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Countdown to Eclipse Equinox

World in Awe as Eclipse Spectacle Unfolds

This week’s Eclipse-Equinox Activations are going to accelerate 2024’s breakthroughs.

Many have been experiencing deep, cellular purging since LionsGate. In just hours, the first of two eclipses occurs, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at °25 Pisces on September 17-18 (depending on time zone).

Pisces, the 12th house of the zodiac, represents the deepest part of the subconscious and rules dreams, visions, intuition, the mysterious. All week I’ve been waking up in disturbing matrix dreams…bringing up to the surface buried anxiety for clearing. So much is being flushed up to conscious awareness as the cycle nears completion. You are experiencing the Refiner’s Fire of Purification in preparation for the Equinox and Eclipse Season.

Eclipses are turbo-charged events, setting into motion ‘breakthrough’ moments. Just a few days apart, these powerful events create a cosmic bridge to the higher realms. They act like a threshold tipping point, propelling you to the next level of your Ascension.

During a lunar eclipse, the sun temporarily blocks the moon, allowing hidden emotions and subconscious to be revealed. In Jungian theory, “the shadow” is made up of the disowned parts of ourselves, the unconscious self. Eclipses are galactic events of transformation and fated change. Being in Pisces, you may feel an intensity in the field. It is a time to pay attention to your dreams, visions, unexpected shifts and openings.

The shift from lower egoic self to Higher Self emergence is a profound and challenging process. From the ashes of the false persona rises the divine essence that is You. The True Self! This is a powerful and potent time for soulful breakthroughs.

These hours between the Eclipse and the Equinox provide the fertile ‘seed moment’ for your visions and heart desires to be conceived in the earth plane for manifesting. Move beyond the constraints of 3D-4D, and open your mind, visions, and desires to the infinite 5D quantum field of all possibilities.

Much change is initiated during the ‘eclipse zone’ and Equinox. We are closing out the old matrix timeline. We are releasing the outdated human energetics, to be replaced with Soul energetics. We acknowledge our ancestors, the Primordial Gods of the 12 Root Races that starseeded the Zep Tepi divine human prototype. All resides deep within our hidden templates. The divine human is awakening with us!

The Equinox arrives on September 22nd at 0° Libra when night and day are nearly the same length all over the world. It is a rare zero point portal, the balanced stillness between past and future in the Now. Not a ripple or chaotic disturbance in the field, but divine, calm balance. It is sublime!

Zero point energy is potent, fertile, and vibrant with infinite vitality. It is the void space of all possibilities. The Equinox provides a magical moment out of time when we can ignite our visions and heart-felt desires into reality. The Equinox assists you to gather and absorb, adjust and acquire inner balance.

The new Ascension timeline is gaining momentum this year. We are releasing the past reality of human enslavement in a global control program, so that we can activate the divine DNA human blueprint. I’ve been releasing and clearing non-stop this year. It has been liberating! As I prepare to travel to Egypt this Saturday, I’ve been securing my energy field in the crystalline Ascension gates.

The coming Equinox provides safe haven, the quiet between the storm, the joy in the now. It is a time to celebrate not what pulls us apart, but what pulls us together. In a rare moment of cosmic equilibrium, a galactic gateway opens to infinite potential. Take advantage of this opportune time to seed your Soul’s visions and intentions. The global Ascension timeline is alive and vibrating!

Lovingly, Meg


Copyright (c) 2024 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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