lost etheric energy.

Each time the solution is diluted, 99 parts of pure water are added to one part of the active component. This expands the energetic capacity of the container by a factor of 100:1 because, while the water is energetically neutral, the remedy attracts its own pattern of etheric energy. That’s how a 1C solution becomes twice as powerful as a 2C solution, then 3C, 4C, 5C and so on.

Naturopaths and other homeopathic practitioners are expert at recommending specific remedies for specific complaints, depending on many personal factors. However, there is a simple alternative available to those who wish to investigate homeopathic cures.

Homeopathic cell salts

In the 1860s, Dr Wilhelm Schuessler noted that the active ingredients in the most successful homeopathic remedies were inorganic minerals, so he decided to isolate and identify the mineral components. From his research he concluded that only 12 minerals are required for our bodies to function properly.

When you take a cell salt remedy, you are supplying some or all of the 12 minerals as micronutrients that enable your body to rebuild itself on a cellular level. They can not only eliminate symptoms, but also correct the underlying imbalances that caused the symptoms in the first place.

As a first venture into homeopathic healing, people can take all of the necessary cell salts in one 12-in-1 tablet. Hylands Bioplasma tablets are one example, containing all 12 of the standard homeopathic cell salt remedies, thereby opening up the possibility of improvement in a wide range of conditions (not just the ones officially listed).

*For new insights into more mysteries of the universe, be sure to read my book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.
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Courtesy of Owen Waters Source Here

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