Galactic Federation: A New Reality Is Near
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- Written by Aurora Ray

We are going through a big transformation! We are entering the golden age of aquarius! Everything around us says we have entered a brand new phase of evolution on earth—a phase that may bring great joy and adventure!
We're Making It Together. What is your role?
Dear ones,
This is amazing news for all of us!
There is a shift happening now. It is a transition into the New Earth!
The Golden age of consciousness is emerging!
It is not just the individual; it is humanity that is undergoing massive change, and many have no idea what's happening. But some people, such as yourself, have a sense of something going on—a sense of positive change!
In this new world, everything will be different! Everywhere there are signs of change, transformation, and new beginnings!
Everything around us says we have entered a brand-new phase of evolution on Earth—a phase that may bring great joy and adventure. The shift is happening now—the old is passing away!
You will find that you are able to see things in a new way and become more aware of your own true feelings and emotions.
The old ways of seeing things will no longer work for you, and so they must be left behind because they no longer serve your highest good.
You will begin to take greater responsibility for your life, and it will start to feel right again.
You will stop feeling guilty about what has happened in the past or about how things are currently unfolding for you. Instead, you will start to trust that everything is happening for a reason and that there is always an opportunity for growth and learning within any given situation or event that occurs during our lives here on Earth.
The old Earth was in need of healing and transformation, but this one is different. The old Earth did not have enough resources to support life, let alone evolve and grow. THE NEW EARTH HAS ALL OF THAT IN ABUNDANCE, and it has been waiting for you all your life.
There's no more need to worry about money. Your days will be filled with love, peace, and joy. You will find that you have everything you ever wanted in life.
Everything that you could ever want will come to you. All of the resources of the universe are now available to you.
There is no need for fear or anxiety anymore because there is nothing to fear or be anxious about anymore! You are safe and secure in your home, where nothing can harm you or threaten your happiness or peace of mind!
You can relax completely, knowing that everything is going exactly as it should right now! Life is perfect now, and all your needs are being met, so why worry? Why be anxious? Why struggle?
What an amazing time we live in where everything seems possible, and everything is unfolding perfectly according to plan for all of us here on Earth!
The new Earth is filled with love, joy, abundance, and peace. You will be able to live out your dreams here on this planet because you are fully prepared to do so!
You are entering a Golden Age of consciousness where everything will be possible for you—if only you have the courage to go after it!
The New Earth is a time of great change. We are shifting from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. We are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius, which is the age of conscious awareness!
You are going through a big transformation, and we are creating this new reality together!
It's the BIGGEST transformation that humanity has ever experienced!
We are all in this together, and we are creating a new reality for ourselves. You are not alone on your journey, and you have never been alone!
Whatever your desires and aspirations, the true reality is within you. You are a universe that is constantly creating itself, infinite in its potential, unbounded by limits of time or space, and unto eternity!
All that you seek is found within this present moment. The evolution of your consciousness into the light is the most important event in human evolution on this planet!
This is the time to embrace all of these changes and be grateful for them. By accepting these changes, you are allowing yourself to evolve. Embrace the changes that are happening within and around you and feel how lighter and happier you will feel.
If you are still wondering if the changes are really working, just stop doubting and simply allow yourself to be grateful for everything you have in your life. Feel that gratitude in every cell of your being and watch as your reality shifts to reflect that positive view!
Very soon, a day will come when you will acknowledge what you are capable of doing, but for now, all you have to do is believe.
Like I said above, we have only skimmed the surface of this, and it is so important for ALL people to understand what is going on here.
The choice is yours. May you choose consciously, and may you choose wisely.
This is a time of great power in your life. A shift is coming, and the possibilities are endless! I am with you, and I am supporting you every step of the way.
The choice is yours; this is your divine birthright to request it!
Please share this message with others and be a part of this exciting new reality we are creating together!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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