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Break Free From the Old Story Holding You Back

Break Free From the Old Story Holding You Back

We’ve all been letting go for years. Is there even anything left in here to let go of?

Yes, actually. The big lie that’s been holding you back is about to come undone. At first, it may be heartbreaking, just because loss of a story is still a loss. But shortly after you come to terms with the loss, the laughter and healing come flooding in. “That was all me! I can just change the story!”

I would love to tell you what that story is, but it is different for everyone. Once you see how you have used this story to stay small (or big), it’s liberating and empowering to let it go. The nice thing about this particular shedding is that all you have to do is clear your own attachment to the story, then life simply changes around you. The mind really is a reality projector. This isn’t about re-framing an old story; it’s about totally releasing the story.

If you aren’t sure which matrix program you are stuck on, the next couple of months (Sept. & Oct. 2024) will help you figure that out. As the old reality structure comes crashing down, see which parts really trigger you. Politics? Money? Religion? We all cling to something from our indoctrination, and it’s time to let it all go.

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve said, “it’s time to let it go,” and beliefs have been releasing for years, but this time is more like removing a rotting tooth and having it almost immediately replaced with a brand-new, natural, better-fitting tooth. Once you see how you have been holding yourself down with a simple belief, it really is hilarious. All you have to do is bring it to awareness, and let it go. Cutting cords is a nice touch. How powerful are you? If you can dramatically limit your life with a single story, just imagine what you can accomplish by removing that story! You go!

Life is going to be rearranging itself anyway, so it’s a great time to release what hurts your heart. Again, this pain is self-inflicted by way of an attachment to a belief. A brutal example would be a physically abusive relationship. Even after leaving an abuser, if the story remains unchanged, another abuser follows. The actual change comes from the victim changing their story. Changing any story will draw new players. Wherever you go, there you are. The change is internal. Right now, internal change is strongly supported.

No need to push for change, just be aware of what comes up. My invisible team usually has to show me something three times before I catch on. Maybe I’m just slow. The point is just pay attention to what you are being shown. You will be guided to your next step with grace and ease… if you are willing to release the expired story.

ABOUT NATHA – I have always been one of “those people” whose intuition and energy sensitivity is considerably different than those around me. I was 8 or 9-years-old when I first realized other people didn’t talk to their angels or guides, didn’t see ghosts, and couldn’t see glimpes of the future. Who knew? Shortly after that realization, I also noticed how uncomfortable people were with these concepts, so I just stopped sharing. Now we are all going through a spiritual awakening, a dimensional shift, and more people are becoming aware of the other world where I’ve always lived. I’m here to tell you that “you’re just as sane as I am” (Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter character), and to offer companionship on the journey. I write about my own experiences and my perception of the world, in the hope that it will be of value to you. Contact: Natha,  (email is best, but only checked once daily)
Source: here 

Picture from pixabay.com

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