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The Courage to Walk with Spirit

The Courage to Walk with Spirit

Greetings, Luminous One!

Courage is such a huge topic that even daring to write about it feels like a Courageous act, likely to fall short. I know I'll never be able to strike all the notes of the Courage symphony, but I hope to at least pull out a few of the relevant chords.

We've all encountered situations that require us to be physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually Courageous, some with higher stakes than others. In response, we can surprise ourselves with our inner strength, which in turn leads to increased confidence.

These situations can help us understand who we really are.

In Dr Joe Dispenza's workshops, he often jolts participants with challenges to push them out of their comfort zones in order to confront their fears and realize what they're really capable of. One of these challenges was to scale down a 20-story building!

Now, I'm not suggesting that we all go out and give ourselves a physical test like that, but I do think it's healthy for the psyche to regularly do something that requires us to stare fear - big or small - down to the ground. (Public speaking, anyone??)

And the reason such continued testing is a good idea is it forces us to do 2 things: build trust in ourselves, and, perhaps, trust in that which we believe is walking beside us at all times, sight unseen.

The more we practice this, the more we become aware of that unseen companionship and support. If we keep stepping up, Source/God/The Universe will keep showing up to meet us.

How will we know this?

Because there will be one, if not many, little synchronicities or God-winks, that will defy logical explanation that tell us we're on the right path, that we've taken the right action.

I think I've told this story before, but in this context it bears repeating...

In 2010, about a month before the Infinity Wave appeared, I was at my lowest point perhaps in my life. The illness and death of my father that year was so disturbingly dramatic in how it played out within my family, that I was completely depleted on all levels. That 9-month journey had required me confront and deal with some truly ugly situations, which I had attempted to do with integrity, but there was always a question mark about whether I had made the best and highest choices.

I was at home on a Sunday night in October with my husband and closest friend at the time when the house phone rang. When I answered, a distant, heavily-accented voice said that he had been receiving my phone number repeatedly in his meditations and felt compelled to call me. 

I hesitated, suspicious (I'm embarrassed to say) that this was some kind of scam, but then asked him who he was and where he was calling from. He answered, "Nepal." 

My mind couldn't quickly wrap around this strange call, so I asked him to please call back in 5 minutes. I figured if he was legit, then I could put him on speakerphone so we all could hear what he had to say.

Sure enough, 5 minutes later the phone rang again and when I answered for all to hear, he said that he knew my life had been very hard recently, but that it was about to get much better. Having passed along his message, he hung up, leaving all of us dumbfounded.

Just to know that my little human actions were noticed somewhere in the Universe gave me tremendous reassurance and the Courage to keep going.

A month later, the Wave introduced itself, which introduced a whole new level of scariness, but at least I knew for sure that something, somewhere had my back. 

Over time, that "something" has become much more defined and refined. It was always there, as it is for all of us, but now that I'm fully aware of it, I've come to accept the truth that we're inextricably blended. I rely 100% on its enCouraging guidance to keep forging new and unique paths, regardless of conventional morays.

I'm sure you all have your own versions of how closely you align your lives with Spirit!

Walking with faith in the unseen is an act of Courage like no other...

On this topic of bravely following guidance, this week I'm going to introduce you to two incredible healers who are doing just that. Carol Robertson, a Scottish energy medicine practitioner, and Rowdy Koenig, a spiritual energy healer, both have come to their calling by relying on inner directives. 

Stay tuned for more about them, but please join us on Wednesday and Thursday @ 7:30pm for their talks - you'll find them fascinating!

Much love and infinite blessings,


Hope Fitzgerald
Hope Fitzgerald
Teacher, Coach, Healer, Infinity Waver, End-of-Life Midwife
Hope offers her services as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner and a Death Doula, incorporating sound, Reiki and essential oils into her work. In addition, she guides intimate groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales and various U.S. locations. During these spiritual adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness. She serves as a faculty member of GodSelf University.  

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