Trust the Woo: Secrets to Cosmic Connection
- Details
- Written by Terry Andrews

About 20 years ago, I was out for a walk one night and encountered a doctor walking his dog. “It’s a beautiful evening,” he said, “just look at the stars.”
And it was: one of those clear evenings where the night sky dazzles. Out of my mouth popped the words, “And we’re made of that stardust.” Later, I felt embarrassed, because this was very early in the ascension process for me, and I didn’t know why I’d said that.
But on this journey, we eventually learn to trust. We trust the wonkiness, the weirdness and the woo that we begin to encounter. Something inside us awakens and we focus on the new experiences coming into our lives. Many things begin to make sense, and we see the magic that lies just out of reach for most of the people we know.
We feel the momentum and the thrust. We are definitely being thrust into something way beyond what we thought was true.
We begin to see things that nobody else can see, we begin to know things. We begin to hear things. And we encounter magical experiences everywhere.
We’ve now reached a new level with this process, and there is unusual newness happening again. A lot of it feels unexplainable, but if we think back, that’s how it was when this started. There were many unexplainable things that happened.
This past week, I’ve had many things that don’t have a logical explanation. I‘ll share one. On my bike ride, I stopped to pull out a fruit-nut bar for a quick snack. A piece of the wrapper fell off. I put it in my pocket to throw away when I got home, but it disappeared. I looked for it and couldn’t find it, and felt bad that I had dropped it.
The next day, opening my garage door, there, lying next to the rear tire of my car, was the missing piece that was lost 2 blocks away. I have no explanation for how it got to my garage, because I had checked my pocket 3 times. The only thing that made sense was that I wanted to dispose of it, so it made its way to me.
I know that sounds crazy, but that’s just one of several odd things that happened this week. They make no sense. But because there were several, it shows we are in a new pattern, and new energy. We’ve shifted again.
We’re moving into even more expansion with these profoundly altering frequencies, and we’re being asked to trust that all is well. We are riding the cosmic current, on our way to the new world we are creating. We bid goodbye to the rules of the past and we welcome the magical way things work now. It’s effortless. And we’re ready. It’s our time to live in a light-filled, stardust-infused, heart-focused world that we have all helped to dream into being.
It’s our time to live in a light-filled, stardust-infused, heart-focused world that we have all helped to dream into being.
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