A Message From The Angels: Bringing Love Into Form
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- Written by Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
The seasons are turning again in their eternal cycle as your earth journeys around your Sun, and your Sun journeys through the galaxy.
Even your galaxy dances through time and space in a cyclical nature that shifts and changes. It is hard to comprehend the magnitude of your reality and beyond that, the magnitude of the infinite. Sit for a moment and contemplate the vastness that You are. The deeper spirit within the human "you" lives in all beings and all things and extends beyond your known universe and into the infinite, invisible field of potential.
The "you" that you know yourself to be—the human, the body, the personality, even the greater soul— is but a wave upon the ocean of consciousness, and yet, by no means are you insignificant. You are part of creation itself, drawing the energy of love from its pure, unadulterated, non-physical potential into beautiful forms. And this, dear ones, matters.
Your love matters to the entire universe. Your love matters to the beings who live in dimensions you will not see upon this earth. Your love matters to the animals and plants and your mother earth herself. It is your love that sustains creation itself, and each one of you who participates in any loving act, word, or deed is helping the infinite take shape and form in your reality. Without you, without your desires for something new, better, kinder, more inspiring...creation would stagnate.
Put in very practical terms, you bake a batch of cookies. Before you begin, they are a thought in your mind, a recipe on paper, in your computer, or in a book. They are a pile of ingreidents in your cupboard that were once only a thought in someone else's mind until they bought the farm, tilled the soil, grew the crops,, processed, packaged, and shipped them. You bought them at a store or market that was once only a thought in someone's mind. So here you stand, infinite potential bursting forth within you as you desire those cookies. You gather the ingredients, read the recipe, mix the dough, put it on trays that were once a thought only in someone's mind, and bake it in an oven that, too, was once only a thought in someone's mind. The culmination of all these thoughts, desires, wishes, and dreams results in the most delicious and mouth-watering experience of love you can imagine in that moment! Bliss! Delight! Love is coming into form!
Likewise, you may sit in grief, feeling as if you cannot live again, and yet, the force of love and life stirs within you, making you desire and seek comfort, solace, and connection. That stirring of the infinite sea of love is working within to rise up and give you a deeper connection to your dear one. The connection is no longer external as it is when two are upon the earth. Now you find one another as you, the wave on the ocean, go within, surrender to the ocean of love, and find your dear one waiting for you there.
Or, in easier terms, you shut your eyes and focus on breathing, thus soothing yourself and temporarily finding relief from the grief. You allow yourself to relax, if only for a minute or two. In that space of surrendering to love, you will eventually feel their love surrounding and filling you. As you slowly but surely learn to relax into the loving vibration in which they now exist, you will find the connection that cannot be lost.
Even in this situation, you have taken what was only a deep desire and longing and invited more love into your life. In a single moment of breathing and surrendering, your mind calms, your body relaxes, your spirit is soothed, and your dear one in heaven can flow their blissful energy into your earthly reality. There was a time not too many decades ago when even speaking of such things was unthinkable to the masses. Now, a great many of you speak freely about your connection with spirit. Your world—through your willingness to surrender to love—is being elevated.
So dear ones, as your eternal seasons change, realize that you are important. Your desires are important. No matter what you have done or not done, no matter what you see or do not yet see, no matter whether you like the current world conditions or not, your love matters. It is you and you and you—one soul, one choice at a time, that creates the magnificence you all hope to see in the world.
One contrast. One desire. On willing choice to love... this is how you change your reality, personally, globally, and for generations to come.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message from Ann
Hi Everyone,
I'm writing this last Sunday morning. I rarely work on weekends, but after my little ungrounded mistake of not sending out last week's newsletter, I was highly motivated to get myself back on track. Three weeks of accounting—making sure all the data was all accounted for so I could send it to my accountan—left my head spinning. I made it as fun as I could, and yet my creative soul longed to get back to creating. The angels reminded me through the whole process to create love! So I blessed my computer. I blessed the angels who got in my head and showed me easier ways to file things. I blessed my AI for tutoring me and explaining things that were new to me. And even in spite of my distaste for checking hundreds of tiny expenditures and invoices against the receipts, I came out of it still happy... even if a little disconnected from real life!
I love the change of seasons. I love every season for so many reasons, but by the time they change, I'm ready. I planted several vegetables last fall and bundled them up under "frost cloth" that I clipped onto structures I put together to protect them through the winter. In the winter I visit them, talking to them sweetly outside their little tents. I send them energy and envision their growth in the spring. This year, we had a mild winter, so a few times, when I peeked into the tents, I found tiny treasures - little tomatoes or tiny peppers. I cherished each one! With spring comes the great "unveiling," revealing new joys. This year, the heirloom tomatoes I planted are giving me beauties every week. Unlike store-bought Roma's these are long and thin and look a lot like peppers. They slice up to perfection and add mouthwatering delight to my morning eggs. I have a dill plant bursting forth after I freed it from the frost cloth that is now four feet tall! I'm harvesting weekly, clipping off the little fronds, and drying them for the year. My house is a never-ending array of cookie trays filled with things I'm picking or drying. It might not be pristine decor but it makes me happy!
My news of the week -s much more delightful than the news. I pulled in over a gallon of fresh lettuce and meal-prepped a delightful chicken-apple-walnut salad on fresh greens. I made a huge batch of soup from last year's sweet potatoes. Next up I'll process the parsley, which will become delicious tabbouleh. I'll make some lemony hummus to go along with it and enjoy a Mediterranean burst of flavor.
