Lady Constance, Archaii of the Second Ray
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Lady Constance
Archaii of the Second Ray
The Cosmic Spirit of Constancy
Divine Complement (Twinflame) – Archangel Jophiel
Retreat – Temple of Illumination and Constancy, Kashmir, near India, also will work out of Shamballa and Lake Titicaca as needed.
Focus: To bring forth and establish Constancy of Purpose, Service and Endeavor to draw forth Perfection. To bring forth the growth of understanding to make tolerance for others and self easy. To establish the rhythmic outpouring of deep abiding Love of the Spirit of Constancy in support of the habitation of Mother Earth.
Ray Color: Golden Yellow
Flower: Yellow Meadow Larkspur
Symbol: The Golden Six-Pointed Star
“If you have ever built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. There is where they should be! Now it is time for you to build foundations under them!” ~ Lady Constance
Lady Constance is a forceful spirit of cosmic energy. She has for eons worked on multiple councils throughout the Omniverse to establish Balance at a constant level. Call on this great Angelic Being to expand your understanding of what life is bringing to you, then She will support and guide you to understand how to use this as a gift to propel yourself forward to do something positive with that which you have gained. This powerful Lady if asked will help support you to burst forth in your spiritual understanding within life as you break free of unneeded limitations.
She is a beautiful tall golden blond angel and honored as a powerful Pleiadian Goddess with large piercing eyes. She is much as Her sister, Lady Pacifica with bold and lively energies. She is very athletic and enjoys a full social life.
She lives with Lord Bromlyn on the Isle of Maia. They have six children together. None of their children currently work the Earth at this time. As She is devoted to the growth of loving perfection through understanding within the hearts of humanity and the upliftment of Mother Gaia, She has left Her home in selfless devotion to assist in the long foretold ascension of Earth.
She comes to us from the Isle of Maia, Pleiades and is of the House of Dino.

To Cosmic Spirit of Constancy, Lady Constance Bromlyn
Dear Beloved Lady Constance
With Thee we are honored to share
This time of expanding understanding,
Remembrance of all we are created to be.
Unto You dear Lady Who shines
So staunch in Your beliefs
As a tower of Strength for all to see.
A storehouse of Knowledge awakening Self Understanding
Guiding us as we remember the lessons of…
Self Love, Truth and Inner Vision
Opening our eyes that we may see.
We thank you beloved Lady Constance
As you shelter us as a Mother,
Love us as Sister,
Guide us as a benevolent friend.
Always tireless in Your efforts
To stir remembrance within our hearts
That we may call, remember, awaken and forever understand.
We are so grateful to Thee.

This article is copyrighted, yet you have permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for free, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank you. ~ Trillia Gia / Starseed Highway
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