Your Complete Horoscope Guide for February 7th - 14th
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the Full Moon at 24º of Leo check out both your Sun Sign, as well as your Rising Sign (and your natal house if you know it):
(5th House) The Full Moon in Leo arrives each year to remind you to allow yourself to shine in all your glory. This is often when we receive some sort of kudos or rewards for a job well done, or become recognized for a certain talent or creative ability. Bask in the glory of who you are. Full Moons can bring a long awaited project to completion, or shine a spotlight on something you’ve been working on. They can also be illuminating, bringing something to your attention that you had not previously known or realized. This Moon could also be a little surprising, and catch us off guard. Therefore bask in the limelight, but with your eyes wide open. There is an openness to Full Moons. Everything can come out. We wear our hearts on our sleeves, and it will be all you can do to keep your feelings to yourself. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is likely to be hidden for long in the light of this Full Moon where truths are revealed, and events brought to some sort of culmination. Another thing that can help over the next few months, is that your ruling planet Mars, albeit out of bounds and pushing past previous limits, is also making a stabilizing trine to Saturn. Use it to achieve some sort of status quo or adjust to changing circumstances. We need as much normal as we can grasp in this weather.
(4th House) All of your feelings are laid bare for all to see with the Full Moon in Leo. Nothing remains hidden long with the Full Moon this week. Everything is exposed. The good, the not so good, and even the ugly will be on full display. Full Moons are emotional, and this one has an added edgy quality of also being somewhat impulsive, excitable, surprising and rife with these spontaneous expression of feeling. Full Moons are also culminations. Things that had been marinating on the back burner, are now coming to some sort of fruition. It could almost feel like you are standing between one phase of life and the next, where the Full Moon is making the conclusion of a chapter in your life. And if that is the case, know that even if there is some sadness for what once was, the events that transpire can be a catalyst for creating something even better. Full Moons can bring a lot of emotion to the surface, and there are bound to be a lot of deep seated feelings rising to the surface this week. Things are coming to light, and you will want to process any new information before. Therefore wait until after the Full Moon before making major commitments
(3rd House) The Full Moon in Leo this week may find you questioning yourself, and even your choices. Be prepared to see your whole perspective shifting as a result of what you learn. All sorts of things can come to light in this sort of Full Moon, which can change the picture, and keep you guessing. So give yourself permission to be able to change your mind. For instance: What decisions have you made in the past, that might need some sort of revision? Or: What ideas are you still holding on to, even if they may no longer be valid for who you are now? We continue to evolve and grow internally, even when the external conditions in our lives don’t necessarily keep up. But as a result of these internal changes, it totally changes the way we see things. And what once sufficed in the past, may no longer be relevant. Full Moons have this way of bringing all sorts of things up to the surface: feelings, memories from the past, secrets that had been hidden from view, and even some surprising realizations about yourself and your own beliefs. And this is precisely why you might be questioning yourself. Be prepared for a change of heart. In light of all this changeability, you might want to wait until after the Full Moon on Wednesday to make any promises, commit to any decisions, or to have that important talk.
(2nd House) The Full Moon in Leo is shining a light on your resources, your priorities and all those things that you value, possess or merely desire. You may find yourself reassessing how you spend your money, and what exactly you are spending your valuable time, money and resources on, and whether or not it is fully appreciated. Because this particular Full Moon phase feels like things are moving quickly, and has a bit of the unexpected surrounding it, be wary of impulse buying. And be wary of that little voice irking you on by declaring “I really need that!” when you don’t, or asking “What about what I need?” Emotions come to the surface at the Full Moons, and in our desire to rebalance the ledgers there could be an inclination towards retail therapy. Another option is to cast a ritual of abundance. Pick one small item that you feel you really, really want, and then gift that to yourself. Think of it as a symbolic gesture of all of the abundance that you wish to embrace in your life moving forward. Then with the utmost gratitude, send that same wish out to others, that they may also benefit from your generosity.
(1st House) The Full Moon in Leo falls at 24º of Leo, and will most affect those who have Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven at or around this degree (or are born between the 13th and 20th of August). However, all Leos will feel themselves basking in the light of this extraordinary and dramatic Full Moon. All the more so, because so many Leos seem to be at a crossroad in their lives, which could feel like you are betwixt and between one phase of life and the next. Perhaps there have been some sudden and unexpected changes in your life, either recently or over the past year. Or perhaps you are initiating the change yourself, feeling the urge to live a freer, or more authentic life and lifestyle. Either way, you are probably needing to make some adjustments in your life, and the Full Moon is making that much more apparent. Any changes that you’ve been avoiding, will be really hard to ignore at this point, and will only make you feel really restless and dissatisfied if you resist. In some way you have outgrown some of the circumstances in your life, and so don’t be surprised if you have the urge within the bounds of the Full Moon on Wednesday to explore some new, and perhaps even uncharted territory.
(12th House) This Full Moon is about adjusting to some sort of new order in your life that feels a little destabilizing. This may be due to changes that have already occurred. And as a result you find yourself wearing a new hat, playing a different role with a whole new label and title. You may even have a new job. But there could still be some remnants of the old identity lingering in the back room corners of your life. Like ghosts and wraiths from a past that you have since outgrown, they insinuate themselves into your daily life. If that is the case, the Full Moon on Wednesday is here to remind you that you are now free of a past that no longer has any hold over you. It may have been very important to you in an earlier part of your life, but no more. For that is an era that you have long since outgrown. Use the Full Moon in Leo to release the old tendrils of ego identity that are no longer relevant for who you are now, and the life you now have. It’s time to clear out the last remnants of what once was, in order to more fully embrace, and look forward to what now is, and what will be in the future.
