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Weight Loss and using EFT ~ Tapping Script for Losing Weight


The main concern I hear about especially at this time of year, is weight.  I released this video awhile ago, but I want to re-introduce it to you now so you can ease up, relax and really enjoy yourself this season.  You'll start the new year off with a whole new love and appreciation for yourself as well!  

Click here a free Tapping Script prepared just for you to download.  You can refer to it often throughout the holidays.  :)

Weight is always a hot topic, if not in conversation with others, certainly within our own heads.  How do you feel about YOU?   Do you have that little nagging voice inside that dislikes how your body looks?  This is a biggie for a lot of people.

If you aren’t happy with yourself because you happen to be carrying too much weight, you say a lot of really nasty stuff to yourself nearly every time you eat or feel hungry or even think about eating.   And, the stuff you say is NOT pretty…… “Why am I even thinking about eating, I’m such a loser!”  “I did it again…way to go fatso!” or, “I shouldn’t have ordered that…no wonder I’m fat”.  You can get pretty down and dirty with yourself when it comes to beating yourself up over this, am I right? When you feel that way about your body, it can be challenging to take care of it.  That’s because it’s tough to take care of something you don’t really like.

You would never dream of saying those things to anyone else in the world. You direct those non-loving messages toward your body and yourself often and let’s just say, it’s NOT a recipe for happiness, nor is it a recipe that will allow you to lose weight!  In fact, it does quite the opposite.  It keeps the weight on, no matter how much food you eat or don’t eat.

We always think about what the fat content is or what the calorie count will do to our body, but never put much thought to what those daily messages we so fiercely throw around are doing. You’ve heard about the stress hormone called cortisol.  Lot’s of diet pill companies pick up on this and offer you pills that will block the cortisol in some way.  But, that’s like closing the barn door after the horses get out!

Let’s skip the dang pills and go straight to the root of the problem.  When you feel bad about yourself because of a choice in food that you’ve made and guilt takes over, the amygdala (located in the mid-brain) senses danger and notifies our brain to initiate a response called fight or flight response. This produces an overproduction of the hormone called cortisol, which is linked to increasing appetite & sugar cravings and adding fat to our bodies, particularly in the abdominal area.  It’s an endless cycle really, because many of us will react to stress by overeating or grabbing a carton of ice cream.  Make no mistake about it, anytime you feel guilt, anger, fear or emotions like these, the stress hormone is released into your body.  And, if you’re doing it to yourself everyday, every time you eat, think about eating or order food that you judge as ‘bad’…….ZAP…….you sabotage your intention of weight loss no matter what program or diet you’ve subscribed to.

So what can I do?  TAP, of course!  Tapping sends a signal or message to the amygdala that it’s safe, there is no reason to activate the flight or flight response in the brain. It sends a calming signal and calming hormones are sent through your body in place of the stressors, and it helps you with sticking to your intention of living a healthier lifestyle.

Side of the hand:

Even though I judge how I look and I’m angry at myself ~ I accept how I feel and who I am

Even though I can’t stand to see myself in the mirror, I feel so angry ~ I honor how I feel and accept who I am

Even though I don’t like my body and I’m angry that it’s come to this ~ I accept who I am and honor how I feel

EB: All t his anger

SE: So much anger at how my body looks

UE: I feel it in my stomach

UN: I feel it every time I see a picture of myself

CP: All this anger

CB: It feels hopeless

UA: This anger in me

WW: I wonder if it’s possible to let it go

TH: It doesn’t feel possible

EB:  But, I’m open to the possibility I can let this anger go

SE: and choose to accept myself as I am right now

UE: I need this anger to keep me on track

UN: No, I don’t, I can chose differently

CP: I choose to accept myself as I am right now

CB: It’s safe to let the anger go

UA: This anger at my body

WW: Letting it go

TH: I’ve been so hard on my body

EB: My body deserves better than this

SE: I wasn’t aware of the damage I was doing

UE: I choose to love you now, just as you are

UN: I appreciate all that you do to support me

CP: I’m so grateful and promise to treat you in love & kindness

CB: Loving you now ~ just as you are

UA: I’m so grateful for this awareness

WW: I choose to speak only kind words to you from now on

TH: Accepting all that I am right now

Download Tapping Script Here

There are so many emotions & beliefs that can be triggered when it comes to weight and weight loss. As always, tap on what is true for you.  How are you really feeling?   Don’t hide from it; honor it, tap on it and shift it.  Sign up for my weekly newsletter right here on the sidebar to get videos & lot’s of tips on how you can change your life for the better.  I have a free gift for you to help you blast through what is holding you back in your money, just for signing up.

I’m glad you joined me today!   If you aren’t already on my Monday Morning Shift newsletter, I’d love to have you join me now.  Right after you enter your name and email, I’ll send you my powerful FREE training video on how you can quickly discover and release your money blocks!
Source Here: harmoniclivingnow.com


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