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Inner Body Vibrations & The Solar Flashes & Pulses


I’ve written about the Inner Body Vibrations since I first detected them in my physical body around 2001, mostly at TRANSITIONS however. If you’re not familiar with this side effect of the Ascension Process (AP), you may benefit from reading my older articles about the Inner Body Vibrations at TRANSITIONS . This particular article is for First Embodiers because they’re experiencing what I’m going to talk about or will increasingly be experiencing throughout 2018.

Back in 2001 when I first felt the inner body vibrations, I mainly felt them when I was falling asleep and waking up. During those brief periods when we’re crossing dimensional borders and shifting from one energy body into another that’s appropriate for whichever dimension we’re going into, I could intentionally linger in the in-between cusp point of sleep and wakefulness, linear time and quantum timelessness, physical and non-physical life and realities and dimensions to better feel, observe and discover what these inner body vibrations were. I’d spend half an hour or more maintaining the in-between asleep and awake states, levels and dimensions to intentionally observe and take mental notes about this ever-increasing inner buzzing, vibrating, pulsing and eventual shaking energy inside my physical body.

In the beginning years it would vibrate for a three count, stop for a two count, and back to a three count and so on. And in the beginning it was felt in the lower core area of my body but it would move from one area in this location to another and remained in my lower “guts” for a couple of years. After a few years of this it moved up a bit higher into my upper gut area, and a couple of years after that it moved and expanded up even higher into my upper chest area. This inner body vibration was and is the evolutionary Rewiring Process and it’s continued until it’s a whole head and body vibration for me now that’s constant but does sometimes become a five count on, half count off, and back on again. In other words, this inner body vibrating Rewiring Process has been an ongoing side effect of embodying increasing amounts of higher frequency Light energies throughout more and more of my physical body, and lastly my head since 2001.

I’ve clairaudiently heard the inner body vibration sound like I was standing next to a jet airliner about to take off, it was that loud and intense from an inner perspective. I’ve felt it amplify and expand from a mild inner body vibration, to an intense whole-body shaking that was so pronounced you could physically see my physical body involuntarily vibrating. I’ve become so used to it after 17 years that sometimes when it would suddenly stop for a few moments I would jerk in response because it has become “normal” to me. I was constantly leaning into it so when it would suddenly stop for a moment, it was a shock to me and I’d feel like I could fall over! We’ve been energetically and physically Rewired so that we could safely Embody the NEW vastly higher frequency Light energies and NEW codes and DNA etc. Because of this we spin, vibrate, radiate, transmit and are something tremendously different from what we were ten, twenty, thirty years ago. Compressed evolution; hurts in most cases but is amazing and a privilege to be able to experience firsthand in the physical.

It was late spring of 2017, when I first physically saw the sunlight flashing in a fast strobe-like manner while I was driving home from the grocery store. I was stopped at a red light and noticed the sunlight was quickly flashing up in the air and down on the street pavement and everywhere I looked. It was the Sun flashing continuously and this was physically visible, not only clairvoyantly visible. A few months after I mentioned this in another article, a reader emailed me a YouTube video someone had recorded in another country of the Sun doing this and it was exactly the same fast strobe-like sunlight I’d seen in early 2017 while driving. [I’m sure you can find these videos online if interested in seeing them.]

While driving in early February 2018, I physically saw the Sun do something new again, but this time it was a massivepulse of sunlight. About two minutes later I saw the Sun do it again; pulse out a huge flash of Light everywhere. I continued watching for this as I drove but didn’t see it again that day. That’s not saying it didn’t happen (and isn’t continuing to), only that I didn’t see it do this again that day. I know there’s all kinds of related external phenomena I don’t personally witness mainly because I’m busy individually living it and assisting it from inside my physical body, which is exactly what First Embodiers do.

Someone asked me recently why I don’t ever talk about what some are calling, ‘The Event’? The reason I haven’t is because most don’t understand what it is and how it’s physically reached and why. Most people who believe in ‘The Event’, believe that everyone is going to be “saved” by something external. That term, ‘The Event’, shows a lack of  understanding about the entire Ascension (AP) and Embodiment Process (EP). To me the entire AP and EP is one ongoing mega evolutionary event, but I understand why this term is popular and why people are excited about it, I’m excited about it too just as every other First Embodier is but for very different reasons.

Increasingly throughout 2017, I kept feeling how my physical body was vibrationally syncing up with the Sun in new-to-me ways. This has amplified greatly these first two months of 2018, which indicates this year is going to be verydifferent from any previous AP and EP inner processes and external shifts we’ve experienced leading up to this level.

So far in 2018, I’ve discovered that the rate of inner body vibration I now have is a match to and is synced up with the Sun and solar energy transmissions of both the repeated quick strobe-like flashing and the pulsing Light blasts as well. Many of the First Embodiers have Embodied enough of the NEW Light and codes etc. via having been Rewired over a decade ago, that we’re a complete frequency and vibrational match with the Sun and what it’s now transmitting. We’re finally able to instantly Embody everything the Sun radiates out energetically (NEW codes, NEW Light, NEW plasma etc.) into our physical bodies because they’ve been Rewired to do this and not be destroyed by housing such profoundly higher frequency Light energies, plus anchor them on Earth.

When I sit quietly I can feel the inner body vibrations in my physical body Embodying, catching, anchoring, maintaining and also radiating out these NEW energies and codes. The inner body vibrations have evolved into my, your, our being of the same frequency and vibrations as what the Sun is flashing and pulsing out now in 2018. Oftentimes now, what I’m looking at inside my house is flashing quickly too exactly like what it looks like when you see the Sun doing this. I didn’t understand this side effect at first and did the typical old thing of thinking it was “just my eyes” or something. However, after experiencing this a few more times this year I’ve discovered that there is no separation between what the Sun is doing now and what I’m experiencing and feeling inside my physical body, and, what I’m viewing with my physical eyes. It’s all the same frequency being transmitted by the Sun, received by the First Embodiers, then further radiated outward by the First Embodiers in the physical on ascending Earth. Why? So the Path is paved for the rest of humanity to experience the entire “Event” that is the Ascension Process.


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