What Fears Stand In Your Way?
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- Written by AndEl

The aspect of spiritual awakening I find most beautiful is that we are all in equal standing. It doesn’t matter how many years of schooling or university you have under your belt, or if you’ve lived 80 years, or if you’re a scholar or professor who has written many papers and books, we can all ascertain the grandest wisdom to understand it all.
We’re all in equal standing to realise truth.
I’ve experienced my Soul in all it’s glory, and each time I do it’s the most incredible experience of all-encompassing love and bliss. It’s where I want to stay. However like so many other people, I fear I’ve slipped back into gentle slumber. I can see the signs. The slight irritation creeping into the crevices of the unobserved mind, and it makes me wonder, am I afraid to live awakened?
Surely that fear must only be possible by the ego, so even by pondering the question of being afraid merely points out my current allegiance. Nevertheless, I delve further.
I asked myself or my ego self, to that which it is afraid?
I fear I’d be lonely. I fear no-one would understand me and that my whole world would change.
By merely speaking my fears, answers arise within, as though they’ve been waiting in the wings to flood my consciousness.
“True awakening is not like that,” a voice from within commands my attention.
“What changes is your perception, your experience of the illusory world, and not the illusory world itself – well not at first.
At first your outer experience remains as it was prior to awakening, for it is not until you realise only truth cannot change that you will be done with the game of your illusory world. And then everything you thought was real will change once and for all, and you will see that it was never anything at all. And that is when you come home.”
I sat with the vibration of the words and felt the power of a deeper knowing that I do want to awaken. And I’ll know when the true awakening has occurred because I’ll connect into my Soul – I’ll be my Soul, and there’ll be no fear.
Even as I write these words I feel the sway, the dance of awakening unfolding, burying my ego in the dark soil of my skin, and making way so the love within can waken.
More questions arise in the wake of further realisations, and my attention is heightened. I’ve finally got my attention. I ask of the voice:
“How can I awaken right now?”
“Be love, sink into eternal Soul through true recognition of Self. That’s all. That is not hard for those who know who they are. Find Yourself and you find All.”
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