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Daily Angel Message: Embrace Loving Support

Daily Angel Message: Embrace Loving Support

Cat’s Angel Message for September 20, 2023

September’s Theme: “What Do I Want?” “What do I need?” These are some of the questions that we often ask ourselves. So as we head into Autumn and the season of introspection dig deep and harvest the answers that will help you on your path.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It shows that we have strength and courage and a willingness to do what is needed in order to keep things moving. ~Cat

Today’s Message:

920: One of the most important things we need when working with everyday life is support.

Last month we talked about how friends and family help to create this important support system. This support is necessary because it brings new ideas, blessings, and people who can help us. Today we are being reminded that the universe is part of our support system and that we should never hesitate to ask for what we need to support our endeavors. Remember, when we ask for assistance we are effectively setting things in motion and even if we can’t see immediate results things are happening. If you feel as if you have lost something or that something is missing in your life bless the situation with love and affirm that you are ready to make room for something better. Have faith that you have been heard and that help is on the way!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

  • Archangel Sandalphon hears all requests and makes sure that they get to the Angel or Ascended Master who is  best able to handle them. Ask him to help you clearly understand the information that you receive (his favorite mode of communication is music!). Sandalphon also provides us with an emotional boost of courage. This is important as it helps us to make bold decisions that will help us on our path.

  • The Himalayan Ascended Master Babaji helps us to achieve the personal and spiritual growth necessary for the letting go process. He assists us in detaching ourselves from both material things and things that no longer serve us. He teaches us that letting go is a form of simplifying your life. It frees your energy so that you can work on what’s important so that new blessings can be received.

  • The Egyptian goddess Bastet (Bast) is not only associated with cats both large and small she is also a goddess of protection and of things that bring pleasure to the senses. In her role as protector she tells us “Never be afraid to stand up for yourself or move in the direction you know is right. Remember the importance of setting boundaries. This helps you to take control of your life.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

  • Danburite promotes changes, patience and peace of mind. Meditating with Danburite helps us access our inner guidance system.

  • Howlite helps us to formulate our plans to and achieve our ambitions and goals. It helps us to communicate these things in a calm and reasonable manner and tempers this with patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance.

  • Turquoise helps us with creative problem solving and promotes both balance and intuition. It is aligned with the Throat Chakra and  teaches us to speak up for ourselves and to speak our truth, which can be a valuable asset when working with gratitude and our ability to create. Turquoise helps to purify our energy and clears away negative energy. it aids our problem solving skills and protects us against self sabotaging thoughts and actions.

    Bright blessings for a magickal day!


I’m Cat from Grand Jct. Colorado. I’m married, pagan, owned by a “clowder” of cat’s and enjoy crystals, tree hugging, books, belly dancing, photography and numerous outdoor activities.
I am the owner/ jewelry creator of Cat’s Treasure Trove (found here on my WP site!) and  the group Sacred Spirals: The place where all paths meet, on Facebook. In my spare time I am a  part time caregiver for my mother who is entering the realm of dementia.

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

Sacred Spirals on Facebook: The place where all paths meet  

The Desert Path: The Dusty Ramblings of a Desert Pagan

Cat’s Treasure Trove: An eclectic  collection of jewelry & gifts
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