Activate Your Divine Power with Merkaba Energy
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Armor of God Elohim Hayyim:
Awakening Your Divine Power and Step-by-Step Merkaba Activation
Discover your True Self through the Vibrational Messages from Behind the Veil
Greetings, My Beloved Masters of the Universe,
In this channeling, we are reminded of the profound truth that God lives within us, through us, and as us. We are not separate from the divine; rather, we are intricately connected to the infinite source of all that is. We are each a part of God, and God is a part of us, flowing in every breath, every heartbeat, and every moment of our existence.
Today, we are told of the immense power that resides within each of us. The divine light of the Armor of God Elohim Hayim surrounds and fills us, awakening our inner knowledge that we are powerful, sovereign beings. The sacred geometric Merkaba—our vehicle of light—is beginning to activate within us, aligning us with higher frequencies of love, peace, and unity.
With every breath, every cell of our bodies is infused with the divine love of the universe, filling us with the radiant light of creation. As we open ourselves to this message, we are called to release all that no longer serves us and to step boldly into our true power. We are supported, guided, and protected by the divine forces that work through us.
Following this channeling, I will guide you step-by-step on how you can activate your own Merkaba, helping you connect more deeply with this sacred energy within. Together, let us receive this message with open hearts, knowing that divine love, wisdom, and protection are always with us. We are co-creators with the divine, and through this sacred connection, we manifest our highest potential.
Armor of God Elohim Hayim
In the vicinity of the aforementioned ideals, a new trajectory unfolds, guiding you toward a fresh territory of BEing. The harmony of the God Elohim Hayim brings to fruition plans set eons into the past. The armor of the God Elohim Hayim is birthing anew inviting you to step into its protective embrace.
The armor of the God is calling upon you to release outdated thinking patterns and embrace the true, innate knowledge of the Elohim Hayim living within your very cells, your being, and your soul. The armor of God, protecting all its children, is embracing those who have activated these divine encodings from within the adept principles of BEing. For the armor of the God Elohim Hayim lives within you and is arriving at this pivotal moment in time to equip you for the turbulence and energetic upheavals that lie ahead.
The energies arriving on your shores shall push out all that no longer belongs in the blueprint of your etheric being. This release, though chaotic, shall bring about renewal and purification. You shall experience significant shifts in your daily realities, shaking the foundations of your beliefs. That which was once considered true will no longer apply in this newly activated space.
Your planet has entered a new state of BEing, and the world you once knew is slowly fading from view, making way for a new platform of your reality. This new state has been activated by none other than your very own selves, and you are now ready to transition into it. As you move forward, the energies anchored on Earth will mark historical moments for humanity, where all that once was shall fade away, and a new reality shall arise from the intricately woven particles of God’s essence.
The Elohim Hayim lives within all beings on your plane of existence, and with this divine connection comes the much-needed light, peace, harmony, and bliss that will bathe you to the very core of your being. Spectacular might and power will emerge from within, yet to embrace this fully, you must don the armor of God and remain true to that which you are, even as the chaotic energies unfold all around you, you are to remain strong and vigilant in your belief systems allowing for light and love immoral to bathe all in your vicinity, divinity and trine.
The peaceful energies entering your planet at this time shall ignite the changes needed to purge and reveal the true essence of all that has been hidden from view. The road to ascension and the return to ONEness has been a long and treacherous one, yet here you are, standing in all your might, and all your glory, shining your light to illuminate the path for those awakening to their true identities.
Let us speak of the glorious moments to come—the moments of acceptance of the ONE living within each of you, the Elohim Hayim. It is not the external forces with which you shall engage but the outdated thinking patterns within. As you release these patterns, you shall experience a profound moment of awe at all you have become, for true mastery lies within your divine essence of BEing.
The true divinity of your BEing is your connection to the source of all that is—the living God within and without, for all are interconnected, for all is intertwined, for all is ONE. And so, and thus, a moment arrives when you must put on the Armor of God, attune to the frequencies of the plane of existence you wish to experience, and march forward to the rhythm of your soul, to the signature of your BEing.
For the spirit of your unique vibrational tone will propel you further than ever imagined. Indeed, it is the armor of the God Elohim Hayim that will allow you to transcend your current reality and step into a new one, where you will flourish, imagine, create, and be.
Stay strong amidst the chaos unfolding therein, knowing that you are a powerful creator of everything that you see, experience and be. Know that you are supported by all that is. Know that it is so, for it is!
