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Discernment Reminders


I have posted (and reposted) these Seven Discernment Reminders before, but given the intensity of our times, these reminders need to go up again. Many people — myself included — are facing decisions with potentially enormous impact. To outside observers, those decisions might seem odd, fear-based, out of left field or downright crazy. That’s why it’s so important to clear our energy fields, pray for extremely clear guidance, pay attention to our surroundings and our inner terrain .. and … perhaps most importantly: to be honest with ourselves about what we do or do not seek.

If what we seek happens to differ radically from what those around us would seek in our place, what matters (as in creates matter/reality) is actually what we seek, on our deepest levels. Surface layers of “liberation” may not represent the deepest levels for us. Best to know what those are before making life-altering decisions. ;) As Abraham-Hicks says, “Follow the Relief.” When you make a decision and that peace which surpasses all understanding covers you, then you know you’re on the right track for you, right now.

Seven Discernment Reminders

As the veils come down, more smoke and mirrors vie to take their place. I feel called to post some reminders for people to use when evaluating the truth or intentions of any Movement, press release, religion, financial system or community group — not to make you paranoid, just some reminders to keep your wits about you in this age of coup counter coup.

BTW, “coup counter coup” can refer to government or other authority replacement, but it can also refer to what happens to your brain when it sloshes around your skull causing brain injury even with no external impact. A symbolism worth considering in this psyop infused world… ;)

  1. Desperation short-circuits Discernment. If you’re feeling like you need an external Savior, one will likely appear, but please beware that Desperation will cloud your own lie detectors as well as lower your vibration enough to attract less helpful solutions and people. Take a breath, retreat and refuse to make any decisions until you have re-centered yourself, cleared yourself, and prayed for guidance and protection.
  2. Most people are mostly kind and mostly honest, and sociopaths rely on this perception in order to orchestrate enormously complex and outrageous schemes. Just because you wouldn’t engage in that sort of behavior (or couldn’t even imagine coming up with such a scheme) doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We’re only just beginning to see proof of such “paranoia” and “hysteria” being Conspiracy Facts. If something feels off to you, or if someone has repeatedly lied to you before, question why you continue to give them a free pass to keep lying. Why do you expect their behavior to change? I also recommend the website Narcissism Free for information and ebooks regarding narcissistic behaviors, confusion and the pervasive ways it impacts our world, especially government and financial sectors.
  3. The New World Order, Bilderbergers, and “Hidden Hands” behind governments, finances and major world events desire complete control. Such control includes a One World, cashless Banking System; a One World Religion; a One World Government; and complete control over the world’s food supplies (i.e. GMO’s and global food regulations). In evaluating “solutions” to all the recent revelations and challenges we face, please do consider that these same people and organizations have funded and profited from both sides of every war and every revolution — for centuries. 
    If a “solution” presents itself as incredibly “freeing,” yet it involves some permutation of a cashless economy, a One World Government (i.e. no countries), a One World Religion (i.e. we have the One Absolute Truth), and Agenda 21 (often called “sustainable development”), wipe your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask for extra Discernment and protection. The Hegelian Dialectic, “Problem. Reaction. Solution” is alive and thriving. 
    Create your own solutions on the personal, local level and evaluate if you really need top-down anything to tell you what to believe (or what you supposedly already “know”) or how you need to run your life. Yes, we are all connected, but, unless the NWO’s and other control freak psychopaths have their way, we still maintain some shreds of diversity and individuality. “Respect, Not Control” is a Faery Rule, but one that helps even humans assess any offers of “assistance.”
  4. Consider the timing of “revelations.” What happened in the news just prior to the latest hoopla? When the media or even an alternative group keeps redirecting your attention to a set story, revelation or explanation, resist the temptation to blindly accept that proferred direction, especially if they claim to be liberating you. Yes, many whistleblowers are coming out now, and for the most part, I applaud them; however, it is worth asking what the latest shiny thing conceals.
    Also, remember that the French Revolution, the rise of Naziism and the Bolshevik Revolution supposedly began with demands from “the people.” In a world of repression, poverty, hunger and desperation, those playing chess with world events can easily manipulate their pawns by trickling out just the right information at just the right time to trigger a revolution. Exploring the term “revolution,” though, we merely go in circles.
    What about an Evolution, in which humanity no longer falls for such ploys? What about an Evolution in which people recognize that they don’t need any person or group to liberate them or heal them, because they have the capability and yes, the responsibility to take action on their own behalf?
  5. Consider where the latest revelation requires you to direct your energy (i.e. Life Force). Does it focus primarily on the Police Surveillance State? A bit of awareness is fine, but if you continue to dwell on that surveillance, you empower it. Many East Germans and Russians have noted that the fear of the Police State resulted in even more effective censorship than the State itself.
    Does the so-called solution focus on the financial and legal sectors and offer you ways of “liberating” yourself from those realms by even more deeply engaging those very systems? Do you need to spend hours and hours trying to understand the instructions and concepts, to the exclusion of more natural pursuits like gardening, walks in Nature, meeting your neighbors and taking direct community action within your actual location? Are you losing many friends because they “just can’t see the light”? Beware the shiny object that funnels all your energy right back into the system it claims to destroy.
  6. You are part of Nature unless you fully embrace the transhuman agenda. A healthy skepticism of technology allows you to use tools without becoming dependent on them or allowing yourself to be turned into a machine. While using tools, keep tabs on whether or not you actually need them, as well as how you feel about them. Visceral reactions provide valuable clues. Do you need GMO’s, vaccines and patented gene drugs? Do you need an RFID chip to remind you to comply with doctor ordered pill schedules? Do you need brain mapping to understand every human emotion now labeled as a mental disorder? What percentage of your human interactions occur online? Some internet community is fine, but what kind of face-to-face human interactions do you have? When people become so isolated that they’re starving for community, they enter desperation mode — easy pickin’s for cults and fascists.
    Spend some time in Nature each day so that you can remember your own human nature. Observe natural patterns so that you can more readily notice perversions of Nature offered as “necessary actions” or “solutions.” Allow your physical body the pleasure of an in-person hug, a shared meal and contact with the Earth. If you don’t have that in your life right now, create it. Take steps in that direction. Trust me, there are a lot of desperate people out there who don’t even know how much they crave connection. Practice seeing beyond the surface insecurities and differences.
  7. Lack of spiritual intimacy creates your greatest vulnerabilities. Especially if you “don’t have time to meditate,” take at least a few moments throughout the day to reconnect with the Universe. Resist the temptation to turn your own Spirituality into mental or semantics games. Debates about 4D or 5D, “saved or unsaved,” “enlightened or ‘so 3D’” enforce greater separation, rather than fostering true intimacy. Invite the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to reveal themselves in your physical, tangible life — not just in visions but in your actual day-to-day interactions and experiences.