(11th House) Now that Uranus has since stationed direct, it is aiming to free you up for better things to come. The changes that occur, or are being revealed with the upcoming Full Moon could feel sudden, unexpected and maybe even inexplicable in its effects. This is often the time of year when Libra will receive accolades and rewards for what they have accomplished. And like a strobe light shining a beam over the proceedings, it can feel as if you are suddenly being seen and acknowledged. Know that even these inexplicable changes serve to free you up with the Full Moon. And if that is the case, totally embrace it for what it is. For what is happening is that you are indeed being freed up and released for better things yet to come. Even if it does not appear to be so at first. Even if it feels much more like an ending. Know that the twists and turns occurring in your life right now are conspiring to bring you precisely where you are needing to be in order for you to be able to fulfill your most deeply heartfelt hopes and wishes for the future.
(10th House) Normally the New Moon in Leo, which we are having this coming week, can be a time of year for Scorpio to shine and reap all sorts of rewards and accolades. It can also show you the consequences of any previous decisions and actions. Either way, there could be some surprising outcomes. The results may not be entirely what you had originally hoped for or anticipated. But as you stand here, you are being given an opportunity to assess the outcomes. And so you ask yourself: Is this where I had hoped to be? And if you are not satisfied with the results, what sorts of changes might you want to make? Whatever you do, don’t go leaping into the fray without looking, or be pressured into making any decisions right away. Wait until you see what is being revealed to you first. And if you are thinking of making any changes, stop and ask yourself first: Will this allow me to grow in the ways that I am needing to do right now? Will this bring me more freedom to do the things I really want to do? Your ruling planet, Mars, albeit out of bounds and pushing beyond the usual boundaries, will also be trine stabilizing Saturn over the next few months, helping you to establish some sort of much needed stability and organization in your life going forward. This will serve as ballast even amongst the twists and turns that lie ahead.
(9th House) Full Moons can bring revelations. And things that were previously hidden, or that you had not been aware of, could come to your attention. And the Full Moon in Leo this week could even bring a few surprises in its wake. Whatever new information you are made aware of could even change your entire outlook. Be flexible. For there could be some changes in plans as well. That could even include changes in travel plans. And if that is the case, it could prove to be fortuitous. One thing that could be apparent, is that in times of uncertainty, when things seem to be subject to so much flux and change, it can be difficult to create some sort of long term plan or schedule. Yes, there could be a few more twists and turns before all the dust settles. But in the end know that it is likely that you are going to end up precisely where you need to be, even if it isn’t originally what or where you thought it would be. Know also that if you realize that you had got off course, the Full Moon in Leo can inspire you to look for ways to get yourself back on track. In times of change these Uranian Full Moons can be remarkable turning points.
(8th House) The Full Moon in Leo each year can offer you the opportunity to reassess how you handle your finances. Have you been successful at paying down your debt? Or has your debt been inexplicably rising? Is there something that you can do about it? One of the things that can happen with this Moon is that things can turn on a dime, and go in either direction. There could be a sudden loss. But you could also see the results of a business or marketing campaign finally paying off. Or perhaps funds owed you from the past are now suddenly rolling in. Full Moons can also be illuminating, so that things that were previously hidden are now being disclosed. As a result it can also become more evident as to what you should be doing in order to better invest your valuable time, money and resources in only the most productive ways. Ultimately what is being asked of you is to free yourself up from that which is limiting you, in order to be able to further grow and expand your confidence as well as your self-worth. For the next few months, stationing Mars will be trine your ruling planet Saturn, which can be used to create some sort of long-term plan going forward. By the time that Mars stations direct at the end of this month, you should begin to see some opportunities for those plans to take shape.
(7th House) If your birthday falls on or around the Full Moon on February 12th, you will likely be all the more sensitive to this Full Moon that is riddled with unexpected twists and turns, and maybe even some surprise endings. Astrologically, birthdays, or the Solar Return (when the Sun returns to the same sign and degree that it was when you were born), are like new beginnings. But when a Full Moon falls on or near your birthday, the new beginnings you are hoping to make may require you to tie up some loose ends first, or bring an old order to some sort of final completion. Something is ending in order for you to make a new start this year. This can be a good thing. For instance, bringing the conclusion to a dry spell in your life, getting out of a rut, and then consequently opening up all sorts of doors that you had not previously anticipated. You are being asked to free yourself up, in order to be able to live a truer and more authentic life. A life more in conformity with your own unique outlook and expectations. Perhaps one of the things that you can come to realize in the light of the Full Moon this week is how important it is to be true to yourself, no matter what other’s expectations are of you, and just be you.
(6th House) The Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday can show us the consequences as well as the rewards for actions or decisions made in the past. These may be due to recent events, but they could also be for something that you had participated in or contributed to a long time ago. And could even bring some long overdue recognition for the part that you played. Perhaps you receive some kudos on the job, or you get a new position. Or some sudden change in circumstances frees you up for something new. Full Moons can feel very illuminating, shining a light even into the darkest recesses of your life. As a result the Full Moon in Leo allows you to see things in a whole new way, or you become aware of things that had been previously hidden from view. And even if nothing spectacular arises within the ambit of the Full Moon, you could still receive confirmation for being precisely where you need to be, and doing precisely what you are supposed to be doing. This particular Full Moon has a few twists and turns attached to it. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself either jumping through hoops, or adjusting to changing circumstances, that you hadn’t seen coming, as a result. Luckily as Mars slows for its station later this month it makes a stabilizing trine to Saturn in your sign, which can bring much needed ballast to help us weather these changeable storms.
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