In the Spirit…
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- Written by AndEl

Did you know that positive energy in Feng Shui is called Sheng Chi? This life force infuses everything around us as well as permeates our bodies. Without this essence we are merely just Earth suites.
Just as our spaces need to be freshened up to keep a good flow of energy, we humans need to refresh our chi as well to feel vibrant! A lot of us feel a sense of renewed energy as we “Get in the Spirit” this time of year exposed to all the beautiful bright lights, uplifting playlists and festive parties.
Here are a few tips on creating a solid energy foundation that will keep your vibes high over the holidays and benefit your well being into the New Year…
~Create Something!
A great way to unblock stagnant energy is to create something! Being in a creative state of mind helps us to relax and flow freely.
You don’t have to aspire to become a famous painter to transform a canvas to give as a gift. You don’t have to write the next New York Times best seller to make 2016 the year you start that book you’ve been wanting to write. You don’t have to be 100% Pinterest-worthy to do some Christmas crafting with the kids (or adults!). However, you should definitely pursue the things that excite your soul!
You will bring joy to others and greatly enjoy the time spent lost in your creativity! Art brings the body into its natural state of harmony.
~Respect Your Time
Let’s keep it real during the holidays our calendars can fill up quickly and we’ve all made a commitment we were sorry we made. With the pressure that comes with trying to make it to everyone’s holiday parties keep in mind that the true spirit of the holiday is to bond with loved ones.
Release the pressure to accept every invitation, express gratitude for the invite sending warmth and blessings to the host and their family this holiday season. Make peace with the fact that sometimes “NO” can be the most loving response.
When you stop being a “yes~er” you’ll free up time to focus on your health, create space for people and traditions that are sacred to you and arrive energized for the commitments you have made!
~Show Self-Love
As my favorite Strala yoga guide Tara Stiles says “Do something kind for yourself today, you’re an important person to take care of.”
Show yourself some radical self-love with a hot bath, cook a healthy meal and for an instant mood booster pick up some fresh flowers for your home. Treat yourself to that red lipstick you’ve wanted to try; guys purchase a brightly colored bow tie to sport to your office Christmas party to “perk up” your energy flow.
You can rejoice in knowing that by taking time to feel balanced you radiate high vibrations that in return nurture the lives of those you love.
~Try Something New!
Keep the vibe alive in the New Year by getting out and discovering a part of your city that you’re not familiar with. Being out in the fresh air stimulates the energy flow to your brain, muscles and organs. Exploring new places gets us moving, thinking and feeling alive! Create a bucket list of new places you want to visit and fall in love with.
Have fun, be spontaneous, start a conversation with someone you’ve never met Enter into the New Year with the intention to put out into the Universe exactly what you wish to receive, “Start NOW and your Sheng Chi will follow!”
What do you do to get in the spirit over the holidays? Share your thoughts below in the comments!
Thanks for reading,
About Jennifer Nguyen: As a licensed stylist and wellness enthusiast of over a decade I’ve always had a passion for being physically active and exposing the light in others.

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