That is all that we have for you now. WE are with you. WE love you. Goodbye for now.
What is the Armor of God?
The Armor of God has various interpretations across spiritual traditions, emphasizing protection, spiritual empowerment, and divine connection. While its roots are in the Christian Bible, there are notable parallels in other spiritual systems:
- Christianity: In the Bible, specifically in Ephesians 6:10-18, the Armor of God is described as a collection of virtues—truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and the Word of God—that offer spiritual protection against evil. Each piece of armor symbolizes an essential aspect of spiritual defense and strength, guiding believers in their daily battles against temptation and negativity.
- Kabbalah: Though there isn’t a direct equivalent, in Kabbalistic teachings, spiritual protection comes through alignment with the Sephirot (divine emanations) in the Tree of Life. These emanations represent divine qualities such as wisdom, understanding, and strength, similar to the virtues in the Armor of God. Kabbalistic symbols like the Star of David (sometimes interpreted as a Merkaba) also function as protective, energetic shields that connect practitioners to higher spiritual realmsPaganeoAncient Symbols.
- Taoism: In Taoism, the protection comes from aligning with the Tao (the Way), which represents the natural flow of the universe. Practitioners cultivate spiritual strength through virtue (Te) and harmony with nature’s forces. Taoism emphasizes humility and simplicity as spiritual armor, allowing individuals to navigate life with peace and resilience, rather than force Wikipedia The Socratic Journey of Faith and Reason.
Spiritual Meaning of the Armor of God
Spiritually, the Armor of God represents the inner virtues and divine connection needed to face life’s challenges. It is both a defense mechanism against external negativity and a reminder of one’s own divine power. By “wearing” this armor, one aligns with higher spiritual principles, fortifying the heart, mind, and soul. Across various traditions, whether through Taoist virtue, Kabbalistic alignment, or Pagan invocation, the theme remains the same: divine protection comes from embodying spiritual principles and living in alignment with higher forces.
This broader view of spiritual armor emphasizes not only defense but also the empowerment that comes from living a life rooted in truth, wisdom, and divine connection.
The Power of Your Merkaba
What I would like to share with you is my very first encounter with the immense power of what our Merkabas are capable of—the initial awakening to the light vehicle within us that connects us to divine energies. This was the first time I experienced my own Merkaba activating, a moment that opened my eyes to the extraordinary possibilities of spiritual protection, guidance, and the deep interconnectedness we all share.
Back in 2012, at the beginning of my awakening journey, I started hearing the voices of my guides and seeing beings visiting me. I was guided to take a trip that would change my life, align me with my soul’s purpose, and help me see the truth of who I am. This experience happened just days before Hurricane Sandy struck NYC; I was out of state, but my family was still there.
One day, as I was working at my computer, I suddenly felt a powerful urge to go outside, sit in lotus pose, and meditate. I wasn’t sure why, but I trusted the feeling. As soon as I closed my eyes, a six-pointed star appeared before me, spinning rapidly in a horizontal fashion. It then entered my heart chakra and began to spin even faster, expanding my heart and filling my whole body with an intense sensation of expansion beyond my physical form.
What happened next was remarkable. The six-pointed star within my heart shifted from horizontal to vertical, with one end pointing up and the other down. It then split into two equal triangles, transforming into pyramids—one moving upward while rotating in one direction, and the other moving downward in the opposite direction, passing through my entire body and encompassing me completely.
I was confused but elated, completely calm and mesmerized by this vision. I had no idea what was happening, but I felt compelled to embrace it. My beautiful six-pointed star had come to life, yet I didn’t know it was a Merkaba at the time. I hadn’t heard of Archangel Metatron or realized that this star represented the heart chakra. At that point, I was just beginning to heal my physical body from numerous ailments. All I knew was that something monumental was happening, and I needed to be a part of it.
As I continued in this meditative state, I saw a bright white light pouring into my crown chakra, while another white light rose up from my root chakra. These lights merged at the center of my spine, traveling upward, spreading into my shoulders, flowing down my arms, and shooting out from my palms as two beams of light—one from each hand. These beams intertwined like strands of DNA, growing stronger with each moment. It felt as though I was generating massive energy while also receiving it from an unknown source.
