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ScorpioArt by Lisa Iris - www.lisairis.ca

October 23 - November 22

Spirit: To penetrate the secrets of nature

Ego: Shrewd, perceptive, strong willed, passionate

Personality: Secretive, vengeful, ardent

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Empowerment Colors: Scarlet, magenta, purple

Moderating Colors: Green

Best Day: Tuesday

Fortunate Stones: Topaz, Malachite

Body Rulership: Generative organs, colon

Best Foods: Spinach, lettuce, wheat grass juice, millet, rice

As the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio represents the eighth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. This stage is concerned with an emotional development that goes beyond Cancerian concern with home and family. Scorpio's emotional involvement is not based on love or pleasure, but on the control and understanding of human emotions and the role they play in the mysterious process of life and death. Though all Scorpios do not spend their lives pondering the mysteries of life and death, most of them are inquisitive, probing individuals. They are fascinated with how things work, especially people. Their mental and physical powers of recuperation are remarkable, and truly evolved Scorpios can learn to use their power to help and inspire others.

Scorpio - Eighth Sign of the Zodiac

Scorpios are stubborn and impervious to changes not of their own making. However they accomplish many things in life because of their tenacity in sticking with projects when others lose patience and stamina. On the surface they may seem easy-going, congenial, and gregarious but they are also extremely tenacious with a tendency to manipulate and control. Keys to their success are a strong will and the ability to get to the bottom of things. They want answers and doggedly persist until they get them. Astrological symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion and the eagle. They representative the potency and range of the formidable power and control that Scorpios can develop.

Scorpios react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they express their feelings. Though their emotions are the strongest motivational factor in their behavior, unlike the emotionally oriented Cancerians and Pisceans, Scorpios are not apt to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They consciously or subconsciously want to dominate relationships and rarely exhibit emotions openly. Even when they seem to be open, they always hold back something of themselves. They may not intentionally want to be mysterious but many of them manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They do not like being crossed or manipulated, and react to such treatment with sarcasm and vengefulness.


Modern astrologers assign Pluto, planet of intensity and depth, as the ruler of Scorpio. Ancient astrologers (unaware of Pluto's existence) assigned Mars, planet of fire and energy, as the ruler of Scorpio. Both of these planets can be seen to influence the nature of those born in Scorpio. The focus and concentration of their expressions and personality makes them appear magnetic and powerful. The fiery energy of Mars that is exhibited when they are enthusiastic attracts and inspire others. Their intensity can be overwhelming but also subtle. Their considerable energy is not aroused or employed just to have something to do as is often the case with Aries, the other Mars-ruled personality. Unlike Aries, Scorpio is not openly combative unless it becomes necessary. Their privacy is tightly protected, and others get to know them only up to a certain point. They may not show any sign of inner struggle but when they are after something or someone their determination is fierce. Should they not be favored in the outcome, they are not willing or gracious losers. They are not arrogant and, in fact, are quite interested in others and what others have to say. However they often exhibit a self-sufficiency that implies there isn't much they don't already know.

Scorpios have a strong, competitive nature. With little effort they become exceptional athletes. They want real challenges and will not easily suffer would-be competitors who do not possess skills that are equal to their own. They enjoy sports that require strength, swiftness, and cunning. Body-building, soccer, hockey, hunting, swimming, scuba diving, and spelunking are favorite activities. Scorpio is associated with the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes. This symbol not only represents their own recuperative powers, it also represents their resourceful ability to create something new out of something old or useless. Recycling, and renovating homes and other buildings are typical projects for which they are well suited. Creative potentials include those who are outstanding cooks, writers, designers, and composers. Their shrewdness in assessing value makes them excellent real estate agents and developers, bankers, stockbrokers, and financial planners.

Scorpio colors are red, black, midnight blue, and emerald green. Vulnerable parts of the body are the reproductive organs and excretory system. Headaches, infections, and fevers are Scorpio complaints. Topaz is Scorpio's birthstone. The Roman naturalist, Pliny the Elder, traced the name to the Island of Topazos which, in Greek means "to guess. " This meaning is a fair description of the inquisitive, mystery-loving nature of Scorpio. Topaz, one of the hardest minerals, cannot be cut with a knife. It is yet another representation of the impenetrable Scorpio nature. Scorpio flowers include the anemone, heather, and gardenia.

Scorpio Character Traits

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