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Pleiadian-Earth Energy Update: Massive Humanity Shift This Spring

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Update: Massive Humanity Shift This Spring

This Spring brings unprecedented changes for humanity. The recipe for finding our way through these massive changes includes:

  • Listening to our hearts and intuition.
  • Recognizing what is real and what is not.
  • Guarding against emotional reactivity.
  • Harmonizing multiple viewpoints.
  • Keeping calm.
  • Remembering to be grateful for all we have; and
  • Cooperating for the highest good for all.

In March we have experienced Venus making Phase changes six times, a Full Lunar Eclipse, Spring Equinox, and the Venus Star Point changing from Gemini Evening Star to Aries Morning Star in the Sky today, March 22. In a just few days we will experience a Solar Eclipse and the ending of 12,000 years of the descending Hindu Yuga cycle is estimated to happen between March 21 and March 29, marking our movement out of a time of darkness and into a time of purification in preparation for entering a time of much more light. BIG Changes are happening! Below I will describe the energetic periods we will be experiencing in April, May, and June and how we can use them to navigate our lives as larger and older cosmic forces come into play.

Now until - March 29- FEELING ENERGY

At the time of this writing, we are still in the 13-day period where we are most feeling the impact of the gigantic energetic changes on our planet! This is the most emotional 13-day period in the Pleiadian-Earth Energy system, so we must continue to guard ourselves against emotional reactivity during this period. The end of the darkest Yuga Cycle, Kali Yuga is predicted to occur between March 21 and March 29. We have a Venus Phase Change into the Phase of Birth on March 29 and a simultaneous Solar Eclipse. Newness is all around us, as we move into a purification period as we prepare for more light to arrive. The changes will be auspicious and can possibly have enormous ramifications in our lives!

March 30 - April 11- BREATHING ENERGY

The last of six March Venus Phase changes occurs on March 31 when Venus moves into the Phase of Emergence. This indicates that we are emerging from the previous chaotic period. Our inner lives may certainly be filled with grace and flow, but the outer world may still be unstable. The 13-day period of Breathing Energy brings restless energies of change, where barriers may be destroyed, and obstacles may be dissolved. We will need to practice harmonizing multiple viewpoints and remember to keep calm and carry on breathing in and out as a new world is coming into form.

April 12 - April 24- SEEING ENERGY

We begin this 13-day period with a Venus Phase change into the energy of Fullness. There is a strong need during this period to reach to see the Big Picture and live through the principles of Ahimsa (Do No Harm). Our thoughts and our actions will ripple out to affect others in ways which we may not have previously been aware. We must be careful to avoid rash decisions and actions, while paying close attention to new ideas and details that may appear.

April 25 - May 7- LOVING ENERGY

The 13-day period of Loving energy is a positive, productive period that can be used for the collective good, putting into practice our awareness that cooperation is better than competition. Aggression and competition can be turned into enthusiasm and cooperation now!


May 8 – May 20- BEING ENERGY

This 13-day period brings enhanced creativity, encouraging us to find new ways of connection that correct old patterns of insecurity, separation, and suffering. Yes, everything may be and feel different now; look for the ways we are alike rather than focusing upon the differences that have previously separated us, causing pain and unnecessary suffering. Old reactions of criticism or neediness fall away as we embrace this nurturing, creative energy and begin a new way of being.


We will be supported in healing what no longer works when Venus moves into the Phase of Surrendering and Discovery on June 1 as we surrender the old and discover the new! This period gives us an opening for true collective healing as we find solutions to previous selfish behaviors. We must determine to fulfill our own responsibilities and not take on the responsibilities of others. In realizing that we can truly only be responsible for our own growth, we will find the courage to heal all our imbalances.


We begin this 13-day period of Remembering Energy with a Venus Phase change into Fullness, which will guide our need to be grateful for and claim all the things that make us feel fortunate and full. Remembering Energy is the peaceful energy we need after the turbulence we have felt in recent years. We will certainly find that we are more sensitive and capable of more compassion now than ever, and we will want to cooperate more to make life richer and less challenging.


This is an idealistic 13-day period for collectively moving forward in our evolution, if we use our hearts more than our minds. We may find that there are more opportunities for social progress and that we are more committed to positive ideals if we release polarized judgmental thinking and speak from our hearts, releasing old beliefs from the past.


We end June in a 13-day period that brings forth the desire to harmonize opposite points of view and implement new guidelines for society as we truly step into a new paradigm. It becomes paramount to release any rigid thinking or critical viewpoints as we work to bring more harmony into all aspects of our lives.

What we are experiencing this Spring and Summer is unprecedented for humanity. Sometimes it may seem we cannot make sense out of what is happening, but that is because we are trying to fit our understanding into an old paradigm. Always remember that on a planet based on "Choice," it's always up to us how we respond to everything! Think from your heart and you will find your way forward into the new paradigm and new world that awaits us!

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Experience the Day of Karma in Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology!


Pia Orleane, Ph.D. is a psychologist, astrologer, winner of both the Nautilus Gold Award and the Coalition for Visionary Resources Award, and one of the world's leading experts on the Divine Feminine. She is co-author with her husband, Cullen Baird Smith, of the Wisdom From the Stars series of Pleiadian wisdom. Her works have been translated into Italian, Chinese, Russian, German, and French. 


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