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March 2025 Ascension Energies You Need to Know

March 2025 Ascension Energies You Need to Know

March's theme: What Really Matters
March Archetypes: This month’s energies support the Yearly 2025 Archetypes of The Lover and The Magical Child

2025 New Earth Archetypes: The Compassionate Innocent, The Wise Advocate
DNA Focus: 9th & 10th Strands 
Cosmic Cycle of Creation: Water
Key Words: Non-duality, Oneness, We are One, Resolve, Resilience (9th Strand), Higher Mind

Hello Beautiful Soul!

This month YOU decide what really matters to you!

With the world currently deepening its healing crisis, now more than ever it is imperative that we remember what really matters to us. Yes, I said healing crisis, not A crisis. March is a month that we spiral to another level of Ascension via a DNA Upgrade that we were initiated and prepared for during January and February.

The purging, clearing and challenges you have experienced in your own way during these two months is now giving way to recalibration during March. Specifically as you go through the 399 Gateway, March 13th Eclipse/Full Moon portal and then the Equinox and second Eclipse/New Moon.

This is the LARGEST SHIFT in consciousness that I have channeled so far in the Ascension process since 2012.

What I mean by this is that even though world events around us may trigger us emotionally, feel overwhelming, even spark incredulity, we also have the chance to deepen our sense of self-mastery and spiritual skillset. It’s an opportunity to know YOU have the capability, resolve and resilience to “walk through fire”, ask for help from others, help others, and trust the process.

 In March humanity decides as a collective if we are going to repeat the past or move fully into the future of the New Earth paradigm where we lead with love and integrity to build an abundant and prosperous society for all.

We are shifting in consciousness to the Transcendent Void - to hold the swirling energies of what seems chaotic and unbalanced, to bring in the stillness that is needed for clarity. To use our Higher Mind to ascertain that there are greater things at work than what we perceive or we are told is reality. To surrender to this and in doing so find solace and peace as we walk the Galactic Hero’s Journey.

We each have the opportunity to rise above our fear and ego based 3D physical reality to drop into something meaningful, multi dimensional, spiritual, and seed love and compassion around the planet. That is our soul mission for those that feel called. And our DNA is being activated so that we “remember” this mission.

The rest on our planet will take care of itself. Those who want to remain in the old paradigm, control others, be controlled and sow hate and fear will continue to lose their footing. Much. More. Quickly. There is no need to worry as all is going according to the universal plan of Ascension. Nor should we give the old ways of being any of our precious time, attention, thought or words if we cannot control it. And we can’t.

The Age of Aquarius is officially ushered in during the March Equinox, with the start of the yearly astrological calendar (March-Aries, is the start of the zodiac), offering each of us a REBIRTH out of predetermined ego-karmic fate, and instead gives way to Divine Blueprint destiny based on soul consciousness.

You choose if you walk forward into the unknown as a “Love in Action, Spiritual Warrior” on your Galactic Heroes Journey.

Sounds simple right? NO, it's not, that is the point.

This is what I told when I channeled a few years ago from my universal connections - We are on a Galactic Hero’s Journey now until 2032 - and hero’s go through certain phases of initiation, challenges, purification, facing fears and self doubt.

We are birthing new archetypal energies on the journey to create a new world and new way of being human. And each archetype requires us to shapeshift and “walk through fire” in a certain way.

This is not going to be easy, especially when we are fed fear based information all the time. It's not easy when doing the “right’ thing is often not popular with others that are attached to ego based goals/outcomes.

It’s not easy when we have been taught to follow the path of least resistance and care about what others think and say. It’s not easy to live through the heart when we have been conditioned to base our reality on material things and money, over spirituality, self mastery or our values.

So what do you choose? Are you going to take the less trodden path of the Galactic Hero’s Journey or stay where you are?

Do you have the courage to create a life that you love and that matters to you, regardless of your past, emotional pain, outside chatter and chaos?

More will awaken this month with this new sense of consciousness and become Seekers of universal truth, co-creation and compassionate, loving connection. Those of you already “on the path” will also need to deepen your sense of resilience, resolve and dedication to your Galactic Hero’s Journey and creating your life.

More in my video about the energies of March and the incredible DNA UPGRADE you will experience this month!

Check out my DNA UPGRADE course below in this newsletter - FREE UNTIL MARCH 13TH!

