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The Spiritual Significance Of The Order In Which You Were Born

The Spiritual Significance Of The Order In Which You Were Born

The family you were born into is not randomly selected. Your soul chose a specific family because it knew it would offer you the best to support your spiritual development and growth. This is true even if your life has been difficult, because the problems you have just overcome will harden you the most, teach you respect, gratitude, diligence and teach you to appreciate the little things. Don't cry over the sticks you have overcome, because these sticks have the potential to make you an extraordinary personality.

Your birth order is also not random. Whether you are the oldest, the youngest or the only one, it has spiritual significance.

The First-born
At a deeper and spiritual level, firstborn children are often extremely strong souls. Surely you all know the pressure of expectations placed on the firstborn child. This is what is symbolically the continuation of the main family story, as well as unresolved unfulfilled dreams and problems of parents and grandparents, who place the greatest hopes in the firstborn and hope that he will go the way they want. Ideally one that they did not succeed as children. In many ways, the firstborn are equipped to take on much of this stale family energy and bring fresh air of healing to the family. If they can do it, then there is really nothing that the firstborn can't do.

The firstborn, if properly managed, also act as excellent carers and educators, not only at the energy level. They protect their siblings and carry a large part of the family burden on their shoulders. Although they are strong enough to bear the burden, if these things put too much strain on them, it can lead to feelings that they are not good enough, low self-esteem, or complete resignation and withdrawal.

When they bear this burden and can turn it into something good, they move forward quickly and are often very successful in life.

The Middle-born
The middle-aged child has the potential of many talents that he needs to bring into the world, and therefore he needs the patronage of the firstborn and the friendship of the lastborn. While the firstborn is busy maintaining the shield, the middleborn can set to work on what his soul has come to achieve. In many ways, the first-born and the middle-born often work together on an energy level, even if it doesn't look like that on a physical level.

The middle-born may be forced to support the firstborn and hold it when it goes hard. At the same time, he may have the task of supporting the last born, so he feels trapped somewhere in the middle.

Most middle-born children are natural intermediaries, they can work very well with people and act as healers. They are also usually diplomatic and can look at things from a broader perspective. Sometimes they can lose sight of who they really are and easily get out of their way because they often do things for other people.

When they learn to be themselves and be more independent, they can work to create new exciting projects.

The Last-born
At the spiritual level, the last born was sent to bring lightness and joy to the family. The last-born children are to unite the family, connect it with others and establish long-term friendships. They are usually more relaxed and less likely to be burdened by the family story that the firstborn has to bear.

They often want to do things their way and for themselves. In many ways, he tries to create his own path, to create a whole new energy.

Because older siblings usually absorb much of the family burden, some recent births may lack the ability to take responsibility for their lives. They may also lack maturity and need to learn how to create their own path. However, if they learn it successfully, they can embark on innovative and inspiring projects.

The Only

The only ones are very similar to the first-born baby, but it's even harder. The only ones take on the family burden without having a middle-born to cover their backs. This means that individuals are often extremely independent and tenacious. They are also more likely to take on leadership roles than the firstborn.

Most souls who come into the world as singles usually help their parents complete something or bring more energy to something their parents worked on. At a deeper level, individuals also come to learn how to deal with emotions and feelings of emotional security. This is because individuals can sometimes have trouble making relationships with others or making healthy relationships in relationships.

One of the key differences between first-borns and only children is that individuals usually come to engage in family dynamics, while first-borns usually come to change or reshape something.

The importance of your birth order also depends on the energy of your family and the intention of your soul in general. In addition, if you are the only man or woman among your siblings, you can also resonate with the features of the firstborn, because there are different demands on a single daughter or a single son than when there are more.

© Alue K. Loskotová

Translation by CrystalWind.ca


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