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Why Are So Many Empaths Awakening Now?

Why Are So Many Empaths Awakening Now?

I hope this post finds you well. It’s been a couple of months since my last blog offering. I’ve been super-busy writing, researching and editing my next book. But, I’ve wanted to address this subject for a while, about something you may yourself have noticed… an Empath awakening.

You’ve probably observed the wave of Empaths who have awakened to who they are in recent years. More and more are coming to understand that many of the challenges, they have faced throughout life, have come about because they are an Empath.

Why is this awakening happening now?

Good question. There has to be a reason. Right?

For the past forty years we have seen a huge spiritual awakening. But it’s only been within the past ten years or so that an Empath’s awareness has been on the increase.

This awakening seems to have been greatly perpetuated by the fact most of us felt lost or disconnected from society and we needed to understand why. But the other fact we have to consider to this uprising is the way the world is now.

All around us there has been a surge of crazy conflict energy that is being purposely stoked. The energy of which spreads across the world like wildfire, via the internet and other channels, and is hard to extinguish. Perhaps, this could be the reason behind this Empath emergence.

The theme surrounding an Empath’s awakening appears to be similar from one person to the next. For most, it occurs after enduring dark times, or when we start to ‘work on ourselves’. For example: we may begin a yoga or meditation practice to help us deal with the sense of disconnect we feel, or we may follow a calling to study metaphysical or holistic subjects as a way to gain a greater understanding of life or to become a better person. But after adopting new ways of being, or opening up our awareness it triggered strange physical and emotional responses within. Or, in other words, it rouses dormant Empath traits.

The thing is, when we start to work on ourselves our ‘Sensitivities’ heighten. We not only feel all energy more intensely, but we may also find that we become sensitive to everyone and everything.

Why Are So Many Empaths Awakening Now?

What do I mean by this? Well, as an Empath, we have always felt the emotions and energy of others (often without realising), but when we start working on ourselves, we come to sense it more powerfully. This shows up in different ways: places frequented without problem suddenly induce exhaustion. The negative person, who used to drain us, now floors us. We start noticing injustices or seeing things in the world that were previously invisible to us. We may become more sensitive to food, chemicals and inauthenticity. There are many other ways, but the first sign of the awakening tends to be an increased sensitivity to people energy.

After experiencing emotional or physical anomalies, when around others, it sets us off on a quest to discover why. We need to know why we experience such strange emotions and energy when out in public or with certain people, and that’s when we come to learn of the term Empath… But this is only the beginning of a new journey.

How does an Empath help others?

This is a question many Empaths have burning within. We understand who we are but we might not understand what purpose our traits serve. Although, we all have individual purpose and reasons to be here, I believe collectively, as Empaths, we are here to help raise the vibration of others.

Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. When we work on ourself, our vibration speeds up and raises. We effectively become a purer brighter version of ourselves. But, in raising our own vibration, it also helps raise the vibrations of those around us. As Empaths, we not only feel and lift energy, we also project. So, by raising our frequency and becoming empowered, it has a knock-on effect. Like shining a light into the darkness, we can project our energy out.

This, I believe, is also why many Empaths face near continuous challenges (with family, friends, career, etc.), because we have to keep working on ourselves. We have to act constantly to keep our vibration high. If we had an easy ride, without the ‘Empath complications’, we would probably just sit back and enjoy the scenery. But, by experiencing challenges and obstacles, we look for ways to stay empowered and thus continue to better ourselves, which continues to raise our vibration. We also get to learn and have some incredible experiences along the way.

The fact that so many Empaths are awakening now, shows us that it is for a reason. We all have a purpose and a job to do. We are scattered all over the world to do our work from our own little corner. We keep pushing forwards, onwards and upwards to evolve our energy and that of others.

The stress levels of the populace are being perpetuated by divisive political, sexual, religious hate and fear mongering campaigns. Sensitive people are greatly affected by this, and not in a good way. If ever there was a time to keep working on self, now is it.

Even if you are a long-awakened Empath, you may find usual protection routines no longer work and that you have to go back to old grounding techniques or find new ones. Because the energy keeps shifting and changing we have to shift and change our grounding and protective methods. What might work one week, might not work the next. However, there are some remedies that always work well and they are:

  • Drink lots of water. This keeps us grounded and energised.
  • Get outdoors in nature, especially around trees. This is cleansing to the mind, body and spirit.
  • Move and work your body. This keeps your body strong and helps clear stagnant energy.
  • Avoid conflict, especially from friends, family or the media.
  • Watch you diet and note if any foods perpetuate negative emotional reactions.
  • Take time to relax and calm the mind. Meditate, do yoga or get a massage, anything that activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

As long as we continue to work on ourselves and stay in awareness, we continue to evolve as Empaths.

Hope this helps on your journey.

If you are interested in my next book ‘Become the Super-Empowered Empath You Were Born to Be,’ I have put it for pre-release in the Kindle store at half price. If you want to learn more about the book click here.


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets e-book version  Empat Power


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