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The White Dragon: Embrace Silence to Connect with the Universe

The White Dragon: Embrace Silence to Connect with the Universe

The White Dragon (Ascended Master)

"Beloved ones, there is much confusion on planet Earth at this time. You must understand that the chaos you see externally is a reflection of the turmoil within people’s minds. In our realm, there is peace, for we have learned to quiet the mind. We achieve this by dedicating a significant amount of time to silence, or what you would call "meditation." For us, however, it is not a practice but a natural state of being — a sacred time to reconnect with our true selves and remain in that connection until we fully merge with the energy of All That Is.

We kindly invite you to do the same. Spend time in silence, meditate, and sharpen your mind. As your concentration deepens, you will begin to notice what once went unseen. Make your mind still, not only to witness the beauty in all that surrounds you, but to perceive the vast, unphysical universe beyond.

When you close your eyes and sit in stillness, you come home to yourself. At first, it may feel uncomfortable, as the mind can be restless. But over time, you will learn to calm it. Create a special space for this — a place where you reach out to the stars, invoke the energy of the cosmos, and rediscover your essence.

As your mind quiets, you will uncover an ocean of peace beneath the surface of your thoughts. Dive deep into that ocean, so deep that the remaining fragments of the mind dissolve into the love you find there. Melt into that love, for it is only the ego that melts, absorbed into the Source.

Beloved one, know that I am always with you — in the stars and on Earth, I am here. One day, you will recognize me as one of you, or you will recognize yourself as a part of me. Until then, I remain here, steadfast and joyful, waiting for the day when humanity turns its heart once more to the immensity of the Universe.

I Am. In love, gratitude, and unending joy."

The White Dragon: Embrace Silence to Connect with the UniverseClick Above Image To Enlarge!

The White Dragon channeled by Octavia Vasile

If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings! 

Octavia Vasile Bio - Click Here

Octavia Vasile

I am a channeler, meditation teacher, and holder of a master's degree in Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. My spiritual journey began with encounters with Oriental teachings during travels to Asia, leading to a deep connection and remembrance. In India, I felt a profound sense of belonging, rediscovering inner silence and recognizing ancient teachings. Meeting great teachers, including Ramana Maharshi, has been transformative, guiding me and reminding me of my true self.

Source Here!

Please check this Link on Facebook: Pleiadian Transmissions of Light and Love
To book individual sessions with Octavia go here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1

This article has been published on CrystalWind.ca with written approval from Octavia Vasile!

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