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The Effect Of Schumann Resonance On Time Acceleration

The Effect Of Schumann Resonance On Time Acceleration

Many people have already noticed that time speeds up and sometimes skips. 

For thousands of years, the Schumann Resonance - or Earth's pulse - was 7.83 cycles per second. The military used it as a very reliable reference. Since 1980, however, this resonance has been slowly increasing. Some scientists believe that it is increasing even faster and some physicists believe that as the universe expands, interstellar distances increase. How does this compensate for the relationship between space, time, and the speed of light?  

Changes in interstellar distances are supposedly measurable, the speed of light is also constant and measurable. But what time itself, can changes in time be measured? Or is it a paradox in itself? How can we measure potential change in time itself if it changes while it are we trying to measure?

For example, hypothetically speaking, if you are trying to measure how much a meter is shrinking in length against a second meter that is also shrinking in length at the same rate as the first, and if everything else around you (including you) is decreasing at the same rate, how would you confirm that such a change actually occurred?

So if we look at the relationship between space, time and the speed of light, assuming that space is measurably expanding and the speed of light is still constant, time can speed up because of this ?

People generally say, “the older you get, the faster time goes by”, but if they only knew… Humanity is constantly trying to speed up its vehicles, technology and processes, but it seems that despite all the hustle and bustle, we never have enough time, or we wish we had more time.

Time is precious, so spend it wisely!

Where has all the time gone?

The years are undoubtedly flying faster than ever and there is a scientific explanation for why time is speeding up. It also has to do with why we are changing so rapidly. Human beings are becoming more aware and people are drawn to spirituality and personal development in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this happening?

Scientists discovered many years ago that the Earth emits a pulse. This pulse, or frequency, has been stable for thousands of years at about 7.8 cycles per second. However, around 1980, the frequency of the Earth began to accelerate. Some scientists even believe that the Earth will stop rotating at the moment when the frequency reaches 13 cycles per second. When the earth stops spinning on its axis, they assume it will stay still for about 3 days and then start spinning in the opposite direction. This will cause a reversal in the magnetic field around the earth, but what happens after this stage is unclear. At this point you're thinking one of two things: Either you think it sounds awesome, or you just you can't believe it. In such situations, it is advisable to keep an open mind and simply wait.

This increasing  frequency makes us feel like time is speeding up. Why do we feel like time is running faster? What we once were perceived as a period of 24 hours, now it feels like only 12-16 hours. Our physical clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours, they still go in a 24-hour mode, but because of the increased Schumann resonance ( earth's pulse) we perceive it as only two-thirds of the time.

As far-fetched as this all may seem, a number of reports suggest that we will reach a critical moment, or zero point, when the Earth stops spinning very soon.

Spiritually based people also associate these phenomena with moving into 4D or 5D (Depending on location, source and preferred terminology. Spiritual teachings are not globally aligned in nomenclature, as they lacks the common coherence that a classical scientific field can boast of).

The higher dimension (4D,5D) is where our thoughts manifest almost immediately. This is why so many people, although they may not directly know why, he begins to turn to spirituality and turns away from materialism, ego and greed. We generally feel the urge not only to do the right thing for ourselves, for our bodies and for our minds, but we are much more willing to help to others. The rate and speed of growth in the spiritual consciousness of mankind is absolutely extraordinary. What used to take years of reading, learning, and practice may now take only a year, or even months. There is much more available information than ever before.

Spirituality really is everywhere. Its easy and cheap availability serves to accelerate our learning and help us move away from darkness and fear to light and love.

When we feel the need to change direction in life and get rid of our bad habits, we start meeting others who feel the same way and collectively help each other. We realize that we are part of something bigger than our individual selves, and this further accelerates our spiritual development.

We are leaving the Age of Pisces, a destructive and oppressive period. and we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, a time of love and peace. This is a difficult time for many people as they try to cope with what is happening around them, what is happening with their mind and feelings.

The key is to let things go naturally and trust this natural process of change, not fight your feelings.

As we approach the fifth dimension and as time speeds up, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will manifest in our reality much faster than before.
This means that those of us who live in thoughts of fear, helplessness, futility, and anxiety are manifesting this and causing ourselves untold pain.

However, those of us who feel inner peace and think constructively bring love, satisfaction, progress and joy into our lives.

Eventually we will be forced to abandon our fears and pettiness, there is no other way. Fear will cease to exist and the biggest cause of fear, time and money, will no longer be a problem or an obstacle to our happiness.

Schumann resonance and the phenomenon of time acceleration

Gregg Braden is currently traveling the United States sharing the scientific evidence of the Earth's passing through the photon belt and the slowing of the Earth's rotation in the media. At the same time, the Schumann resonance increases. When the Earth stops rotating and the resonant frequency rises to 13 cycles, the magnetic field reaches zero point. The earth will stop and in 2 or 3 days it will start rotating again in the opposite direction. This causes the magnetic fields to reverse.

Although figures vary between different geographical areas, for decades the value was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once considered a constant and global military communications were developed on this frequency. Gregg Braden found data on this collected by Norwegian and Russian scientists.
Gregg Braden also believes that the fluctuating frequency may be a contributing factor to weather fluctuations such as severe storms, floods and temperature fluctuations.

Earth's magnetic field weakens while Schumann resonance speed increases

According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the Earth's magnetic field has lost up to half of its intensity over the past 4,000 years. Allegedly, it is a harbinger of magnetic polar reversals, so Prof. Bannerjee believes there will be another pole reversal.

Braden believes that the geologic record of Earth indicates that Earth has a history of magnetic reversals. And there were quite a few of them in the huge time scale represented.

Hypothetical implications

The Zero Point, or Age Shifts, has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have already been many shifts in Earth's history, including one that occurs every 13,000 years, always halfway through a 26,000-year cycle.

The zero point, or reversal of the magnetic poles, is likely to occur soon, according to some theorists even within the next few years.

It is said that after this event, the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx. Information about this change was found in ancient records. This turnaround will probably take us to the 4th-5th. dimension. Everything we think or desire will manifest here immediately. Love and fear. Our intention will be of the utmost importance at that time.

Most of the technology we know today will probably stop working. Possible exceptions could be technology based on the so-called "zero point", or free energy.

Our physical body changes as we approach this zero point. Our DNA changes its structure to 12 strands. A new body of light is being created and we are becoming more and more intuitive.

As Mother Earth's frequency increases, she offers us the opportunity to do the same with her. Try to find time to connect with nature or meditate.

Imagine hugging the entire planet. Send the Earth as much love as you can and see that it sends it back.

Image and Translation by CrystalWind.ca


© Alue K. Loskotová, www.aluska.org 2024

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