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Dress Rehearsal

theater with red curtain and seats

It’s almost show time.

There are still many folks out there in the world who are unawakened.  Unawakened to both the mundane and the Heavenly.  They don’t know the truth of the horrors of this world and who has been running it.  They also don’t know the truth about themselves, who they really are.  Life is about to thrust the truth of the world all up in their faces.

They could use your light.

Have you rehearsed?  No really.

Ya know, we can all blabber away online and it’s great that we do document things as we go, never know who it may be useful to down the road.  But for the most part, when we do that, we’re preaching to the choir.  If folks are reading your writings, watching your videos, it’s probably because they are awakened.  Yep, the choir.  There’s really no reason to even have any concern whatsoever about those folks.  They’re on path.  Score!

But the unawakened could use your help.  In many cases, those unawakened souls will not be interacting with you online and through your sites, but in your day to day life, out there, in person.  In some cases it’s just strangers who have a brief interaction with you.

That’s your chance to be the Spiritual Minuteman, the Spiritual Opportunist.  Seize any and every opportunity, no matter how brief, to bring a wee bit more light into someone’s life.  You won’t often get time to have lengthy discussions.  So, how can you get the biggest bang for your buck in your brief interactions with your fellow human?  Have you considered such?  What words will you use?  What concepts will you convey in a sentence or two?

I like to use the following as an example, but your interactions may not involve this topic, but just to give you some idea…

When speaking of those who have been secretly running this world for many years, I like to use the word “cabal”.  Most people who don’t know about the cabal don’t even know that word.  With just that word, you’ve conveyed an awful lot more light / information than you would with, oh, say, “globalist” or “establishment” or the like.  People will probably ask you to repeat the word and they’ll be looking it up first chance they get.  You just shifted their paradigm with one word.

We silly lightworkers often like to use little one-liner wisdom tidbits, such as “Energy flows where attention goes”, “What we resist persists”, “We create through our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds”, “The only way out is in”, even things like “What you think of me is none of my business”, etc.  You know, things that stick with people much like advertisement jingles, little lines that make them think, perhaps even set them back on their heels.  What tiny wisdom tidbits do you have that you like to share?

Folks, get ready.  BE ready.  Ask the Divine to help prepare you to be the ultimate in Spiritual Minutemen.  Uber Spiritual Opportunists.



I’m going to invite you to (re)read my Service to Self, Service to Others post.

There are WAY too many lightworkers out there who are still MINDLESSLY (and I don’t mean that in a good way in this case, sometimes it IS good to “lose one’s mind”, but…) parroting this “Ra Material” (and how many other channeled ETs) nonsense about STS / STO.

As someone who wrote a book with the subtitle “Top Priority: Self”, I just can’t stomach all these lightworkers putting out such DARK and disempowering nonsense as to even imply or allow someone to infer (which would be easy to do when using such lingo as STS / STO) that Serving Self is somehow “bad” in some way.  So, SO disempowering.  AHH!

If you get where I’m coming from, please help me call all these lightworkers on the carpet about the silly, dysfunctional and disempowering notions they are putting out there.  Oh Heavens, send them this post!  GAWD but this sh*t is frickin’ old!

What sits in the back of my mind as I write this is… years ago, Byron Katie wrote that she had never been much of a spiritual person and yet she’s always lived by “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”  Problem was – she didn’t love herself.  As drag queen Ru Paul says, “If ya can’t love yourself, how the hell ya gonna love somebody else?”  Indeed.

Below is a comment I left someone recently.  They received it well and they understand what I am saying… but they could stand to clean up their language.

“With the choice of Creating reality through either the perception of STO or STS.”

I have to call b.s. on the STS / STO bidness.

First, this whole either / or thing is very dualistic, limiting and not reality. “We leave a more “dualistic” view behind…” Actually not. The whole STS / STO nonsense IS dualistic. Others are “good”, self is “bad” nonsense. You even speak of them as being “polarities.” *shaking head* Purdy darned dualistic.

The truth of the matter is, the goal you are shooting for is TO SERVE, period, whether self or other. But PRIORITIES matter.

I told someone else this the other day:

“The whole concept that Service to Self is bad in some way is some of the most disempowering programming running on this planet, even before Ra (and a whole host of other ETs started talking this STS / STO nonsense) and above the veil also as ETs didn’t get it right either.

ETs needed to learn some things about these things. They have. Unfortunately, many of the “Ra Material” RELIGION followers cling very dogmatically to their religion and belief system… and that OLD, outdated (ya know, since ETs have learned some since then) Ra Material… and they have their priorities screwed up because of their Ra Material / STS-STO be-lie-fs.

In this regard, the flight attendant has much better info than Ra does as the flight attendant wisely advises to… put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others with theirs… because that’s the proper order of things.”

See more here:
Service to Self, Service to Others
“In reality, TRULY serving self is actually what best enables one TO serve others.”

I’ve understood AND LIVED this prioritization, putting self first, for many years and it is what has ENABLED me TO serve at the high level that I have. I had and still have my priorities straight.

*name*, from what else you’ve written, here and elsewhere, I know you get what I’m saying. But we create through our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds and anything that even implies, even if just initially or whatever, that serving self is bad is the kind of thing that would make me say a line that people often say to children who cuss – “Language!” It’s kinda along the same lines as Christians saying “God-fearing”. Again, “Language!”

Don’t take my word on this, just let me provide you with the next question you can take to the Divine… over this STS / STO nonsense.

“The only “constant” in Creation is “change”.” Perhaps it’s high time to change up your language concerning such.

Also, just to say… my focus right now is on those who are new or yet to awaken to the whole ascension thing and first impressions mean a lot. I have been familiar with this whole STS / STO mentality (if you will) for many years and yet at first glance, first impression it’s just reinforcing Joe Average’s disempowering program of putting Other above Self. They really don’t need help with that.

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