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Archangels of the Zodiac

zodiac archangels

The 4 main Archangels who rule over their respective astrological Zodiac sign:

Archangel Michael

Michael rules Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20), Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23) and Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Keywords associated with Michael are:

  • achieving goals
  • legal matters
  • marital matters
  • courage and protection.

Michael, mighty angel, hear my prayer;

That I may have the courage to deal with every situation I encounter,
And behave nobly with your balanced perspective;
Awesome Michael, merciful angel and protector of the just,
Help me to avoid discriminating unfairly or being discriminated against;
And guide me to success in all the positive ventures I undertake,
That I may radiate your light of mercy and justice to the world.


Archangel Raphael

Raphael rules Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 18), Gemini (May 22-Jun 21) and Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23)
Keywords associated with Raphael are:

  • communication
  • healing
  • knowledge
  • travel

Raphael, healer of mankind and bearer of knowledge to the earth, hear my prayer;

That I may be inspired to excel in all my thoughts;
Bless me as I move about the surface of the earth that I may always travel safely and with purpose;
Fill me with your patience and insight in all my dealings to handle my business with wisdom and tolerance
And always communicate clearly to avoid being misinterpreted;
Raphael, keep me ever sound in mind and body, and guide the ventures I undertake,
That I may use your power of communication and healing throughout the world.


Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel rules Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 20), Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22) and Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 23)
Keywords associated with Gabriel are:

  • achieving plans
  • domestic matters
  • imagination
  • inspiration

Gabriel, lord of the lunar tides, hear my prayer;

Guide me through the struggles of daily life and help me to develop my intuition and trust my feelings,
That my imagination may flower and my psychic abilities grow,
So I may live harmoniously and spread that harmony to all who I meet on my path.
Mighty Gabriel, bless me with the ability to communicate clearly and listen to the messages of all my senses.


Archangel Uriel

Uriel rules Taurus (Apr 21-May 21), Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23) and Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Keywords associated with Uriel are:

  • defeating inertia
  • magical powers
  • energy

Uriel, angel of peace and salvation hear my prayer;

That I will always strive to be gentle and kind in my life
And exert only enough force to achieve my goals;
Help me to overcome the pitfalls of inertia and boredom that may hinder my progress or distract me from achieving happiness and success.
Mighty Uriel, illuminate my spirit with your wisdom
That I may ever strive to fulfill my potential and to help others.



A Message from the Angels...

Dearest Soul,

We love you.

We embrace you each day to support, to guide and every night to give you comfort and soft rest.

We thank you for calling on us to help you when you are in need,

for you honor us greatly in partnership by remembering us as your helpers and good friends.

It is our greatest pleasure to be of service to you in all things great and small.

To help you find keys; to shield you in safety as you travel;

to guide to your best paths, through greatest lessons; to open the paths for you to do your best work;

to make way for you to bless and be blessed by others-these and more we do for you in joy and love.

Please put us to our tasks by your simple asking and acknowledging.

Feel our presence and our love when you are still and quiet.

We are with you, bringing your Highest Good into manifestation in the best possible time and way.

All is in Divine Order, Dear Soul.

There is a blessing evolving right now as you read these words.

We are sending you unconditional Love right here; right now.

We love you.

We love you.

We love you.

Come many times to bless and be blessed, to read our words and feel our love for you.

We love you.

We Bless you. Right here. Right Now.

In Light & Love .

Aquarius PiscesAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn

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