You Are Not Your Thoughts
- Details
- Written by Mwendwa Mbaabu

One way to develop self-mastery is to KNOW that you are NOT your thoughts, but the one witnessing them. Your thoughts arise and fall like the clouds do across the sky, but they are not who you are, any more than the clouds are the sky. Knowing this enables you to detach yourself from them and learn to observe them with curiosity, amusement, and neutrality.
Learn to create that space in awareness between your thoughts and reactions, by simply being the observer. This is a habit and way of being anyone can cultivate through practice. Most of us have learned through worldly conditioning to simply react without a second thought because we believe our thoughts are who we are.
Thoughts are temporary. They come and go and therefore they are not who you are. They are simply illusions. You are the eternal observer and witness of the temporary. As they pass across your mind screen, watch them without any particular attachment. Whatever they are, do not judge them, because all judgment is attachment. Don’t own them either as ownership is attachment too. Simply watch them like a curious bystander. Then hold them to the light of love. Now, knowing thoughts become things, are these thoughts you would like to manifest in your experience? If yes keep them, and if not let them pass.
Thoughts have no power in and of themselves until you attach TO them. You have power over them and not the other way around.
Learn to laugh at your thoughts
When confronted with thoughts you do not like or which do not empower you, learn to LAUGH at them. Watch them like you would a funny amusing comedy. Witness how ridiculous they are and just let them pass. Don’t attach meaning and stories to them. This way you diffuse them and they evaporate just like vapor. They pass just like the clouds in the sky that take on amusing shapes and then disappear.
As you learn to master your relationship with your thoughts through neutral observation, you will notice your inner self change. The thoughts that used to bother you, will decrease in intensity. Thoughts are like unwanted guests. The less attention you give them, the less seriously you take them, the less they show up.
Mwendwa’s profound, yet simple teachings about how individuals create their reality through their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, have helped many find freedom from suffering, helplessness, and victimhood and regain their divine power and freedom. She is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and fulfilled lives.
Mwendwa’s teachings often bring to life the mystical and spiritual truths of the bible and Jesus to a modern generation, lifting the veil of religious dogma to reveal the universal truths of oneness.
Mwendwa’s first book, Reality Creation and Manifesting: A Collection of Essays on Manifesting and Deliberate Creation, was published in December 2020
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