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Feng Shui Home Office - Building Success In Your Own Home

Feng Shui OfficeYou will find two main factors when it comes to the design of the feng shui home office that could determine your success and also the success of your business. The very first important factor should be the actual location of that office in the home and the other involves the structure and placement of objects within the office. If you do any sort of work at home, it is vital that you have a proper home office to do it in. An actual room or space to set aside as your office is required for this purpose. Combining your work space with any other space just isn't a good feng shui practice. As an example, when you have your bedroom also act as an office, it'll cause tension between these two different parts of your life, causing problems for both work and sleep.

The most effective location for an office is towards the front of a home, preferably by the entrance. This location allows the 'qi' or energy to enter form the front door and flow right into the office to help energize

The desk stands out as the most important feature of the home office and its placement has an enormous effect on your success. The best possible place for a desk is at a commanding position diagonally aligned with the door, having the chair against a wall. Avoid having the desk in line the with the door, facing the window, in the corner, with the back of the chair facing the door or a window.

There might be problems in the room which can be easily fixed using feng shui remedies. For example, ceilings are important in an office. If it is too low or slanted, that means that you will have trouble reaching the top. There will be specific tools you should use such as a crystal ball to counter this problem. If there are no windows, incorporate bright lights or artwork depicting the outside world as a cure. Use live plants in this room like money trees and lucky bamboo plants. They're both commonly used to attract wealth.

Other important feng shui home office tips include keeping that room free of clutter and having a bagua map to locate and optimize the wealth and career corners. Your desk can easily be bogged down with all kinds of files and documents. Remember to go through them regularly to arrange and eliminate unnecessary paperwork. Use appropriate colors, decorative items and other feng shui tools around the wealth and career corners of the home office to activate the 'qi' for the promotion of productivity and success.

Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/feng-shui-articles/feng-shui-home-office-building-success-in-your-own-home-1979325.html"

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