Why Love Triumphs Over Harm Every Time
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- Written by L’Aura Pleiadian

This isn’t one of my usual posts; however, with the increase of violence and abuse on planet Earth, I am shown to write about this.
This writing is to bring light and awareness on Earth of men and women that may appear caring and loving, yet something sinister is taking place. For those of you going through emotional and mental abuse, this is for you. If you are in any danger of physical abuse, please seek shelter, you matter and your life is precious. Every life is precious. We don’t want to feed the Narcissists and Sociopaths and empower them to continue to use and abuse. To do harm.
For those of you who are feeling trapped in a relationship in which you cannot understand why you feel so bad. The awareness of how you are allowing yourself to be treated is important. In fact It is paramount.
To recognize and understand more of this, you first of all ideally become truly authentic with yourself. Even if not voicing it yet or standing up for yourself yet.
Boundaries are key here.
What is love and caring from a partner? Empathy and caring comes from the heart. Control, through manipulation is not love. Love never harms. It is patient and kind. The opposite of love, which is fear, never shows empathy. Never can give and be selfless, not expecting something in return.
Any man or woman that has demands on you or is pressuring you to meet their needs, not caring for you, is harmful. Many people grew up in abusive environments. Many (not all that have) had past life traumas that require them to be healed in this existence. To break free from all the lies of others. To be free to create boundaries.
Anyone that doesn’t like your boundaries, if possible RUN don’t walk away from them. In fact this is a great way to test if someone has no empathy. If someone gets angry at you when you set a boundary, that is manipulation, heartless and cruel. It is the opposite of love.
So why do so many men and women take this kind of relationship? Most often they have not yet become truly loving to themselves and haven’t set boundaries, or have tried to and accepted the abuse for it, turned a blind eye and went on as usual. The comfort zone of abuse is sometimes easier than courage to stand up for yourself, to love yourself and break free from people that never cared for you ever. That only exist to control and get what they want. They control through belittling you behind your back. Make fun of you, based on the fact they didn’t get sex, or this should have happened by now. Whatever it is, it is about them, getting what they want. Being so heartless, you mean literally nothing. Just a pawn in their cruel game of mental, emotional and even physical torture.
So if you are feeling stuck in any way like this at the hands of a family member, or partner, or so called friend. Set a boundary, and leave if they have no respect for your boundaries.
Make a plan if you are in a situation with physical abuse. You will have to safely plan your escape route.
I have come in contact with many women, men and children that have been dealing with a relative, partner, or family member who felt they were held beyond their wishes; trapped in a nightmare in which they didn’t understand how to escape. Slow steps with boundaries will help. Or better yet the police may help if you are in physical danger.
So be true to yourself, first and foremost. Has this been an ongoing situation where you know someone around you doesn’t care? In fact only cares about themselves? Please be careful. Please love yourself. No one wants to feed into the evilness of someone that only wants to get what they want and cares nothing for others.
Love is beautiful and everlasting. It is pure and true. Be filled with the Love of the eternal and the Divine. Love yourself and be free. Blessing all of you now, and forever in love, L’Aura
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