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Human Collectives: Relationships Come Under Fire

Human Collectives: Relationships Come Under Fire

It's Evolve Your Relationships "time" (Vibrationally)

We've entered a phase, where every aspect of our lives come under "scrutiny" in a way. There is a "rhyme and reason" for "why" and "how" all occurs.... there are infinite purposes... all to align each with their own selves/higher selves/Soul. 

These energies continue to take each "deeper" into themselves... to weed through all belief systems that represent separation/unconsciousness and evolve each aspect of each's life to a much higher state of consciousness than before. 

One of these areas is "friends and family".... of which the human ego has attachments, expectations and "need". They put their "faith and trust" in others outside, knowing deep inside that all is not PURE. 

Betrayal is an energy that brings "disappointment" and "hurt", which is deep separation from each's own Pure Source Self-Light.... where there is a distortion carried forth to "this body/now" from all existences.... where each was betrayed/betrayed... held within each's cells/cellular memory/data-banks... and all of this energy must be cleared from the body for it to raise it's vibration high enough for Ascended NEW Earth to come forth for each from within.

Betrayal is located in the upper back region of each's body, the whole section, yet also under the shoulder-blades (where each's wings are), yet it's also a Root Chakra program still. There is immense "hurt" and betrayal on a multi-existence level.... of Jesus/Judas, God/Prime Creator & Lucifer, Angelics/Fallen Angels, Galactic Races, LeMUria/Atlantis, Egyptian and so much more... each person holds this energy in their bodies until vibrationally this energy is "triggered" to start to purify/cleanse/purge/release.... Each's individual journey will determine this, yet we enter a heightened phase where entire collectives shall be "activated" by way of these Cosmic Frequencies to "target" these collective existences to start to clear the body, which play out in each's physical reality, where ascension has not yet occurred. 

Early in my own awakening, I realized how Betrayal worked... I also realized about "friendships" and all the Quantum Entanglement, cords of attachment, inner-twined energies and all of that had to be "undone". I will post the link at the bottom to an article I wrote then and also included in "Navigating Dimensions" Ascension Guide Book. It was my own realizations and alignment process and a new "how to" live by... and to start to establish new relationships/relation-shifts with those who entered my life, which is a building of all new, on all new energetics of the highest Sacred inner-integrity, respect, honor, kindness, consideration and mutual exchange of energy that supports, inspires and contributes as SOUL FAMILY and STAR Family here. Human ego aspects don't have the capability to understand this yet, because they've not gone to the depths of their own Core, through their own Great Central Sun and Galactic Corridors to REMEMBER how we behave/treat each other, which is showing up for ourselves fully first, then for each other as a part of a whole. Human experience is what teaches each... what's aligned and pure and what's not.

We enter a phase where human relationships dis-integrate at an accelerated rate, to make way for much higher consciousness ones. The amount of victim energy, blame energy, hurt energy and even hate energy during these phases can get intense, because the human ego doesn't understand "why" these things occur... as a part of their own cellular/vibrational frequencies held and transmitted out to call forth those Souls to play this part as a huge clearing and realignment process for them. 

This phase is a re-harmonizing.... a tuning process .... to clear constructs/all not in fully harmonic alignment from within each. All of the "external" that's not aligned, becomes visible by way of actual experience until each can learn to READ ENERGY and choose, Master and stand as their own Sovereign Creator, instead of an ego/victim/blame one. 

These energies have to clear each's body & field. This can be done in a multitude of ways. One can be fully present, observe, identify and truly see how their own ENERGIES CREATED and ALLOWED that... where on a Soul Level they've been clearing Karmic timelines and how a Unified Existence does not experience these things.... 

These are going to "hit home" for many.... take them to depths not "visited" before... this is a very important part of the process. I write this for those who may observe these experiences, to be able to connect deeper and expand perspectives to view from a higher self/Soul Level, rather than unconsciously playing out the "human ego/get caught up in the drama" one. 

For many, the drama is what clears their energy... which is full blown "I'm a victim, look what they did to me, I need validation as a victim" duality game... yet the more ego, the more this has to play itself out for each. The more presence, awareness, the easier it is to expand and clear the energy faster/instantly and UNIFY FULLY within..... to restore PEACE and LOVE and to shift vibrationally to a whole new reality/timeline... 

This is the forging, the forming of all new relationships... nothing like the old ones were. These are pure... yet the first and most important relationship we all have is with our own SOUL self, as our Highest Aspects.... so that our "new relationships" can be aligned by us.... intentionally and fully conscious. 

