Andromedan Alignment Revealed By Andromedan Beings
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings upon the earth, we bring forth our light, consciousness and peace to serve you and to remind you of the same that exists within your being.
We, the Andromedans, come forth and invite you to contemplate, observe and connect with. We invite you to observe yourself; observe what is happening in your reality – what you are attracting and what you are repelling. Observe how you feel about your reality/experiences/day-to-day existence.
What do you tell yourself, in your mind, about your existence? What do you feel emotionally about your existence? Are you connected with yourself and with your reality?
We, the Andromedans, invite you to accept a contemplation: that your reality…outside of you…is born from within you, and is in fact, an exact mirror image.
Many of you already have this understanding but when you recognize that your energy – your existence within your physical body – is the exact mirror image of your outer reality and is being projected from within, out into your reality, you may begin to wonder why certain experiences are manifesting in your outer reality.
You may find it hard to believe that there is anything within you that could manifest something that may cause you pain, suffering or discomfort.
Often the energies within you are wounds; they’re beliefs, thoughts and habits, and they are creating so beautifully, so many different experiences in your reality.
If you access one thought, that maybe you feel is causing suffering, you might be surprised how that thought is influencing the way that people treat you. It’s influencing the experiences and opportunities that come into your reality. It’s influencing the entire world around you. One thought, one belief can create so much and can impact your reality in such a powerful way.
Like a thought, a belief can create a whole story that you experience physically. This is for you to recognize: that a thought/belief, even an emotion, a wound or a block, has so much power – so much power over your reality – and can weave a very intricate story so that there is a mirror image.
Imagine…and of course you have…so many thoughts and beliefs and all of them are equally powerful in their impact in your reality. Some of them are battling against each other. You might have a belief that you deserve the best in life. You might also have a belief that you never get what you want. These two beliefs would battle against each other.
Sometimes you would be receiving what you want, other times you would not. To some extent, these thoughts would cancel each other out, so that you are simply remaining stuck.
Now, if we imagine all your thoughts with such power and impact that they each create intricate stories in your reality that you experience physically – truly physically – we can recognize that there is a need. In order grow spiritually, to ascend, to heal and to manifest, contemplation is required upon those thoughts.
When you begin to contemplate and observe your thoughts – the ones that are causing suffering/pain/discomfort – and you bring them to the light, then others come forward. It’s like a train; they all line up to be acknowledged and to be transformed.
As you begin this process, it might feel overwhelming – all these thoughts coming forth – as you hold each thought in love…surrounding it in love…and asking, ‘What would you like to transform into?’
For example, ‘I hate myself’ might come forth and you surround it in a bubble of love and you really allow that love to penetrate, as if it’s a liquid light. Then you ask the ‘I hate myself’ thought/belief, ‘What would you like to transform into to be aligned with the Creator and my soul?’
It might say, ‘I love myself’ or ‘I accept myself’ or ‘I am joy’ or ‘I believe in myself.’ Sometimes it might transform into something completely unexpected. Gradually you move through your thought processes and you begin to feel clearer.
You begin to notice that your reality is changing and shifting. You feel safer/more grounded, more connected to the Creator, more able to achieve your spiritual evolution, to progress, and you allow yourself to feel more aligned and more capable.
At this time, we, the Andromedans, are sending forth an alignment; an energy beam with which you may ask to align. When you align with this Andromedan energy beam – it is actually named the Alignment Andromedan Energy – we will surround you in our Andromedan light of alignment. This will support you as you observe those thoughts and, as you make the transformations, it will heighten and boost your being.
We invite you to call upon our energies, to sit in our light, to simply meditate in our light, or maybe to experience it as you go about your daily routine. You can sit in or experience our energy for an entire day, or many days, and just observe the thoughts that come to your reality – into your mind – because we will bring forth the ones that no longer serve you.
We will support you in this process.
We love you and we thank you.
We are the Andromedans.
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love.
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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