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Contacting Your Guardian Angels

Contacting Your Guardian Angels

We are all born with our own Guardian Angels and they never stop surrounding us with love and guidance. Have daily conversations with your Guardian Angels, start letting them into your life and ask for their assistance and guidance. They will always provide you with miracles that are helping your higher self fulfill your life's purpose.

They are here to help you, and they can never leave you. They need you to ask them for assistance, however, because your free will cannot be overruled by your Guardian Angels nor by other Angels and helpers. They need your permission to assist you.

If you do not ask for their help they will only intervene in your life in life-threatening or damaging circumstances.

What do our Guardian Angels do?

Guardian angels are assigned not only to every living human soul but to all the inhabitants of earth. They know exactly what you need for your development, your divine life purpose Guardian angels NEVER leave your side from birth through death no matter what mistakes you make, they love you no matter what.

Everyone, even the most negative people you can think of all have (or had) guardian angels throughout their lives. However, when humans incarnate on earth, we come down here with no memories of what we are and where we came from. We are given freedom of choice. Our guardian angels can give us guidance and love but it is our free choice whether we listen to it or not.

As you can imagine, often times, negative people don’t listen to their guardian angels.

How do we connect with our Angels?

You must ask your guardian angels for help even though they’re permanently stationed by your side. Angels want to help us but can’t help us unless we ask.

A universal law which binds angels states,

“No angels shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked with the sole exception being a life-threatening emergency.”

Invite your angel to work with you. Welcome your angel so it's easier for you to work together. This will create great value in your life. Your angel is not a fairy godmother or a "cosmic vending machine." They can, however, help us in many ways that are often overlooked as coincidences.

How do Angels communicate with us?

Angels help mostly by communicating directly if you are able to receive or indirectly with omens (i.e. a book they feel you should read may fall off a shelf in your path for example). Out of nowhere, you may suddenly have a desire to contact someone or go somewhere. They can also send information in dreams and as compressed energy that unfolds over time you will have a knowing but will not be able to verbalize it or explain it for a while as the pieces of the puzzle come together.

They can also send you very high-level healing energies and healing. If you are able to feel subtle energies you may feel this as warmth or tingling pulses of energy moving through your body.

After asking your angel for assistance, watch for repetition of words you see, hear or think. Notice patterns like repeatedly hearing a song, seeing a bumper sticker or having a friend unknowingly repeat the very same message your angel gave you. Keep asking until you feel you completely understand the answer.

Beginning to Contact Your Angels

The following suggestions may help you in making initial contact with your angels.

  1. Choose a regular time each day to communicate to your guardian angels. Before going to sleep or when you first wake up may be the best time.
  2. You can always make an appointment to meet them, but you must always keep it if you do.
  3. If you are depressed, have negative feelings, fear, or nightmares—ask your guardian angels for extra protection.
  4. Remain open to messages from your angel at all times. Especially when you sense a warning that you are making a mistake or a prickly feeling of danger.
  5. Don’t be irresponsible and risk your personal safety. Your guardian angel can’t override your free will, but will interfere if it needs to if your life is in danger and it is right to do so.
  6. Be positive! Your angel will guide, heal and protect you but you must be responsible for your own actions. Don’t dismiss your problems in your life as “something is against you” or curses.

The Power of Asking

Angels, and this includes our own and others' Guardian Angels, can do nothing for us unless we ask. If you need help, just ask! That's why God sent angels to be with you for life. Your angels are just waiting to be asked for help. Don't worry about asking for too much. There is no sense of linear time in the spiritual realm. Have you ever been driving somewhere and all of a sudden had an urge to make a turn you didn't plan on and then later found out there was a bad traffic jam you avoided by listening to that urge and turning off the road? That's your guardian angels assisting you.

Whenever you ask the Angels for anything Never forget to thank them, Always thank them.

It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight.

It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.

Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive.

Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.

What if I don't feel a connection?

Angels vibrate at a very high level and it may take a while to attune yourself to this high vibration. Be patient!

Some common blocks to getting angelic guidance are:

1. Diet— Is your diet healthy?

Are you healthy? Caffeine, Excessive Alcohol, smoking, most junk food, pre-packaged foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives etc are all low vibration foods that can block divine guidance

2. Drugs – Can cloud clarity, do not abuse them.

3. Negative People and situations

Make changes where you can in your own life and try to avoid negative people and situations. Clear clutter from your life, and people who cause you problems etc. If you can't because of your circumstances, it may take you longer to connect but keep trying, eventually you'll be able to tune into the higher vibrations.

4. Life Clutter

Whether the chaos is yours or originates from others in your life, it can make you distracted and agitated which adds to the difficulty of connecting with angels. Ask your angels to clear away all negativity and fear and fill you with the energies of peace and love. Start clearing it yourself.

5. Quiet time and place

Angels are attracted to clean, organized, quiet atmospheres. Provide a welcoming atmosphere to appeal to angels, make a sacred quiet place for yourself, even if its just your side of the bed room, but you need this for relaxation and connection. Turn the phone off, don’t answer the door bell etc etc.

6. Patience

If you haven’t done a lot of spiritual work or find it hard to relax and quiet your mind, be patient and realistic with your expectations. Try to increase your awareness of angels by heightening your all your senses and meditating regularly.

Seek an angel with an open heart and you will find one.

The way You know an angel is by Your feeling:

Angels may not always come when You call them, but they always come when You need them.

An angel is someone who helps You believe in miracles again.

Sometimes you know angels only by the miracles they have blossoming in their paths after they have gone.

An angel is someone You're always happy to bump into.

An angel is someone who raises Your spirits.

An angel is someone You feel you've known forever even though You've just met.

An angel is someone who helps You grow.

Angels make You feel welcome in this world.

Angels encourage Your best qualities and hidden talents.

Angels give You those gentle pats on the back You sometimes need to keep going.

Angels give You direction.

Angels gently push You out of Your little self and into the broad arena of love.

Angels remind You that You are enough.

Angels help You see Your life in a better light.

An angel is someone who brings out the best in You.

-- Unknown --


Julie Lomas
Julie is the founder member and Managing Director of Conscious Connections,( www.conscious-connections.com ) a company dedicated to bringing spiritual awareness and holistic practices, including stress management transformation and life coaching to all areas of peoples' personal lives.

Julie holds a Degree in Education, is an Executive Business and Life  Coach,  Award winning Writer, Japanese Reiki Shihan and Reiki Master Teacher, Professional Crystal Therapist and Teacher, Stress Management facilitator,  and an international facilitator in personal development and awareness. She has 18 years of experience in teaching and practicing holistic therapies in the Middle East, Europe, Greece and the USA. She is an expansive thinker with an excellent reputation and record of achievement in these fields. Julie is a leader and is well known in the holistic world across the Middle East Gulf countries, where she has a large following, speaking out and advocating correct learning and high standards of all holistic practices. She appears regularly on several Middle East countries TV and in magazines and journals.


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