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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 15th - 22nd
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of November 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
What are your true priorities? What are the things that really matter in the end? They might not be what you previously thought they should be. Change can have that sort of impact. Sudden shocks, unexpected sidetracks, needing to regroup can all act like catalysts, letting you know that your own reality is shifting. This can be a good thing! But if it does not feel like it at first, know that there are higher powers afoot trying to rearrange the playing field, and you are being brought along for the ride. And like all true Aries natives your first response is to want to DO something, take some sort of action, step up to the plate, dive into the places where the action is. But also note that your ruling planet Mars is slowing down right now. Slowing down to a snail’s pace, as it approaches its retrograde station in December. The Full Moon has us all in a tizzy right now. But follow your Mars. Remind yourself of what your super powers are. Remind yourself of your strengths, and dig even deeper into these. Mars will be going retrograde in December to remind you of who you are. And then you will know what to do. And who to do it with.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Friday is a Super Moon, bright, brilliant, and just riddled with unprecedented chaos…but it is imperative for you to also look behind the scenes. For although this Moon is so closely conjunct unpredictable Uranus, it is also supported by the light workers behind the scenes: the compassionate healers, the intuitive artists, the singers of songs, and the illuminated poets. These will be our spiritual guides through these times of change, and they are there right behind you. Look for them in the places where you find good works taking place, look for them picking up the pieces that were left behind, look for them where they are needed the most. And that is likely where you will also find yourself. We are living in interesting times, and the recent weather, and even this glorious Full Moon is making that all the more evident. In the light of the Super Full Moon in Taurus on Friday, look about you, take note that there are others here with you. You are not alone. And together you are so much more effective, so much more powerful, than you could possibly be on your own. This Full Moon is strong for all Taureans, but it will be especially those that are born between the 12th and 16th of May or who have 21-27º of Taurus rising will be most sensitive to this Super Moon.
As Mercury begins to slow down for its retrograde station later this month, you may be aware of a certain agitation and unease. The Super Moon on Friday probably does not help. Like trying to sleep with the lights on and the television blaring, you will even find your dreams invaded by the siren calls of the world. Very difficult to tune it all out. Even when you have everything turned off it will seep through the windows, down the hall and into your life. What you don’t want, is for that to consume you. To agitate and/or disturb your mind. Gemini has the gift of wit and positivity. And in order to keep your wits about you, you are going to have to take a page out of Mercury’s book right now, and begin to slow down for the upcoming station, and then turn your attention inwards. You do this so that you can connect to your own inner wisdom, your own inner knowing, your own sense of right and wrong. It is easy, when Jupiter is retrograde as it is now, to focus on the unethical behaviors of others. But often the best way to counter what is going on in the outer world, is by living up to your own ethical standards, and being a beacon of light for others. Let the inner agitation be an inspiration to do the right thing, and set the example for others to follow. For that is your super power right now.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Friday is the last of the Super Full Moons for this year. Illuminating, grand, and perhaps a bit chaotic in its effects on the world at large right now, the Full Moon also serves as our light in the darkness. Surprising and unexpected, the Full Moon is something of a catalyst for change. Not only in the outer world, but also within, in our own hearts and minds. You will see this miraculous effect in the people you encounter, in the messages you receive, in the momentary acts of kindness that kindle something inside of you as well. It is telling you that there is so much more going on right now than meets the eye. And no matter what your age, no matter what your status, or class, or position, every single one of us has a role to play in that tableau. Full Moons are times of fruition and completion. But this is not over yet. This is just one leg of the journey, letting you know that we are all about to embark on a whole new journey of exploration, and you are being taken along for the ride. There are others here with you on this ride, and the one thing that Cancer knows is that when we stick together and help one another, we can be a force to be reckoned with.