Go on an interdimensional Galactic Hero’s Journey and embody the 2025 archetypes of the Compassionate Innocent, the Wise Advocate along with the other New Earth Archetypes in my Navigating the Future Course

In service and divine liberation,


March psychospiritual and physical symptoms:

This year the body and mind will be challenged to come into greater synthesis with the whole, with the concept of compassionate co-creation, with pulling in information in a holistic/holographic way, the nervous system will be taxed and stretched to bring in greater attunement to higher frequencies.

The sun cycle will continue to be very active and support shifts in our power, spiritual illumination and clarity. Other important comic dates, planetary alignments and gateways will trigger the opportunity to ascend, bring in more creativity and manifestation.

Above all, watch and support your heart health and mental health this year!

Here are the symptoms for March:

Positive symptoms: embracing your fears & challenges (not looking away from them), self-responsibility, surrendering to the process of life/ascension and your challenges without judgement and with gratitude, more connection to heart based decisions & actions, feeling stronger and connected to your inner essence, awareness of healthy emotional boundaries, more wholeness within, greater resolve and resilience, Higher Mind awareness (clear sight and self-acceptance), more bridging of head to heart, forgiveness, unconditional love for self/others, joy, play, heart centered purpose and spirituality, detachment from drama, interdependent relationships

Negative/Shadow symptoms: Detoxing and purification, pain and swelling (inflammation) of nasal passages and the respiratory tract, fever, immune issues, sore throat, HEAT and sweating, lymph congestion, lack of self-responsibility, negative self-talk, self-harm, ego intelligence, unbalanced in sense of inner self, emotional instability, emotional numbness (or wanting to numb), increase in addictions, stiff joints, tension in body/mind, anxiety, loneliness, sense of separation, fear, bitterness, grief, codependency in relationships, lung issues (pneumonia, asthma) and circulation issues (high/low blood pressure, blood clot, varicose veins), heart attack, heart palpitations, breast cancer, anemia, angina, Reynaud’s Syndrome (nerve ending issues)

Secondary symptoms: solar plexus pain, gut tension, digestive issues, stiff neck, sore throat, ear infection/plugged ears, thyroid fluctuation, tailbone or lower back/sciatica pain, achiness, leg/feet/knee issues, ear buzzing/ringing, dizziness, restless sleep, needing more sleep, low mood, frustration, neck/shoulder pain, hip issues, weight fluctuation, feeling drained, intense or nonsensical dreams, kidney issues, feeling stressed, interdimensional/lucid dreaming, shifts in perception of your reality, crawly brain, up and down energy

Areas more affected this month: all chakras, heart, arms, hands, lungs, chest, Thymus gland (area of the subconscious)

If you have any concerns about your health and wellness, please consult your health practitioner immediately.

More about the Ascension process and Ascension symptoms on my website

March 2025 Cosmic Events:

  • March 9 - 3/9/9 Gateway
  • March 13 - Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo @ 11:54 pm PST
  • March 20 - Equinox at 2:01 am PST
  • March 29 - New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries @ 3:57 am PST
  • Mercury Retrograde:
    • March 1 – 14 Pre-shadow
    • March 15 – April 7 Retrograde
    • April 8 – 26 Post-shadow

DNA Upgrades & Your Ascension Process
FREE until March 13th!

My gift to you so that you can prepare for the monumental upcoming DNA Upgrade!

Explore how your DNA influences your consciousness, health, wellness, and evolution. Prepare for the 2025 DNA activation gateways and unlock your potential through understanding DNA strands, and their purpose in your Ascension process.

This mini course in my portal will take you under an hour to complete! AND I have a BONUS gift for you at the end of the course!

Click here to access 

Simply put the course in your cart, “purchase” and you will be sent an access link.  Then login to my course portal to access (if you are not a student already meaning if you do not have a login email/password for my course portal you will be asked to create one).



For more about the Sage and Alchemist archetypes please see my book and Oracle Deck, as well as my Navigating the Ascension Journey Course!  For a deeper dive into the Blue Star 9th Chakra check out my Navigating Spiritual Embodiment Course.

Samantha Orthlieb
(Registered Herbalist, Certified Iridologist, Flower/Nature Essence Therapist, EAV/ Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioner, Contemporary Medicine Woman, Plant Protector, Land Guardian and Evolutionary Oracle)
Source Here

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