At last, I felt ready, and this spiraling DNA of light shot out into the sky. Suddenly, I could see the houses of my friends and family back in NY as if I were floating above them. I felt an urge to surround their homes and cars in protective energy bubbles. Deep down, I knew exactly what I was doing, even though it didn’t fully make conscious sense. I moved from place to place, ensuring that everything was shielded.
I tried to extend this protective light over all of NYC but sensed that my strength alone wasn’t enough; however, I was reassured that others like me were working to ease the impact of the upcoming events. I was told that the hurricane had to happen but that the damage wouldn’t be as devastating as anticipated. I continued to wrap loved ones and their belongings in light, yet I somehow forgot my dad’s car.
Just as suddenly as it began, I was jolted back into reality, completely exhausted and left wondering about the extraordinary experience I’d just had. Hours later, Hurricane Sandy hit NYC. While there was considerable destruction, the places I’d encapsulated in energy bubbles were untouched—except for my brother’s roof, which was slightly damaged, and my dad’s car, which I had forgotten. His car sustained severe damage, with all the windows shattered. I was stunned, unable to comprehend the power of what I had done and how it worked.
Now that I have shared my story with you, I would love to hear about your own experiences with Merkaba activation or moments of divine connection. And for those of you who haven’t yet activated your Merkaba, here is a step-by-step guide to help you connect with this powerful light vehicle within.
At the time, I had no idea what a Merkaba was, nor what it meant, but I trusted the process and allowed it to unfold. This experience connected me to divine light, filling my body with energy and love. From that moment on, my Merkaba became a powerful tool of protection and guidance, allowing me to connect to higher realms, shield loved ones, and assist others in their journeys. This was just the beginning of my deeper connection with Archangel Metatron, whose guidance would later lead me to fully understand and activate my Merkaba at will.
Now, I want to share how you can open and activate your own Merkaba, just as I did:
Steps to Open and Activate Your Merkaba
- Prepare Your Sacred Space
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you feel at peace. Begin by centering yourself and taking several deep breaths. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, letting go of any tension or worries. - Focus on Your Heart Center
Bring your awareness to your heart chakra, the center of your being. Imagine a brilliant light glowing in your heart space. Visualize this light expanding outward, filling your entire chest with warmth and love. - Visualize the Six-Pointed Star
Picture a six-pointed star (a Merkaba) in front of you. See it spinning gently, radiating divine light. Watch as it enters your heart center and begins to spin faster and faster. As it spins, feel your heart expand, opening to higher frequencies of love and light. - The Merkaba Expands
Now, visualize the Merkaba shifting from horizontal to vertical. See it split into two pyramids—one pointing upward, spinning clockwise, and the other pointing downward, spinning counterclockwise. These pyramids begin to rotate faster, creating an energetic field around your body. - Embrace the Expansion
As the Merkaba spins, feel it expanding beyond your physical body. Allow the energy to fill your entire being, connecting you to the universe. Feel this expansion as a powerful force of divine love, enveloping you in light and protection. - Connect to the Divine Energy
Visualize a beam of white light entering through your crown chakra, flowing down through your entire body. At the same time, see another beam of white light rising from your root chakra, merging with the light from above in your heart center. This creates a powerful flow of energy, activating every cell in your body with divine love. - Feel the Power of Your Merkaba
As this energy flows through you, visualize beams of light extending from your palms, forming a DNA-like spiral of energy. This spiral represents the flow of divine energy through your Merkaba, connecting you to higher dimensions and universal wisdom. - Affirm Your Power and Connection
Silently or aloud, affirm:
“I am one with the divine. My Merkaba is activated, and I am aligned with the light of the universe. I am connected, protected, and powerful. Divine love flows through every cell of my body.” - Trust the Process
Embrace the sensations and experiences that arise as your Merkaba spins. Trust that you are being guided by divine forces, and that your Merkaba will continue to strengthen and support you on your spiritual journey.
Just as I did during my own Merkaba activation, trust your inner knowing and embrace the divine power within you. Your Merkaba is your vehicle of light, a powerful tool for ascension, protection, and guidance. It connects you to the infinite love and wisdom of the universe.
As you activate and open your Merkaba, you become a powerful co-creator with the divine, assisting others in their journey toward ascension. Know that you are supported, loved, and guided every step of the way. Together, we are walking each other home—back to our true selves.
I encourage you to explore this process with an open heart and know that you are capable of achieving profound transformation through your Merkaba.
I love you all and am sending you a tsunami of love, light, abundance, health and joy!
The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by
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