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Faith When Nothing Makes Sense

Faith When Nothing Makes Sense

Greetings, Luminous One!

I have to admit that I'm almost at a loss for words... please bear with me as I stumble through this.

This month, we've looked at Faith in the natural world, in ourselves, in each other and in our unseen helpers.

Today I was going to discuss Faith in Action, but with the heaviness of our current news, I feel I must address what to do when our Faith is shaken to the core by the deeds of others, in this case an unhappy, misguided boy.

As I write this, a gentle spring breeze wafts over me and I hear the migrating birds serenading in the background. I'm doing my best to let these soothe my broken heart over these events.

I'm pretty sure you're feeling the same way.

How do we deal with children killing children? And the repercussions from that senseless act?

Broken hearts can kill, as we now witness in the sudden death of the slain teacher's husband.

For me, the question is: how do we mend our broken hearts so we may serve the highest good?

The trick is not to deny the feelings of grief and outrage, but to acknowledge them and then move appropriately quickly into a higher vibration of equanimity and compassion. Using the Infinity Wave can greatly assist in this endeavor.

Once again, I return to Victor Frankl (Man's Search for Meaning), who learned during his concentration camp experience to focus on what gives life meaning in order to survive the horrors he was put through. In his case, it was an intention to see his wife again that kept him willing to overcome the misery.

So, Step One is to find at least one thing that makes life worth living and keep it passionate in your heart.

Step Two: Remember the evidence. When I think back to all the evidence in my life that good not only exists but persists, despite whatever force (some call it evil) wants to bring it down, I feel better. Those memories are real, true and undeniable. Don't we all have countless examples of Love from our own lives to prove that it is, indeed, all around us? We can lean on that - hard.

Step Three: I think about what I can do to help someone who's struggling more than I am - doing that not only eases my own sadness by focusing on another person, but it also restores my confidence in my ability to love and be of service no matter what.

Step Four: In the midst of all this, I know I must find the joy in life where I can. Reach for humor or even a silly cat video to lift the spirits. As we've been told many times by our guides, a light heart heals faster than a heavy one. This passage from Philippians 4:8-9 says it well:

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things…and the God of peace will be with you.”

Step Five: I trust that Nature is always waiting to assist in my healing, reminding me by her reliable cycles that "this, too, shall pass." Leaning on a tree for comfort and support usually brings a restoration of calm.

Step Six: Wave, wave, wave... I bring the infinity Wave into my heart and down into the Earth for grounding. Then, I send it out to all who are suffering, not only in Uvalde, but around the world. (This step can be applied at any point.)

And lastly, gathering with like-minded, heart-centered souls is a balm for the soul, so I hope to see you tomorrow night for Monday Meditation at 7:30 EDT.

Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend for those in the USA!

Now, I need to go and find a tree...

Much love and infinite blessings,


Hope Fitzgerald
Hope Fitzgerald
Teacher, Coach, Healer, Infinity Waver, End-of-Life Midwife
Hope offers her services as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner and a Death Doula, incorporating sound, Reiki and essential oils into her work. In addition, she guides intimate groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales and various U.S. locations. During these spiritual adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness. She serves as a faculty member of GodSelf University.  

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