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Supreme Father: The Origin of Your Soul and the Path to Ascension

Supreme Father: The Origin of Your Soul and the Path to Ascension

Greetings My Children,

I am Supreme Father, Father of all Fathers, and I am coming today, as you are in need to hear, on what I have to say to humankind.

I am going to talk to you about your origin of your soul, where it originated from and why you are so divided among each other. The soul represents purity, innocence and light, and It came from Universal Consciousness. First, the soul was floating around without a physical body in the Cosmos. When it was created Universes, Solar Systems, Galaxies, Planets and etc., the physicality started to appear in a form of live beings, animals, plants and so on.

After being for so long just a pure light, the soul wanted to have a physical body. More and more souls started to become self conscious and begin to have different thoughts and feelings depending on the dimension, they were living in as an entity. In the beginning every soul lived between each other in peace, harmony and happiness just forming new civilizations all over the Cosmos. Darkness didn’t exist until, it started to appear in the overdeveloped and technologically advanced civilizations in multidimensional realities.

When the ego appeared as a separation from the soul, it lead to self destruction of billions of beings. It created negative energies, which spread quickly in the Cosmos creating Galactic Wars between the inhabitants. Probably you would like to ask, why the Darkness was never stopped, because at that time the Universal Laws didn’t allow to interfere at all. Now, some of these rules were changed. Light Beings can now step into certain situations and prevent a complete destruction of a Star System.

The reason the Universal Laws were created to set up some kind of system to keep the balance in the Cosmos. In some point of the time there were no laws, and chaos became prevalent in many parts of Cosmos. The Creators, who were involved in the creation process, decide to put together Universal Laws to prevent more of the unnecessary loss of physical lives. Reminder, my Dear Children, soul never dies, it’s only is forced out from the physical body, which it uses for different experiences.

Now, let’s talk about your planet, why it became so chaotic and dangerous to others. In the beginning when Mother Earth was born over 6 billions years ago, it was beautiful and pristine planet, that you could spend the whole day just looking at the nature itself. The location of Gaia is near many portals, so it got discovered by friendly and hostile Galactic Civilizations. Some stayed for a short time while others a long time.

Billions of beings passed through Mother Gaia. Everything started going in the Dark direction. When humans were first created by Annunaki, they were innocent and trusting at that time, after the negative entities, which came to the planet, they captured the humans and started to mess up with their DNA and experiment on them. Then, everything changed on Earth into something unexpected like going completely the opposite of Light and towards the Darkness.

Then Mongols and others were purposely created to bring chaos and destruction to the planet. They were completely possessed by ego, greed and power. They were cannibals. Darkness became prominent on Gaia. Different countries, nationalities and religions were created to divide and control humans. Peace and harmony completely disappeared on Mother Earth. After the creation of the enslavement system of money suffering, loss of physical lives and poverty started to dominate the daily lives of humankind.

The souls lost their identity, on who they really are. Humans became divided amongst each other and forgot on how to live through the soul. This is one of the reasons that the Galactic Light Forces under Ashtar Command were allowed to protect humanity from space by not allowing of the destruction by nuclear weapons of your planet and the Milky Galaxy. The Ascension was also granted, as the group of advanced souls worked very hard and diligently to raise the vibrations of your world.

Divine is overlooking the whole of process to help to ascend into higher dimension for the ones, who are ready and spend their lives on spiritual advancement. These experiences and multiple reincarnations, the advanced souls are not going to forget them and will continue their journey into higher and higher multidimensional realms. The young souls will continue their spiritual growth on the 3D planet Zenxa. When this is going to happen, it’s Divine timing, no one in the Cosmos lives by a clock as humans do.

The Ascension will replace the physicality with a Light body. The Matrix is a false reality, and the ones, who believe and follow the narrative of deceptions and lies, will disappear together with Darkness. Their souls will return to the Universal Consciousness, as they were given too many chances to stop following the Negative Ones and being negative themselves instead of turning towards and following the Light. The servants of Darkness they will be striped from their souls.

This Ascension process will be completed without any setbacks. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. My children, please, embrace my Supreme Love.

Soul is the Light that Burns Darkness
Supreme Father

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit currently unknown for this exquisite creator and visionary.

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