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The Twelve Rays

The Twelve Rays

I received a question about the Twelve Rays. I was asked if the colours of the Rays had changed now that the 5D chakras are establishing. I checked with Kumeka that the information given in 2012 and Beyond is still correct and he confirmed it is. So here is a reminder taken from 2012 and Beyond.

‘These high frequency rays of light are strands of God force, which are now being poured into the Earth for the benefit of everyone. In addition, in 2008 the Silver Ray, the Divine Feminine Ray, merged with all the other rays to balance them. The archangels often work on a different aspect of the rays from the Masters, which is why some rays have more than one colour.

  • RAY 1 is red and the Master is El Morya, influencing people to use their divine will rather than their lower will and to empower themselves. Archangel Michael works on the blue aspect of ray
  • RAY 2 is yellow (sometimes blue) and is in the charge of Lanto. It is the ray of love and wisdom, for its frequency helps people to communicate Truth wisely. Archangel Jophiel, angel of wisdom, works on the yellow ray.
  • RAY 3 is golden yellow and the Master is Paul theVenetian. The vibration of this ray of intelligence and creative activity brings forward creativity and helps to trigger science and wisdom. Archangel Chamuel, angel of love, works on the pink aspect of this ray.
  • RAY 4 brings about harmony and balance on an amethyst and white vibration under the direction of Serapis Bey. Archangel Gabriel, angel of purity and clarity, works on the pure white of this ray.
  • RAY 5 is orange and the Master is Hilarion. The ray is helping to bring forward spiritual technology and science, all the secrets of which are hidden in nature. Archangel Raphael, angel of healing and abundance, works on the emerald green aspect of this ray.
  • RAY 6 is indigo under the direction of Mary Magdalene and is opening the world up to true spirituality. Archangel Uriel, angel of peace, works on the gold and purple aspect of this ray.
  • RAY 7 is violet under the guidance of Lady Nada. Its frequency is bringing forward the ancient sacred wisdom and intuition and higher psychic energies. Archangel Zadkiel also works on the violet aspect of this ray to bring transmutation.
  • RAY 8 is blue topaz. It is in the charge of Kumeka, Lord of Light, who is my guide. This ray brings about enlightenment and transmutation of the old. Archangel Butyalil works on the white aspect of this ray.
  • RAY 9This is the yellow ray of harmony, which entered the planet in 2001 and balances the mind and spirit of humanity. Voosloo, the greatest High Priest in Atlantis, is the Master of this ray. Seraphina, of the seraphim frequency, is the angelic being who works on this ray and she vibrates on every colour.
  • RAY 10This is the citrine ray, which entered the planet at the end of 2001, and helps people to find their practical purpose in life. It carries the Buddha energies and Lord Gautama is in charge of this ray. Archangel Sandalphon works with the unicorns on this ray with black and white energy.   Abraham works with Buddha.  (Note. Our frequency has risen since 2012 and Beyond was published,  and Archangel Sandalphon is now connecting with us on a silver vibration).
  • RAY 11This bright emerald green ray brings clarity, mysticism and healing. It is bringing spirituality to dogmatic religions and helping us to accept the higher energies coming in. This ray entered the planet at the end of 2001 and Rakoczy is its Master. Archangel Christiel works on this ray on the colour ice white, tinged with blue.
  • RAY 12Quan Yin is the master of this ray of unconditional love, which entered the planet in 2003. The colour is bright cerise pink. It carries a frequency to re-empower women and bring forward the feminine wisdom within men. Archangel Metatron works with his orange light on this ray.’


Diana Cooper is well known for her spiritual books about angels, archangels, unicorns, all elementals including fairies and Ascended Masters.Diana's spirit guide is Kumeka, who has given her information about 2012 and Beyond, Orbs, Atlantis, the Spiritual Laws, angels, ascension and enlightenment.

© 2023  Diana Cooper Visit her website here:http://www.dianacooper.com/

Source Here

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