First comes shock, and then comes awe, with the Super Full Moon conjunct illuminating Uranus. Full Moons on their own can be revealing. They show us the way things are. They bring things to the surface that we had not even realized were there. Full Moons can also bring things to completion. Like an end of a chapter, or finally finishing that big project. But when conjunct Uranus, the way that this one is, it adds all these other pieces: the suddenness, the unexpected shifts, the surprising events. These may be welcome. And sudden unexpected twists and turns could even prove to be fortuitous in the end. But perhaps the most important thing the Full Moon in Taurus is showing all of us has to do with the inevitability of change and how well we are able to adapt to those changes. And with Pluto changing signs this week, that sense of change seems to take on some profound dimensions. This is not about changing your hair color, or switching to tea instead of coffee, the changes that these shifts in the outer planets can bring, are downright transformative. So think of the Full Moon as a momentary glimpse into the future, a brush with reality, a slight shift in the dimensions. It could feel off balance at first. But it is just this sort of weather in which really great things can happen.
The Super Full Moon on Friday is a bit of a wild and crazy moon. Be prepared to change plans, change your mind, be detoured and rescheduled all at once. Just know that sudden changes could prove to be fortuitous in this weather, for there are other things going on behind the scenes that are not that obvious. In the meantime, it is all you can do to jump through the hoops that you are presented with, and to feel utterly overwhelmed as a result. The key to making it through the next week or so, is to take a cue from your ruling planet Mercury which is slowing down for its retrograde on November 26th. Rather than rushing, which is what the current weather is inclining us towards, rather than getting your knickers all tied up in a knot, slow down. This is hard to do when Mercury is in Sagittarius, as we are quite convinced there are a million things to do with very little time to do them all. But that is really an illusion. All that rushing will accomplish is to shatter your nerves if you give in to it. There is an old saying that an old co-worker of mine used to always tell me when we were being pressured to get things done: The faster I go, the more behinder I get. Remember that when you are feeling pressured. And then take that cue from Mercury to turn the attention within, while rolling with the changes without. Connecting to that center will be essential for the weeks going forward.
The Full Moon in Taurus is not usually so reckless, but with an exact conjunction to Uranus we may not be so sure if we are coming or going. This could even cost you. Is there something in your life that is either coming to fruition, completion or ending? And if so, in what way are these impacting your self-esteem or self-worth? These are questions we are all being asked to consider in the light of the Full Moon. But also know that if there have been, or will be unforeseen changes or some twists and turns in your life, that they could prove to be fortuitous in the end. Even if they are costing you more than you had anticipated. The end result could be even greater freedom to accomplish all the things that you had been wanting to do all along. The world is in a state of transition, and we are all being taken along for the ride. Be flexible enough to ride the roller coaster of change, but don’t let go of the things that really matter most in the end. Those things that have to do with compassion, and kindness, and caring. If you let go of all that, nothing else really matters any way. Your ruling planet Venus stands at the bending of the Nodes this week, giving you a glimpse of the ways that the world will be shifting for you. Something may be ending. But if that is the case, know that it is making room for something better to take its place.
When your ruling planet Mars is trine the North Node (as it will be all the way through to January!) you have the opportunity to take the sorts of actions that will lead to you fulfilling, not only your outward goals in this life, but also the behests of your soul. It could even feel like you are being called to step up to the plate, and take on a role that will not only benefit yourself, but might help others as well. There’s no telling what achievements can be had when you have the courage of your voice and the gumption to be willing to stand in the limelight. And maybe even do that for a living! This will be a trend you will want to watch. Meanwhile, the Full Moon in Taurus has been adding a few more twists and turns to the generalized turmoil throughout the world, as well as in our own lives. It could be that you are going to have to sidestep some unexpected changes, or regroup and reassess as we go along. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to be swept into the maelstrom. Your ruling planet Mars is also slowing for its retrograde station on December 6th, asking you to slow down as well. Doing so will also allow you to better connect with your true purpose, to be more objective about the choices you are making going forward. All Scorpios will be feeling this Full Moon, however it will be especially so for those Scorpios born between the 13th and 17th of November, or who have 21-27º of Scorpio Rising.