The garden reminds me of life eternal. Plants come and go, but life keeps on lifing. My eggplant, which produced nearly 60+ fruits a year, has finally joined the eternal after four years of intense giving. Her roots were so big it took all my weight to pull them out. I'll soon plant a new one and nurutre her giving spirit back in a different form. The bok choy I planted last fall is going to seed, so I'm going to let it replant itself and see how that goes. Potatoes that were near bad in the fridge got planted and now I have four little bushes getting ready to give me tiny treats. I'll have to buy some sweet potatoes and let them go to root again. They were the only thing that could overgrow the mint that invaded a 20' patch of dirt one year. They give back a lot more, and the stray mint that still sprouts up tastes good sprinkled on them!
My garden is haphazard, unplanned, and a bit disorganized but that doesn't stop life from lifing. Things grow where they can, when they can, and how they can. I only need to love and water the plants. The rest is up to the infinite.
It seems mundane at times to speak of such simple joys when the world is so topsy turver with tariffs and wars and humans wanting robots to take over for humans. There's a whole lot of crazy going on. Yet there is such beauty and joy to be found as we remove our focus from those pinched off from the eternal flow of love and return our focus to the people and situations where life and love are allowed to flow freely.
I have plans to get my classes up on the website —in fact they'll be there by the time you read this—but it is beautiful out, and perhaps time to put in the spring plants. I'm going to go with that flow and see how it goes. Yesterday, I planned to create more t-shirts for my Etsy shop, but that changed when I was cleaning up the computer and discovered a kid's activity book that I had started but never finished. So, instead of t-shirts, I'm working on an activity book for toddlers, complete with little rhyming messages from the angels. I'm currently in cuteness overload, beaming joy out to the world! Love in my life flows in weird and wonderful ways!
As we trust those small urgest to do things that feel more like love and remove our focus from those things that feel less like love, we find ourselves in love's soemtimes wild and weird, but always wonderful flow.
Here are a few pointers to return to love when something not so pleasant has your attention:
1. Return to love
You were not created to suffer. All suffering comes from being separated from the perspective of love.
A driver cuts me off in traffic, and I suffer, not because they cut me off, but because, in my upset, I temporarily wobble away from love. As I return to love, their actions seem like a blip on the screen of a beautiful day.
When I injure myself, I suffer temporarily due to the pain but more so due to the massive amount of meaning I attach. My soul has already said, "Ow," and is moving forward to the healed reality. I suffer when I cannot keep up with that profound love. As I sit, breathe, and receive, I return to receiving love, where suffering ceases and healing begins.
I nearly lose a loved one. I suffer when I worry about the "what ifs." My soul isn't bothering with such speculation. It is focused on supporting the life within the loved one who still wants to be here and graceful transitions for those who don't. My suffering ceases when I return to that unconditional love of supporting each soul on their own journey with my love.
It isn't easy to really own the fact that our suffering is our own resistence to our own love, but in our acceptance of life as it is, self as we are, and others who they are, we return to love. In this vibration, we are able to flow more easily past unwanted and back more quickly into loving realities.
2. Remind yourself, "I deserve to feel good."
Most of us were taught, more by example than words, that we were not allowed to feel good when life looked a certain way or when others weren't happy. Many were shamed for being happy when others weren't. Perhaps you ran up to share something you just created with your parents who were stressed, and got the not-so-subtle signal that they didn't have time for such frivolity. Subtle as it seems, you were sent many unspoken messages about when it was appropriate to be happy and when it was not.
It is always appropriate to feel good in the eyes of spirit. It is always OK to want comfort, soothing, or even wild joy. When you feel the worst, spirit whispers, "You deserve to feel better." The angels gently guide us to better thoughts, comforting people, and kinder situations. The other day I got really upset with a computer program that was not working as it should. I had to back off, go outside, clear my head, and remind myself that I deserved to feel good in spite of the challenges. What good does being fussy do? I sat down and internally listed all the ways this program helps me. Pretty soon, I was grateful for it. I got an insight about a workaround. In the higher, happier vibe, my tech angels helped me figure out how to get along with it, bugs and all!
As you've read many times, I've had quite a few dear ones around me with serious challenges. I've had to remind myself I can serve better when I feel good. As I release worry and look for all the good around me, I get insights as to when to call, send energy, and how to help.
You deserve to feel good,. Sometimes looking for the simplest pleasures is the key to find the good, feel good, and perceive Divine wisdom once again.
3. Create the world rather than worrying about it
So often, when the world isn't looking like we'd like, the angels say, "How can you bring the essence of what you want into your heart, home, life, and community?" For example, I love and adore several of you in Canada. I can't change the new tariff policies. But I can love all of you. I can be a good global citizen myself. I can choose to respect all cultures and appreciate all the beautiful diversity they bring into our lives. I can appreciate and bless my Canaadian maple syrup! I can stay in a frequency of abundance and pay the extra to honor my neighbors up north. I can choose love, and I can choose what is good, no matter what else is going on in the world.
Likewise, we can't change wars on a large scale, but we can end the wars in our own hearts and lives. We can stop attacking ourselves. We can stop trying to "destroy" others' ideas. We can shift our focus from "knocking others down" to building others up. We can refuse to participate in the vibration that empowers war. We can choose peace.
We can always find ways to love and create the world we want—staring with ourselves, our circles, and our communities—rather than reacting to the world around us.
Whether we watch the news or not, the world's chaos can grab our attention in so many ways. Still, there is love to be seen, love to be cherished, and love to be created in so many ways. I prefer to stay in love's flow rather than focusing on the things that pinch it off. I can watch a stagnant pool in the creek, or I can step into the areas where it runs freely, and feel the cleansing power of its eternal flow. The flow feels better. The flow is life.
It only takes one choice at a time to find that loving flow and experience the life and joy that it gives.
Have a blessed week,
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