Illuminate Your Inner Light Now
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- Written by Kenneth Schmitt

Everything comes from Light. It is the quality of Creator Consciousness.
Apart from light, nothing can be recognized. Light is the essence of every electromagnetic wave, including the limitless number beyond our perceptions. Every wave within the band of electromagnetic energy of the empirical world is, in its essence, a localized conscious entity of light that appears as an empirical particle when we recognize it as such. Recognition occurs within our awareness when we pay attention and energetically align with its object in our imagination. On a subatomic level, everything is an expression of localized conscious entities that we call photons, electrons, neutrons, protons and their constituent entities. Everything is light in localized patterns. Somewhere between what we perceive as visible light and solid physicality, a change in the nature of light occurs. That point is the introduction of human consciousness, which began to create the change by realization of its occurrence and the recognition of physicality in the wave patterns that pass through our awareness. Regardless of the creation of physicality from pure energy of light, the essence of everything is still Light. Nothing would exist without it. It is the life-enhancing energy of all creation, and it is ours to direct as we love according to the desires of the heart of our Being.
Since we have been entranced in the world of physicality, we have blinded ourselves to our inner light. We do not even know what inner light is. We have forgotten the nature of its essence. If we want to remember this expression of consciousness, we can penetrate the mystery with our realization of the nature of every constituent of physicality. Every subatomic entity and its constituent entities are localized swirling points of light, traveling at trillions of vibrations per second, overwhelming our clarity of awareness and becoming physical for us.
Because of the way we recognize what is in our awareness, our perception as physical waves of light expressed by light-beings, depends upon the limits of our awareness. How can we register in our awareness the speed of subatomic entities? We cannot. This is where they become physical for us, and we perceive ourselves incarnated in a body consisting of innumerable sub-atomic light-beings, forming species consciousness among themselves and all aligning with our conscious perspective, with our body-consciousness expressing itself as filled with vitality as much as we allow for ourselves.
Without the limitations that we place upon ourselves by our limiting beliefs, we transform into clear Beings of Light, radiant in every way. We become aware of our inner light and the inner light of everyone and everything. When we desire to participate in the physical world, we can unfocus our awareness, creating a holographic physicality. At the same time, we can be aware of the brilliance of the world of unconditional acceptance and love, the qualities of Light energy.
Part of our essence is our ability to imagine beyond the realm of materiality. We are free to pay attention to realms beyond time and space as well as the life processes in the cells of our bodies. We can open our awareness as far as we allow ourselves. Outside of ourselves, there are no limits. How open we are is our personal choice, along with the programming in our subconscious. We must gain a cooperative resonance with our subconscious awareness, in a vibratory alignment that opens our awareness. One way is repetition and practice. Another is when the ego-consciousness is inactive during sleep, daydreaming or meditation.
We can train ourselves to calm our ego by knowing that we are completely fulfilled in every way all the time. This knowing is our choice. It can happen by directing our imagination toward scenarios that we love and are grateful for. In every moment there is an energetic balance of light and dark. We recognize the quality that we choose. Whichever one we pay attention to becomes real for us. Because we believe in its reality, we experience it as we believe it is. This all happens within our own consciousness.
If we choose our polarity, so that we recognize the dark aspect of a scenario, that’s what becomes real for us. When we learn to direct our attention to the vibratory quality that we love, that’s what becomes real for us, unless we don’t believe it. Our limiting beliefs about ourselves are held deeply in our subconscious. Through deep meditation, we can realize their origins, and we can resolve them. In this way we can transcend our limitations intentionally, expanding and intensifying our awareness in a wonderful way.
We can choose to live in a state of gratitude and joy, while imagining and seeing the light in every conscious being. When we can believe in it and know this as reality, we transform our lives into an experiential realm of beauty and soulful love and joy. This realm can exist in our present experience. If we hold doubt about its reality, we direct our attention to the realm of fear. This diminishes our life and disempowers our visions, even though it exists only in our own consciousness.
As we intentionally create heart-felt experiences with our imagination and emotions, we gain access into universal consciousness, and we can also transform our lives. In our essence we are unlimited in conscious awareness. Because we have limited ourselves, we are the ones who must transcend our conscious limitations by intentional recognition and realization of the energetic patterns that become our experiences. The radiance of our vibratory presence is an expression of our beliefs and realizations. By holding our attention on the light of infinite love within our heart-consciousness, we receive inspiration to align with life-enhancing vibrations that become the qualities of our experiences.
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