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UNIVERSAL LAWS - The Law Of Vibration

UNIVERSAL LAWS - The Law Of Vibration

The universal laws are your user manual for living an abundant and fulfilling life.

Most people who want to improve their quality of life do so by trial and error until they find the right formula. The majority of people on the planet are not even aware that they have a choice; they don’t know that they can take control of their life and make constructive changes simply by consciously aligning with universal laws.


This an immutable law. It’s immutable because we can’t change or influence it. However, knowing how it works allows us to use it to our advantage and for the highest good.

At its core everything is pure energy, and everything vibrates; that includes the whole kit and caboodle (as they say), both animate and inanimate objects including, but not limited to, colors, sounds, words, etcetera. As above so below. The cosmos vibrates, the planets in our solar system vibrate, our thoughts vibrate, and we vibrate. Our individual energy signature (vibration) is established as a result of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. And those will be a high vibration or a low vibration depending on how we feel in the moment. Our vibrations establish a resonance with anything else that has the same frequency. If you want to know the nature of the vibration you’re sending to the universe, notice how you feel. If you feel good, happy, joyful, etcetera, you’re emitting a positive vibration. On the other hand, if you’re feeling sad, depressed, fearful, or negative in some way you’re emitting a low vibration.

Another way to determine the quality of your vibration is to look at the quality of your relationships and circumstances. The quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of your energy signature.

Our vibration affects everything around us including other people, animals, plants, even inanimate objects (inanimate objects are pure energy as well). We, in turn, are affected by the vibration of our environment and what or who is in it as well. It’s an exchange of energy. That is why it’s important that the people we spend most of our time with are supportive and positive thinkers and our living space feels good as well.

You may have had a feeling about a person or place that didn’t feel good or conversely felt great because you were tuned into the vibration of that person or place.

Practical Practices to Align with The Law of Vibration

It’s good to know how the Law of Vibration works because this knowledge makes us aware that all we need to do is maintain the vibration of that which we want to be, do or have in life! I know that’s easier said than done. However, the more we become mindful of our thoughts and feelings, the easier it is to maintain positive life-affirming thoughts which affect our vibration and our life in a positive manner.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Like attracts like.” That saying refers to the vibration of the person. This is known at the Law of Attraction. For example, if a person has a negative attitude, they are going to draw negative people and unpleasant circumstances into their life. On the other hand, if an individual has a positive outlook on life, they are going to attract positive individuals and circumstances.

Everything vibrates – everything. If you want to draw something into your life all you need to do is match its vibration. If you want more love, be loving. If you want to attract prosperity, entertain thoughts and feelings of being prosperous. If you want better health, feel yourself being healthy.

Since everything vibrates, our thoughts are included. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions carry a specific vibration. The frequency we are vibrating at sends a signal which is returned to us in kind via The Law of Resonance and The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. Our current circumstances are the result of our previous thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs.

You may be thinking, okay, fine, so how do I change my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs?

First off, it takes work and commitment. After harboring the same or similar thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs for many years they are not going to change in an instant. However, the more consistently you practice the easier it becomes.

There are a few ways that have been proven to effectively make change:mindfulness, hypnosis, and self-hypnosis are the ones I prefer. These approaches seem to help more people to make the appropriate changes faster and easier. They sure have for me!

It’s imperative that we maintain a high frequency (vibration) throughout our day rather than just once in a while.

May you walk with a smile holding love in your heart. 

Be joyful, embrace life and thrive!

With love,


P.S. Universal Laws posts include:

  1. THE LAW OF DIVINE ONENESS – Everything is connected
  2. THE LAW OF VIBRATION – Everything vibrates
  3. THE LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE – As above so below
  4. THE LAW OF INSPIRED ACTION – We need to take action to accomplish something
  5. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT – The law of karma
  6. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION – Like attracts like
  7. THE LAW OF PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY – Everything is always changing
  8. THE LAW OF RELATIVITY – Everything is neutral, everything is relative
  9. THE LAW OF BALANCE – Creation requires two energies, masculine and feminine
  10. THE LAW OF GENDER – Masculine and feminine
  11. THE LAW OF POLARITY – Everything has an opposite
  12. THE LAW OF RHYTHM – Everything moves in a cycle

Universal Laws


©2019 –  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission.  Randall T. Monk, www.TimelyGuidance.com

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