Invoke protection and connection, not just when you feel panicked, but when you begin each day. Why wait for a crisis situation when you can remain in the flow all day and night? Why limit your relationship to God/dess to the equivalent of emergency phone calls from jail when you can have true intimacy and love throughout your life? If you ask for a protective bubble and the ability to recognize messages and warnings from the Divine, you’ll find yourself replacing those emergency phone calls with loving, supportive chats. You’ll also find yourself expecting, receiving and experiencing a far more magical and miraculous daily life, and a deeper, more satisfying dream life.

The more you find yourself in Divine flow, the more in-person, palpable results and connections you’ll find, too. You won’t feel desperate anymore. You’ll embody the wisdom and confidence needed in order to embrace those opportunities you truly seek, rather than becoming a blind follower or unwitting player in someone else’s script.


In addition to teaching Reiki Certification Classes for novices and Master Teachers, Laura works as a Medical Intuitive Consultant, energy healer, tarot reader, artist and Life Coach. Laura primarily focuses on helping Lightworkers embrace their gifts and bring these into the world in balanced ways. By allowing true strengths to shine through, clients find their business and finances naturally expand. Laura also provides Soul Readings, Intuitive Life Path Assessments and general intuitive guidance for career, relationships, schooling, and creative projects.

Author of hundreds of articles on natural healing and awakening, Laura also wrote the book,“If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine or Other “Medical Mystery.” Responding to client demand, she then wrote the popular “Lazy Raw Foodist’s Guide” to help people navigate complexities of a raw food diet. In 2009, she released her first novel called, “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu.” Interviews of Laura have appeared in Yoga Journal (under her maiden name of Derbenwick), mind-energy.net, Inside Scoop Live, Dynamic Transformations, and Reader Views. She has spoken at medical, health and spiritual events across the U.S.

Source Here

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