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July & August 2018 Internal External Multidimensional Alignments

July & August 2018 Internal External Multidimensional Alignments

I’ve written about the Ascension Process Inner Body Vibrations many times over the years at both TRANSITIONS and HighHeartLife. I’ve shared how these inner vibrations have manifested and changed over the years in my own physical body and Light body, and what this process has felt like and sounded to me. As with all Ascension Process related transformations, this too has increased and grown in frequency and size over the years. Transmuting and ascending density up and out of the old lower frequencies takes linear time so that the Process doesn’t destroy our physical bodies or anything else.

Brief recap: I first became aware of Inner Body Vibrations within my physical body around 2001. They were very apparent when I was in the in-between state of sleep and slowly waking up and returning to my physical body or vice versa. Because I can intentionally hold and maintain this in-between state and consciousness, I utilized this multidimensional holding pattern ability to spend more time in this transitional state to investigate these internal vibrations happening in my physical body.

At first they would run “ON” for an exact count of three seconds, followed by “OFF” for an exact count of four seconds, then back “ON” again and so forth. This pattern lasted for the first couple of years but over time they slowly increased being “ON” for longer and longer periods until, years later, the inner vibrations were and are “ON” constantly. Stair-steps. Once they were running constantly, while in this in-between sleep and wake or wake and sleep I began also hearing what sounded to me to be a roaring of energy. This sound also increased over the years until it was comparable to standing at the edge of a runway with a huge passenger jet plane revving its engines for take off! It eventually became unbelievable loud and the inner vibrations shook and rattled me through and through. This entire Inner Body Vibrations business has never been physically painful thankfully; one of the only Ascension Process symptoms that hasn’t!

Since 2001, these inner body vibrations have expanded from small localized areas in my lower body, to constant full-body and head vibrations. Increasing inner Light energy frequencies within our physical bodies to the level they are today is the NEW normal level of our inner frequency rate. I first felt these inner body vibrations, then I also began clairaudiently hearing them and then another progression with them began for me after the Total Solar Eclipse last year in August 2017. Days after that 2017 Solar eclipse that traveled across the USA, I began clairvoyantly Seeing my inner body vibrations while in the in-between awake and asleep, asleep and awake state. It was then that I realized this entire inner body vibrations—embodying and Embodying increasing higher frequency and larger amounts of Light energies and NEW codes, DNA etc.—has been unfolding within me and my body in ways I wasn’t completely aware of and am still learning about this aspect of our ongoing Ascension and Embodiment Process. As we grow and expand so too does our Higher Abilities.

With the start of 2018, the pattern I had been clairvoyantly Seeing of my inner vibrations or frequencies changed into a completely new and more complex pattern of Lights. As always I searched for images that come the closest to what I See to share with you in my articles. I knew I wouldn’t find anything close to what I’ve been Seeing since August 2017, and every change of it since January 2018, so I’m having to use images that portray what I See but don’t actually look like them. The images used here are only to help show the progression of all this and bring us all up to date with the current conjunction or alignment with the Re-Alignment unfolding this month internally within us and externally also. So please know that the colors, shapes and patterns in these images are NOT the same as what I’ve Seen but are as close as I could get to the actual progression of all this.

The first level and frequency state of the inner body vibrations I clairvoyantly Saw in August 2017, looked somewhat like this image but it and all of them MOVE very quickly within this sort of rectangular shape. None of them were ever stationary but moved about rapidly. Again, different levels of increasing frequency, preparation and slowly approaching internal and external Re-Alignment. So this first representation was constantly moving quickly within this rectangular shape visual I saw.

The second level and frequency state I’ve seen since January 2018, looked more like this image; much more active and moving, pulsing randomly and quickly from corner to corner and all around ten times faster than the first visual and representative image. It’s easy to see that the frequencies have been and continue to quicken and amplify in vibration internally within us and externally as well.

The latest visual change to my inner body vibrations looks more like this image. It is vertical now with an opening in the center of all that super fast vertical up down movement. When I See this at this level of frequency now the whole thing is moving up and down so fast it’s shocking. This most recent progression change happened early July 2018, and continues today. While viewing it I feel it in my HighHeart and reverberating throughout me entire being and also See and Feel it taking place externally too in and to the Earth, Sun, solar system and more. As within, so without…

When I experienced the second increase shift with the start of 2018, I started to understand that what I was experiencing and Seeing was and continues to be my inner Light frequencies and Light and Physical bodies continually increasing vibrationally to be able of aligning with and Embodying the NEW energies that have already started entering us and external reality too. The symbolic opening in the center of the latest inner body vibration frequencies (and image) is a multidimensional area and opening that those First Everything-ers ready and able to Embody this are energetically coming into alignment with so as to Embody full Re-Alignment with the NEW much higher Ascension Process and NEW Earth.

If you understand astrological alignments then you know about conjunctions between planets. Over time a faster moving planet comes within orb of another planet(s) (very close to) which activates the energies of the conjunction between them. We First Everything-ers have been slowly coming within orb so to speak for many, many years with this July 2018 (and beyond) Re-Alignment opening where tremendous NEW higher frequency evolutionary Ascension and Embodiment energies and NEW codes etc. will flow through that opening and directly into each of us and external NEW reality. The July 27, 2018 Total eclipse of the Moon at 4° Aquarius 45′ is the other energetic bookend to last years August 21, 2017 Total Solar Sun eclipse. Those who are capable will experience Embodying the energies that come through this multidimensional internal personal and external alignment opening so that we are wholly and completely Re-Aligned with the NEW higher everything internally and externally.

Now is this the end-all be-all to the Ascension Process? Is this the “event” many have been talking about? No, it is not, it is another step, a very BIG and important step yes but another step in what’s been happening for a very long time now. Don’t get sidetracked now with thoughts about wondering what this will do to you, to others, to global reality. This is not the time to focus on the results of what you and I need to continue doing individually now to align with and Embody the Re-Alignment opening energies bringing higher NEW energies, codes, NEW Earth and everything else. This is happening already but it will get much more focused and intense as we move toward, through and beyond Fridays Total Lunar eclipse and 2018 Lion’s Gate transmissions. Don’t be surprised by whatever you experience from here on out because huge positive changes are being transmitted now. ❤ ❤ ❤


July 24, 2018

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

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