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Sun in Virgo

Sun in Virgo

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Virgo

The ruler of Virgo is Mercury. The glyph is said to be connected to the Immaculate Conception of the Messiah. Its symbol "The Virgin" originated from the star Spica in the constellation of Virgo.

The Virgo character is precise, refined, and a lover of cleanliness, hygiene and order. Conventional, with a rather reserved manner. They are usually observant, shrewd, critical, and patient. Supporters of the 'status quo', and conservative in all areas of life. Virgos are undemonstrative due to a coolness in their nature. Very selective and non committal in friendship, they prefer to keep relationships on a superficial basis.


Virgo Associations

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Polarity: Negative

Quality: Mutable

Element: Earth

Symbol: The Virgin

Colors: Navy Blue, Dark Gray, Brown

Metal: Mercury

Gem: Sardonyx

Animals: Domestic

Sun Sign Personality Traits for Virgo

Virgo Characteristics

Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet, wise and witty, with an understanding of other people's problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They can be name droppers as they like to associate with achievers.

Flowers: Small & Colorful

Herbs: Cat's Ear, Crosswort

Countries: Greece, Turkey, West Indies, Uruguay

Cities: Paris, Boston, Heidelberg

Body area: Bowels, Intestines

Principle: Discernment

Keywords: Analytical, Critical, Practical

Vocational Interests Suited to Virgo Tendencies

They are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Their mental bend gives them the ability to analyze and solve the most complicated problems. Virgos have a wonderful eye for detail and often neglect the overall issues. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and have good inventive talents. Hard workers and conscientious, they are perfectionists with little tolerance for shoddy work. There is no place in their world for people who are footloose and fancy free.

Due to the Virgo preference for detail rather than the big picture, they make better workers than they do leaders. Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. They have a basic distrust in their nature, not only of other people but themselves as well. They project this mistrust to others and therefore make exacting employers. Although, they will never ask anyone to do what they won't do, it is still asking a lot, because most people will not go to the pains a Virgo will.

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Virgos possess a strong potential for the arts, sciences and language. They are well suited for any career where analysis, detail and precision are required. They make excellent programmers, accountants, and statisticians. Many go into medicine, law, and the teaching profession. With an avid interest in history, some Virgos make excellent writers and researchers.

On the shadow side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanliness into obsessive behavior. There is a need to pay attention to health concerns, particularly those related to overt stress. Virgos are predisposed to worry and hypochondria, even to the point of exhibiting symptoms of the latest diseases. It can be beneficial to take up a pastime which occupies the mind and the hands, while providing a sense of accomplishment. A Virgo finds peace where his or her physical mark can be measured on Earth.

A Virgo rhyme —

But modest Virgo's rays give polished parts,

And fill men's breasts with honesty and arts;

No tricks for gain, nor love of wealth dispense,

But piercing thoughts and winning eloquence.

— Manilius

Insights to a Virgo Relationship

virgos are sometimes afraid of being vulnerable

Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, and make good partners and parents. More concerned with the outcome than the process, Virgos lack spontaneity. They are meticulous planners, considering every detail and its effect. There is seldom much room for emotional involvement because the mind is always engaged and dominant. What they lack in passion they make up for in preciseness.

Two souls contend

In me and both souls strive for masterdom,

Which from the other shall the scepter rend.

The first soul is a lover, clasping close

To this world tentacles of corporal flame,

The other seeks to rise with mighty throes

To those ancestral meadows whence it came.

—Johann Wolfgang Goethe, born: August 28

(Faust, Act I)

The Lore of Virgo in Mythology

fantsy virgo horoscope

Virgo, also known as Astraes, was the daughter of Jupiter and Themses and considered the Goddess of Justice. The constellation is one of only three which represent women. The others are Andromeda and Cassiopeia. In combination, these can be seen as the three aspects of the feminine: maiden, mother and crone.

An alternate belief associates the constellation with the tragic Coronis, lover of the Greek god Apollo. Coronis was mortal and feared that the god would tire of her as she aged, so she took another mortal, Ischys, as her lover. In his rage, Apollo shot her fatally, with an arrow. In some tales, this unjust act was carried out by Artemis, the sister of Apollo.

That Coronis was pregnant at the time did not stay the god's sense of vengeance. Her child, Asclepius, was saved by Hermes, who delivered the baby on the funeral pyre. Entrusted to the care of Chiron, the child grew to become one of the greatest healers of ancient Greece.

Our body is a machine for living. It is organized for that, it is its nature. Let life go on in it unhindered and it will defend itself, it will do far more than if you paralyze it by encumbering it with remedies.

august birth sign virgo characteristics

Traditional Cultural Translations

Arabic: Al Adhrã al Nathifah

Anglo-Norman: Pulcele

Chinese: She Sang Neu

French: Vierge

German: Jungfrau

Greek: Arista

Hebrew: Bethülah

Hindu: Kanya

Italian: Virgine

Persian: Khosha

Portuguese: Virgem

Spanish: Virgo

Who criticizes all she sees?

Yes, e'en would analyze a sneeze!

Who hugs and loves her own disease?

Yes, Virgo!

—Count Leo Tolstoi, born: August 28

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