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Masks, Mirrors and Coins

Masks, Mirrors and Coins

- Mementoes, Gifts and Souvenirs That Keep On Giving (or Taking) -

Many times people who travel like to bring back souvenirs and trinkets from faraway places. Then they end up keeping them stored away for years as mementos of their travels.  Sometimes they bring souvenirs back as gifts for friends and family who then also store them away for years.

If you have any of these types of gifts, souvenirs or mementos and you find your life is turned upside down or bad luck is always dogging you, then you may have brought back something else that is attached to these items. Who knows what energy is attached and how it may be latching on to your energy for nourishment. 

Are they that important? Then try cleansing them with a good smudging now! Or get rid of them immediately. Bury them if they are small items or just dump them! Once you dispose of them try using a house cleansing like this Feng Shui technique here  to cleanse your home, your space and yourself. 

Here are the 3 items you should be careful in giving and receiving:


This traditional symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini is often a manifestation of the attention that people give to someone, whether they are friends or loved ones. Few people know that a mask, which is sometimes perceived purely as a kind of talisman or curiosity, can also be an object of misfortune and strife. This is especially true for old masks, already used in the past. When buying, you need to inspect the mask thoroughly and do not hesitate to ask the seller how old the item is. There should be no visible foreign traces, drops of blood or other, shards or needles or other such things on the mask. These are always proof that the mask was once used for magical rituals and is undoubtedly saturated with bad energy. If you feel bad feelings and doubts while viewing the mask, do not buy it and return it to the shelf.


They are also a relatively dangerous object and, in addition to their benefits, can also cause great damage to new owners. It is far more appropriate to buy brand new mirrors, preferably as part of a cosmetic table or toilet. So you are almost guaranteed that no one else was looking in the mirror in front of its new owner. This is very important because mirrors have a memory and absorb emotions and feelings, sometimes even thoughts of who is looking at them. That's why magicians regularly recommend cleaning the mirrors you have in the house and restoring their good energy in the right way. Otherwise, you can cause illness, you can curse someone, or you can settle in the house with the old mirror and the spirit of the deceased to whom the mirror belonged. Not everyone would be happy with a similar subtenant.


God knows why a lot of people think that old coins attract wealth and financial success, or at least happiness. However, if someone from the family brings a couple of ancient coins as a souvenir, they must be extremely vigilant. Each mage will explain to you that such coins did not reach rich people just like that. Coins do not symbolize wealth, but the process of managing funds. With wealth and poverty. First they are counted one by one or two, it is the counting of poverty and saving, only then did the coin reach the rich man and become a symbol of his wealth. However, the seal of poverty still clings to it, and you cannot know what will happen to you with the coin. It is certainly much better to bring a scarab or a frog with three paws as a gift. These are proven symbols of financial well-being. In addition, very effective.

So if you have items like this stored away or are thinking of giving one of these types of items, think twice. :) 



Reference here: astroplus.cz

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