Let's ride the waves, baby!
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- Written by Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Wavy One!
Since this is an "8" year (2+0+2+4 = 8), it might be when the flow of the Infinity Wave can wash over reality in an even bigger way. This is our time so let's make the most of it!
To start the year off right, if you haven't had a chance to absorb any of the channeled transmissions from the 7 Days of Rest, I suggest you take an audio stroll through them because they r-e-a-l-l-y stretched us. (See below for all recordings.)
I always welcome such stretching even though, truth be told, it can be a little unnerving to be in the "hot seat" every night without any knowledge about who or what might show up. What made it easier and more potent was the familiar, loving faces of those who attended. Thank you again! :)
So, onto this new year that sits poised in our laps... What are we to do with it?
Speaking for myself, I'm making some changes with my work in order to free up time for writing my second book, which will be considerably lengthier than the guidebook. This means I will be writing one major blog at the start of each month, followed by shorter messages on ensuing Sundays.
I'm also releasing the use of monthly themes because we've covered a lot of territory with them over the last 2 1/2 years. Time for something new! (Don't ask me what it is yet, lol - I'm just going with the flow.)
As to what's ahead, even though I sometimes get downloads about future events, I prefer not to be a forecaster because, having dabbled in peering around corners before, I've learned that the world is just too dynamic to dependably know what's ahead.
Even when working with my dowsing rods, I only ask details about what's the in the highest good for a person moving forward, not what the future 'writ large' will hold.
We've been told by Merlin and others to expect even bigger waves of chaos, and I agree that it feels that way to me. I say this (and so does he) not to instill fear, but to set some expectations in order to emerge as unscathed as possible.
We've also been told that we’re on our way to something wonderful and more evolved than the necessary breakdowns of the old world we’re witnessing now.
We've spent a great deal of time over the last year envisioning this future world, which still feels like the best way to use our energies productively.
If there is a theme for the year, I'd like to continue stretching the boundaries like we did last week and keep opening our minds and hearts to new realties we haven't pondered before. The more willing we are to do this, I believe the more new information will be available to us for processing and incorporating into our lives.
It's similar to the message that the teacher will arrive when the student is ready... with us, the ideas will be introduced when we're ready to receive them.
And they might be mind-blowing!
What I haven't shared much about in the past are the developments that are happening in the disclosure movement regarding our space brothers and sisters, which may seem outrageous to some, but is all too real based on my years of studying the subject.
Because I think it's possible that as a planet we may soon be introduced to the reality of not being alone in the galaxy/Universe, I think it's time to open the conversation amongst ourselves about it.
To that end, I invite you to watch these two videos: Dr Stephen Greer:
and Atty. Daniel Sheehan:
I think we're ready to hang our toes out on that surfboard of love in search of truth - don't you?
I know for sure that I can't do it without you.
So, let's grab the highest wave and go for the ride of our lives together!
Much love and infinite blessings,
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