The Seven "Core Natures" Levels of Being
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- Written by Rose Campbell

My guides have defined for me the existence of seven “levels of being”. They term these “core natures”. It means that a person is resonating to certain levels of service, whether they actually work in the fields most predominately thought of as being associated with that particular meaning.
For example: A person of the Teaching nature does not have to be a teacher or professor to perform within their potential of service. They may be a farmer, but they will be most useful ‘teaching’ within that field, such things as soil quality, harvest productions means, etc.…Teachers are teachers whatever they are doing and wherever they are doing it.
We all have the combined potentiality of all seven natures, but most of us are here to work with one or two main themes. In the readings given by the guides they sometimes will disclose the main one or two core natures to give insight as to the main thrust of this lifetime. This is to help give clarity to why we are who we are now, and how we may best serve and be served while here.
Reflection on these core natures will provide understanding of great depths of behaviors, attitudes, accomplishments, and interests.
The seven core natures are as follows:
- Teacher
- Seeker
- Speaker
- Healer
- Artisan
- Guardian
- Wizard
These seven core natures also relate to Chakras and Colors. The connection of these things, as given to me by the guides, is this:
TEACHER—Crown Chakra -- Color Violet
This is the art of assimilation and reiteration. It is expressing what is known (and in some cases merely forgotten) to others for understanding. It is the impetus to show others broader views, higher ideas. It is an allowing of or an opening to the middle brain. Teachers are most driven by intellect and intellectual stimuli. The majority of incarnating souls choose this nature.
All Spirit Guides are of the teaching hue.
“Sharing what is known, exploring unknown ideas.”
SEEKER---Forehead Chakra -- Color Royal/Indigo Blue
This is a wanting to find what is not known, to forge new pathways.
It is about looking outward to find what is ‘within’, and to use the ‘within’ to change the outer. Relates to front brain. These people are driven by a compulsion for newness and discovery. Analyzing what has been to see what could be.
“Seeking change, seeking challenges.”
SPEAKER---Throat Chakra – Color Blue
This entails the gift of delivering what is given from higher will, higher levels of wisdom. Works in the vein of giving what is received for edification of the masses. Often works in conjunction with Teacher energy. Is aligned with Logos: Word of God. Verbal clearinghouse of highest wisdoms. Not a level of service chosen by many.
“Ideas when spoken become tangible in reality.”
HEALER---Heart Chakra – Color Green
Demonstrates gifts of compassion, empathy and love. Allows oneself to be a conduit or facilitator of above traits. These beings are heart driven and body oriented. This service is often chosen by those who have been physical many times for they have experienced most of all things needed for understanding and therefore relatedness.
“Love in expressed form.”
ARTISAN---Solar Plexus Chakra –Color Yellow
These have chosen the gifts of expression of emotional fields into physical reality: ability to transform emotion into tangible physical forms. Guided by deeper emotional levels and emotion fueled inspirations. Can take the unseen and make it seen. They are the molders of form and shapers of cultures. Chosen by those well versed in emotional frameworks.
“Transmutes emotions through expression.”
GUARDIAN---Navel Chakra –Color Orange
These tend to be the protectors of ideals, persons and morals. Driven by moral and just impulses. Relates to warrior energy. The aspects of Guardians seen in all public service functions; fire, police, military, priests/ministers. Guided heavily by senses and “gut feelings”. Non-violent resistance is their ideal.
“Standing firm and fearless in the face of illusions.”
WIZARD---Root Chakra – Color Red
Transmute energy. Changes forms of energy to higher expressions. Works with the unseen to bring to sight. Utilizes core sexual energy and transmutes it to spiritual expression. It is creator and creation in symbiosis.
“What was can change, what will be already is.”
Note: Please note that I was given the corresponding chakra and color rays for this material. This is an important point, I believe.
Bear in mind that while we may be of certain “service” orientations while here in this realm, after leaving we may serve in the higher realms in a differing capacity. It was explained to me that all who choose to serve in the higher realms as guides for us here have chosen to serve as teachers and are therefore of that “hue”. It is also possible, if sufficient soul growth has been achieved in one of the pre-chosen core natures, that we may find ourselves shifting into another “energy mode”.
Example: One, who upon incarnating chooses a core nature of Seeker, may find that at some point that they may shift and resonate more fully with the “hue” of Teacher energy.
Also, several of the core natures are close enough to have a certain amount of overlap inherently built in. Example: One who comes to serve as a Speaker will also, almost by default, be a Teacher. However, the Teacher “hue” may not be their primary or even secondary core nature of this incarnation. I believe that in some of these there is an order of succession, so that the Speaker may have had several incarnations already serving in the Teacher capacity, which would well prepare them for duty as a Speaker and the inherent need to teach others. The same could be said of Seeker/Healer, Teacher/Healer, Wizard/Artisan, etc. I think one level of service is preparation and/or complimentary access for the other.
© 2021
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