How to Keep Up with the Acceleration
- Details
- Written by Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloveds ~
I AM sending you Infinite LoveLight from beloved Mount Shasta. It has been raining and snowing non-stop since I arrived, a quenching plasma bath for the land, gateways, and my heart.
My relationship with this Sacred mountain is so precious. While I have lovely memories from my seven years in the mountain wilderness, there is a new experience emerging. A brand new reality lifting out of the old stories and narratives of this bizarre and beautiful place.
I feel held in the Cosmic Mother’s embrace right now. Yes, there will be gateway shifts and new energies to usher in while I AM here. However the frequency of Resurrection is in the field, as well as a path-changing level of I AM Presence embodiment. I’ve had profound visions involving Gaia and Solaris; it feels like the predicted first energetic shift in March will be significant for this acceleration of the organic Ascension.
The Acceleration of Energies
The acceleration reaches beyond the experience of time speeding up or more intense events, more often. This is a quickening of energies, particles, and plasma across the realms.
We are invited to fully embrace multidimensional consciousness; the Zero Point experience of oneness with Source. It requires us to rise above surface-level spirituality created in density, and into the unified, coherent, synchronized state of the Infinite Kryst.
Cosmic Mother Plasma, amplified by the massive Source particle field we are currently traversing, activates a natural self-correcting effect. Unity consciousness, coherence, and synchronicities are intensifying. This provides an opportunity for our core values and intentions to align and manifest at an accelerated rate.
Guidance for Dealing with Acceleration
Ease Off the Accelerator: You create the conditions for your experience of the acceleration. Release the physical stimulation of hurry, worry, or stress. Simplify, shed distractions, focus on what increases your light. Time flows through us, not the other way around.
Reduce over-stimulation and distraction: These weaken your ability to experience the truth of love. Step out of the fray of external realities that influence your vibration, nervous system, and brainwaves (screens, social media, external events, low vibe conversation, coping mechanisms) often.
Tap into Zero Point: The acceleration will have no negative effects if you remain centered in the Zero Point of the Heart. Quiet the mind, drop into Zero Point, and align your fields to Source. Train yourself to do this effortlessly; it is a key to higher experiences and Ascension.
Use the Mastery Qualities: Forgiveness, gratitude, grace, and compassion. Apply them to everything. These frequencies cleanse, uplift, and stabilize your field.
Deep Meditation: Daily practice, and group practice when available (like the SUNday Unity Meditations). Loosen control over your meditations, let go, abandon lower astral busy-ness, and let the Crystalline Stargate of the Heart-Pineal-Crowns awaken and receive.
Sound: Sound is a more powerful healing tool as the harmonic shift accelerates. Use your voice; your light signature is changing to accommodate the acceleration. Tone, sing, speak LoveLight, chant mantras, play instruments that resonate with peace. Listen to high-vibrational wordless music. Play crystalline-attuned singing bowls to calm and harmonize your field.
Decelerate your thoughts: Consciously focus on one thing at a time, in presence, rather than scattering energy through multitasking or scrolling.
Practice conscious breathwork: Feel the fullness of the I AM breath.
Care for the nervous system: This is your delivery system for New Light upgrades and plasma. Support it through self-care and stress release.
Fasting as a reset: Time dissolves when we fast, and lengthier fasts feel easy right now. A three-day reset (water only) is still the simplest way to allow the body, DNA, and LightBody to catch up to your process. Discern and research what type of fast is best for you. The body needs space to keep up, and shed outdated patterns or beliefs stuck in the cells.
Be of service, be creative: Being present with others strengthens unity consciousness and the acceleration of LoveLight in the field. Creativity is a perfect elixir for balancing the acceleration.
Discernment of Truth: Empathic senses are amplified to reveal what is true. Divine Neutrality is a superpower, beloveds. Practice this if you are online often, as many are easily swayed by AI or external events. Hold the higher perspective, and ask “What does this have to do with my journey?” If it isn’t applicable to your Ascension, let it go.
Check in on yourself: Acceleration can cause the sensation – and it’s just a sensation – that you don’t have time or energy for alignment. Be a Responsible Creator. Pause. Hands on the Heart Center. Breathe. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” “What do I need to create in this Now?” Then follow the inner guidance.
Don’t embody the external. Witness. observe. Take action aligned with your core intentions. Don’t embody agendas, emotions, opinions, other people, or discordant energies. Focus on embodiment of the truth: the Infinite LoveLight of Source through your Kryst Self and I AM Presence.
The acceleration can be stimulating, exciting, inspiring, and exhausting. Appreciate the experience; we are witnessing a unique and empowering phase of the Ascension. It does require our attention, conscious choice, and alignment. Manage what you can manage with ease and grace.
Sending Infinite LoveLight from the mountain for ease, grace, and peace. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
SUNday Unity Meditation time shift!
CLOCKS GO BACK this weekend
Our SUNday Unity Meditations are anchored in Mount Shasta, in the Pacific Time zone, which shifts to Pacific Standard Time this weekend.
Check the time converter (enter SUNday’s date) on this page to stay synchronized with the Global collective at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.
Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for highest outcomes of peace, unity, and freedom. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
SUNday Unity Meditations: Celebrating Nine Years in 2025!
Join us every week for our synchronized worldwide SUNday Unity Meditations. Meditate in your own style, offline, for 30 minutes at 5AM, 8AM, and 11AM Pacific Standard Time.
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