Both your ruling planet Jupiter, now in Gemini, and the planet Mercury are in each other’s signs right now. We call this a mutual reception which creates this very close link between these two planets. And this will continue to be so until Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8th. Positively this is a very good connection, inclined towards an optimistic outlook, good humor and enthusiasm about the future. And we could all use a dose of that right around now! What makes it even more intense right now is that Mercury and Jupiter will make an exact opposition on Monday, which albeit also optimistic, may be disproportionately so. With these two so closely aligned there is a greater likelihood of exaggeration, of over-doing, and over-reaching, without thinking about the necessary details that are needed to accomplish these highfalutin ideas. However, if you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground (or as much as you are able to do so) you can use that boost of confidence to go out and get things done. Just don’t ignore those important details. Another attribute of Mercury/Jupiter can present with conflicting ideas, morals or ethics with others. And we are certainly not short on that these days. In this weather, honesty, and the willingness to speak openly from the heart is okay, but to remember to do so with kindness and benevolence.
On Friday, as we mentioned last week, your ruling planet Saturn has come to a complete standstill, making its direct station. In turn it will also bring you to a dead stop, at least temporarily as you reassess the landscape, particularly in light of any recent or upcoming changes that you are planning. These stations of Saturn are always important to you! The Super Full Moon on the same day as the Saturn station is something of an unexpected wild card. Unconventional. Reactive. Unpredictable. It could just also be about any recent changes that had occurred in your life, and how you are adjusting to those changes. In this way, the Saturn station can be to your advantage, allowing you to stop, get your bearings, and then look at the circumstances of your life with greater clarity and understanding. Another advantage to the direct station is that it helps to remove the obstacles that had been standing in the way of progress. And with that Full Moon, that could be sudden and swift! But what that also means, is that even if at first you were feeling destabilized and unsure, now that Saturn is ending its retrograde phase, you will soon be feeling more confident about moving forward with your goals. And it really helps to have the clarity and understanding of knowing where you want to go from here.
On Friday as we mentioned last week, your traditional ruling planet, Saturn, is making its direct station, ending its retrograde phase. And it does so on the same day as this crazy and erratic (and unpredictable) Full Moon. We can all expect some detours, unexpected changes in plans, and monkey wrenches thrown in where they don’t belong. And it’s a Super Moon at that! This is the sort of weather that requires patience. Therefore take a page out of the Saturn station, and stop before jumping into the general mayhem that a Full Moon conjunct (your modern ruling planet) Uranus can bring. It is also important to remind you that Pluto, the master of transformational change, will be entering your sign this week, where it will remain until 2043.Those who will be most sensitive to this transit (if they aren’t already) are those in the very beginning, the first few degrees of the sign. So this is a really important week for Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign that thrives on its own authenticity and the ability to swim against the tide and yet remain undaunted. The capacity to be your own person even when the rest of the world is intent on getting you to conform. We’re all going to be feeling the ingress of Pluto to Aquarius, but no one will be feeling it half as much as you all are.
As we mentioned last week, Saturn will make its direct station in your sign, ending its retrograde phase. This will be important for everyone, but Pisces will be particularly sensitive to this station, especially those born between February 28th and March 4th, or who have 9-15º of Pisces rising. There are some advantages to having this station on Friday, the same day as the Super Full Moon in Taurus. This Moon is pretty unpredictable, but it can also be illuminating. And the station of Saturn can help you to get your bearings, so that you won’t get side-swiped by the unexpected twists and turns that a Full Moon conjunct Uranus can bring. There are also some other positive elements to the Taurus Moon. For one thing, Uranus can bring things out, and show us the way things actually are. Which is always helpful. But there is also something else going on behind the scenes, in the quiet spaces beneath the surface. And that has to do with people’s hearts and minds. Whatever is coming to light can have a transformative effect on us, kindling our hearts, inspiring us to be of compassionate service to others, to be available, to be present and to hold space for others, which is something that Pisces does extremely well. We’re all being called, but not everyone will answer. It’s just that Pisces seems to have their own special pipeline, and so are more likely to heed the call.
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