Our NEW EARTH RELATIONSHIPS are built, they are constructed and formed over "time". There's not one ounce of lack, need or compromise involved. There's zero dependency and because all agendas are visible, there's no hidden anything anymore... Our NEW Earth Relationships go through a lot for years, as we come in and out of each other's lives for awhile, clearing karmic residue, until we've cleared the entire timeline and all of the energy we held within. Then we move to "short exchanges", where there's a vibrational purpose, yet the relationship can't fully form, because everyone is in different places, vibrationally.... The only "long term" exchanges we have are with others who are fully aligned within themselves and fully invested in creating and together.... and living by Our NEW Earth Value System... which is nothing like Old Earth's was.

Each will have to go through these experiences, to "learn" what PURE EXISTENCES are, to "learn" how the human ego works and raise their own vibration high enough to HOLD IT, so their own reality can fully align on a Soul-Star-Light BEing level here. Each exchange will "show" each... what UNITY-LOVE-CONSCIOUSNESS truly is.... where it doesn't exist yet, where distortions are still held and where each is not yet able to fully stand/exist/live as their own Highest Aspect Selves....

FOR SOME, this will be the most challenging part of the process.... because where there is any unconsciousness, the purposes/reasons/energy can't be seen... The programs not visible up front, because the person is focused on the external first, instead of living fully in-tune and in-harmony from within yet. Human aspects attach their energy, mentalities, beliefs... "put onto another" and hold expectations, entitlement and "wish and hope" the other person is honest, respectful, considerate and comes from purity, instead of tuning in on an energetic level first to see which multi-dimensional aspect they are inner-acting with, relative to their own vibration/energy and what each is seeking, the patterns/themes for what brings each together... whether they are highest aligned or serving a "lower self" need/lack/agreement.... 

Human ego gets their feelings hurt... Souls don't. I hear so many say "my Soul is hurt". No, that's your ego. Your Soul is PURE. Everything else is ego.... and a clearing/cleansing process that has to occur..... 

Your Soul doesn't get tired.... your human does... Your Soul is your LightBody and it only depletes when you have to break down programs on a cellular level, linear programs and distortions held within. Over-giving, over-taking, trying too hard, resistance, protection mechanisms, giving your self away to others... instead of holding your own, focusing your own energy and maintaining/managing your own Energy and entire reality as LOVE..... Your POWER comes through full consciousness, yet every aspect not conscious must "deplete", this is a part of the cellular deconstruction phase.... Your human is too resistant, too tough, so it must be "broken down". Photonic light will do this for you.... where your fight will finally go... where all of your blame will finally go... where your own separation will finally go.... so that your entire body can fully awaken, shift, come online ..... for your NEW Earth Existence that is PURE. 

Your Soul can't be hurt... Your Soul is awake, aware, conscious, present and in COMMAND as LOVE at all times. The rest is your human ego.... and every reality constructed from this... This is what is being re-worked.... so that each can rebuild all new relationships from DEEP inside that are PURE....... ♥

Observe and take your blinders off, observe and be totally honest with your self. Observe and SEE through your own Higher-Self-Heart-Mind and you will REALize what's aligned, what's not and "why" things are occurring in your own reality..... because you created, allowed, believed.... Now you have a CHOICE. 

I love you! Get ready. For our highest Star Families to Unite, our Highest Soul Families to Unite... all as Light BEings here... all those egoic, lack based realities must dissolve or be re-aligned if they are to continue into the next timelines..... otherwise the entire timeline will go. As higher selves, we close those old timelines out ourselves, mark those Soul Agreements paid in full and write all new realities, activate all new realities and call forth our own highest aligned realities to experience here. September is a massive Passageway... to bring more together who are truly ready and stepping up.... who are truly ready to invest in creating new together and share together as love too. This can't occur as long as everyone's still holding onto the old.... observe your own relationships/yourself.... this will show you everything you need to know here. 

Happy magical everything! It's time to do more awesome! You've got this, we've got this... Hold the Energy of your highest timelines/realities in place from within you.... so that they can materialize for you too! ♥ 

Rocking NEW Earth as LOVE, 

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

This article was my own early days of sharings... on one of my other websites that I wrote on/shared from then. Remember, we are in Cosmic Akash Clearings... where all "Karma"/Matrix Programming is held/was created from.... as those levels of consciousness dissolve/dis-member and all is re-worked through Purity Love. ♥

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.
Source: here

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