Using a Feng Shui Fish Tank to Attract Wealth and Abundance
- Details
- Written by AndEl
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of achieving harmony
with the specific placement of certain objects in your home or office,
which affects the flow of energy in your surroundings, the Chi (Qi), and
this can be positive or negative. Obtaining luck, health and prosperity
is usually the main focus of using Feng Shui. My own theory is that
Feng Shui creates such harmony in your surroundings, that everything
that you look at gives you a feeling of well being. If you look at a
broken TV screen or that radio that’s been sitting there for the last 2
years, you will not feel good, right? Feng Shui cures
are used whenever some area of our lives is not going as well as it
should, like Romance, Family, Health, Wealth, etc.
Now, what does this have to do with your fish tank? Well, having a fish tank or aquarium can help increase positive Chi in your life. When you are thinking of using a Feng Shui Fish tank, they usually tell you that you should have 8 goldfish (since gold symbolizes wealth and luck) and 1 black fish (to absorb any bad luck), however, I believe that just having a nice, clean fish tank with a good balance of all the elements is enough… and maybe using a lucky number of fish: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11….
Aquariums are auspicious because they present a harmonious combination of wealth attracting feng shui factors, and a perfect balance of all 5 Feng Shui elements:
Feng Shui Water element (the water in the aquarium) Feng Shui Wood Element (the plants in the aquarium) Feng Shui Metal element (use some white and gray rocks in the fish tank, or a round aquarium) Feng Shui Earth element (the rocks and gravel at the bottom of the fish tank) Feng Shui Fire element (gold /yellow, orange and red colors of the fish, as well as the aquarium light)
The best area to place your Feng Shui aquarium is in the Southeast (the Feng Shui Wealth and Abundance area) followed by North (Career) or East (Health and Family.)
Don’t place an aquarium in the bedroom or the kitchen. These are the two places where a fish tank can stimulate the Chi too much, making you eat in excess and sleep restlessly. In order to get a good flow of Chi, your tank has to be clean and well taken care off, with happy and healthy fish. A dirty tank and sick fish can emit bad chi and it will do more harm than good. You can use real plants with almost all kinds of fish; just keep them healthy and beautiful. I do not recommend them with Goldfish because they eat them, so you can use plastic plants. It’s the appearance that counts. They have to be clean and pretty.
Remember what I told you about looking at things that make you feel good? Using a Feng Shui Fish tank will always give you a good feeling.
Give it a try. Sometimes just believing that things will change, changes them. But with a Feng Shui fish tank, I can tell you from my own experience, you will be surprised and shocked by the changes you will feel almost immediately.
If you want to read more about Feng Shui and find very useful information, visit me at
Rebeca Rambal
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