The Elders: Your Destiny's Secret Code
- Details
- Written by Robyn G. Locke

What Do You Unknowingly Hold?
Are you unknowingly storing lesser energy? Do you know of what we speak? Have you unknowingly (or otherwise) taken on energy of another? Have you accepted energy, believing it to be something that it was not? Might we take a deep dive now for your consideration and understanding? As you continue on, know that you may want to pause and contemplate upon what we speak…let us continue.
Sometimes, you may be in a more trusting position, and when searching and seeking, you accept allowing in what you do not now know or understand. When you cannot see if something suggested is of a higher or lower way, do you allow it in anyway? Do you know what we suggest here? In other words, do you allow in what is not in keeping with your energy or its equivalent? Recognize that there are many alternate beings in existence. All do not hold the same energy. Discernment here is key.
Do you know what it is that we suggest understanding here? It is that you must sit with any recommendation to store energy from another … especially from an unknown source. Internalize what is suggested. Know that those things not seen must be verified before you allow them to enter in. Each thing you consider must be mused upon. They must be contemplated upon. They must be considered from your heart space.
Know that all is meant to be understood from your heart space and no other. Do not make mental presumptions and assumptions. Each thing that you consider must be ferreted out as to its value and significance. Seek to discover what is unknowingly held.
What Are You Unknowingly Harboring
Sometimes, what is allowed entrance in is then forgotten. And if energy has been stored within you from a previous lifetime when you were in a different space of understanding but then forgot what you held, did you unknowingly foster something that moved with your Soul to subsequent embodiments? If this happened more than a time or two ago, you may be harboring something unknown in your being and world.
Many have remnants from another time. Energy tethered to the one or the other that is not of their making is hard to detect. Recognize this. Recognize that you have much energy in other regards awaiting release. This energy draws more of its kind to you. This is different than what we suggest today, but know there is much here. Become the consciously aware guardian of the energy you keep. Become the wise custodian.
Do not allow access to what you have unknowingly fostered within your body vessel. Ask inwardly if you are already holding that which has no reason for being in your body or in your life right now. You see, when a kernel of other energy is stored within, it allows access to what is unseen and may not have your best interests at heart. Learn what is what within your body. Begin by asking inwardly if this is true for you.
Discover, too, that dreams are the means of much. They impart more understanding and knowledge than you might now know.
Given in Love Excerpt –
Dream: In this dream, I found that others were storing things in my home. They were storing a lot of things.
How is that possible? Of course, I suppose anything is possible. Especially since we don’t know what we don’t know.
Yes. Much is still unknown, but we are breaking barriers now, and those barriers have been present for a time and more time. It is time to know certain things that will help you better navigate here. It is when you take on other things that you need not do that more can be, but not in a good way. Do you see how, oftentimes, you give permission to something that you do not truly know or fully understand? This is that.
Based on what I saw in my dream, I have a lot of energetic things stored that originated from others. There’s quite a bit here. Much has accumulated. It was difficult to walk around. How do I readily identify this extra baggage and remove it? Will this help me release more?
It will do more than that. Sit now and focus on your heart space. Sit now in the expectancy of Love. Sit now and ask for more to be. Be in that space of Loving Embrace. Be the more that you ask for. Be this and more now.
Recognize that what you easily see in another may be a mirroring aspect that you might become aware of now. Upon this recognition and realization, simply release what is unwanted. Remove undesired energy in this way.
-Chapter 10, Given in Love
Become the Wise Custodian
Know that there is much here. More for you to know. Sit with this understanding now and see if this is true for you. Ask and ask again. Center from your heart space. Ask for more.
Written authorization from Robyn G. Locke, granting exclusive permission to republish her articles. © 2025. All rights reserved.
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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