Ascension Lightworkers: Higher Heart Awakens for Earth’s 2025 Shift
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- Written by Ascension LightWorkers

Earth has approached the TRANSITIONAL SEPARATION which was destined to unfold.
In 2025, it continues to rotate into the major phase of the heightened shift. All authentic awakened Ones are experiencing this great separation in conscious timelines. This has been the most profound Energetic Transfer ever to take place during this current transition of earth.
At the very moment you entered the linear time of 2025, a Multidimensional Energetic Separation shook the entire bubble of the earth plane, now having graduated to the "Higher Heart" center and entering the Higher Dimensional Light at the moment of separation. This needed to occur to be connected into the Higher Light Network.
The higher heart space is the space within self that is healed. It contains the divine intelligence of the higher self, serving as the smart internal body capable of healing the emotional and physical body. The higher heart space represents the healed and whole self.
The Ascending individuals will find their unique positions in the Profound Shift towards the Higher Heart center, the central point for all new alignments and connections. The Higher Heart serves as the all-knowing, essential tool to self-actualization, to engage in the new transformational process.
The Heart will become an alleviating element within these higher realm light spaces. Now understanding why graduation to the "Higher Heart" is so necessary, it’s the only specific element necessary for entry and engagement with the Higher Dimensional Light Plane.
This is why all ascending have been experiencing prolonged rapid heartbeats and heart palpitations during the Ascension process.
Now and until July of this year, waves of Starseeds have been ascending to higher realms and this will intensify with the Major portal activations now taking place.
Activation Portal into the next gateway of 4-4 is already Increasing in its Power; the doorway opens and widens for higher Ascension. This Date is directly setting stage for the clear separation between 2-3D and 4-5D to transpire and to prepare the building blocks for New Earth’s Foundation.
As the New Earth energies intensify, our ways of thinking may be challenged. The Veil is now extremely thin and the other side is coming into earth reality for those that can see past this conscious physical and dense world.
New earth energies are lifting the veil more and more as consciousness increases and expands. This is a requirement for entering the new dimensions with the raising of internal vibrations and frequencies. The old paradigms and archaic belief systems are drastically falling to the wayside to create space for the real and for the new.
Starseeds, there is a profound energetic shift happening within self-right now, where anything inauthentic can no longer survive in new earth energy. Relationships, jobs, social structures, old ways of thinking—anything built on elusive and shaky ground is destined to crumble and collapse.
This is occurring to bring ascending self-back to its true origins of who the self truly is both individually and to society as a whole, living a life that is in alignment with higher self-source connection.
The Ascending are being called to surrender.
To possibly stop trying so hard to hold it all together, to loosen the grip, to lighten up a little more in the in-between stages, allowing ascension to do its work in your life.
Allowing for the necessary breaking and crumbling of old ways to occur, the sooner self’s rebirthing can take place. It is always the internal resistance that slows things down as the old ways of thinking can often creep in. Paying attention to what thoughts align, this is the breaking down of the conditioned linear framework of thinking.
The Ascending are at the end of one cycle and the beginning of many new ones. Embracing these endings in self is what is leading the conscious self to the truth as a profound new journey propels you towards the soul's purpose.
A strong dividing line has taken place on this planet between humans; this divide is one of no return, between a pure consciousness field 5D and a vibrational energy state in dense and obsolete frequency of 3D. This will have a very strong impact on experiencing higher time lines compared to families, friends, relationships, acquaintances.
To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn't blind; it is visionary. Faith is believing that the universe is always on our side, and that the universe knows exactly what it is doing at all times. Faith requires commitment to complete self-surrender.
Self may find a desire to stabilize past memories and bring everything back to its former state, yet those fields from the past have fractured and are now moving in a completely different direction. This makes it more difficult to manage especially because doing so goes against self’s intuition.
Never before in human history have we ascended the mind and physical in this way and because of this, ascension symptoms will increase before they eventually subside and fade out of the human experience. Self is new to higher ascension taking place on our planet; this is why at times it can feel very uncomfortable within.
Everything, absolutely everything in new earth living is linked by resonance. The time lines between one and the other will produce two separate realities, two opposite forces. The Ascending will be living the reality that is based in the heart centre to create the world they are most aligned with. Ascending individuals are powerful enough as they help many others ascend in the collective.
Solar flares are emitting high-level light coded energies that are expected to end next week; these cosmic flares are initiating DNA upgrades leading to significant internal shifts and heightened awareness of higher consciousness on Earth. Ascending ones are fully prepared for this incredible transformation taking place.
Ascending self is being guided to leave the past behind and welcome the new and the true in life. The universe is encouraging the ascending to release residual fears that once held them back; as more fears release from the embedded subconscious, they will no longer rule in self and in life.
The Ascending embody sovereign-based courage, strength, resiliency, patience and authenticity. They are fully supported in their quest for higher self-connection, now becoming an unstoppable force on this planet, breaking through opposing energies. Guided by universal truth and deeper self-discovery as they move towards authentic self-expression and soul expansion.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers. ©
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