Angelic Invocations
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An invocation of the four Archangels:
Invoke Uriel in the East. Face the East and as if in prayer say, " I invoke Uriel in the space in front of me. Please give me clarity in this day. How can I best be of service." Or ask specifically for help with clarity on that problem.
Move then to the right, which is south, and the archangel Raphael. If there is a particular healing you need - physical or emotional - ask Raphael for that. But also think about what's dying away in your life so that something new can be born, and ask for illumination or help about that thing.
To the west, invoke the archangel Gabriel to give strength to face and overcome one's fears. Ask, "What are my fears and where do I need strength." Then ask for Gabriel's help.
The last angel is in the north and that is Michael. He is the energy of wisdom and love. Spend a moment reflecting on your life and if there's something you feel you need insight on or true wisdom about, then ask for Michael's help.
After the invocation of the angels, imagine the feminine, nurturing, the womb-like aspect of the god. Imagine that image washing over you and pouring through you. All negativity and doubt wash away. Your heart becomes lighter and lighter and expands to encase you in an egg of light, which interweaves with the light of the Divine.
Sit in that Divine presence for a period of time afterwards as the bulk of your meditation.

An Invocation for the Nine Choirs:
Brilliant Seraphim I call to thee
Circle 'round, bring love to me.
Mighty Cherubim guard my gate
Remove from me sorrow and hate.
Thrones stand firm, stable be
Keep me steady on land or sea.
I call Dominions, Leadership true
May I be fair in all I do.
Circles of protection Powers form
Help me weather any storm.
Miraculous Virtues hover near
Elemental energies I summon here.
Principalities bring global reform
Bless the world and each babe born.
Glorious ArchAngels show me the way
To bring peace and harmony every day.
Guardian angel, Goddess might
Bless me with your guiding light.

Guardian Angel Exercise

- Find a quiet spot to sit for a moment.
- Close your eyes and imagine you can feel the presence of your Guardian Angel. If you could see this Angel, what would it look like to you? Any shape or form is fine, for your angel will take on the shape you need the most, the form you want to see. Your Angel encourages contact from you and is quite willing to mold its form into a shape that you find comfortable with. Imagine this as clearly as you can.
- Imagine that this Angel is smiling, that this Angel is radiating a love that surrounds you with comfort, safety and security. Really feel this feeling in your body if you can. Feel it in your emotions.
- Imagine that your Angel is saying to you these words "It's all right. It's all right, It's all right." Allow your body to feel the relief that accompanies these words. Allow your body to feel relief in the knowledge that it *is* all right. For it is all right for you to be who you are, to think what you think and to feel what you feel.
- If there is something else that you would like your Guardian Angel to say to say to you - something that is loving, that holds no judgement, only love - a greater love than you have ever experienced in this lifetime - then imagine your Angel saying this to you. Feel the words of your Angel moving through your body, settling your unsettled emotions, calming your confusion.
- Thank your angel for this gift. And know that the words your Angel has said and the feeling of comfort your angel has brought you, the feeling of safety, is yours. You can tap into this at any time, in any place. It is your birthright.
Through the use of imagination, to imagine that your Angel is there, you tap into the reality that your Angel *is* there. Through the use of your imagination, you begin to develop a relationship with your Guardian Angels or with the other High Beings and Angels around you.

These exercises in imagination are the beginnings of a wonderful reality in which you begin to understand the essence of who you are.
Invite your Angel to be with you at other times. Acknowledge your Angel's presence when you are sitting in the theatre watching a movie, enjoying a beautiful song, or during a time of discomfort or stress. Know that your Angel is with you at all times, in good and in bad, and you give yourself the gift of safety, of security, of knowing that you are not alone. You do not have to face your world alone. You have help. Guardian Angels
Feeling safe can cover a lot of distance. It can range from feeling secure in your world, secure in your personal safety, if you live in a place that is full violence and strife, to feeling secure that you can find your next meal, to a vague feeling of satisfaction with your circumstances. For most people, a feeling of safety lies lies somewhere in the middle.
As you begin to explore your own spirituality, the only real way you can feel safe is to adopt a belief that you are here for a reason, that you existed before you were born into this reality and that you will continue to exist after your body has died. A feeling of safety comes from a belief that you are loved unconditionally, by beings who are not caught up in your everyday reality in physicality.
To know that you have a Guardian Angel who is keeping watch over you can help you feel safe. This does not mean that when your soul has decided that it is time for you to experience an injury, disease or even death, that your Guardian Angel can protect you from these. But your Angel is someone who is with you at all times, is someone who walks beside you in your good times and your bad times, who can be invited to share with you, the pleasures and sorrows of your everyday life.
Your Guardian Angel loves you without question. Your Guardian Angel encourages you, gives you support.
There are other Angels who will be with you if you ask for them. You can ask an Angel to oversee your home. You can ask Angels to oversee your relationships. By believing that angels can be a part of your everyday life, that there is something higher that accompanies you at all times, can help you feel an enormous sense of safety, of security.
To know that you are loved, no matter what you say, know matter what you think, no matter what you feel, is a wonderful gift you can give to yourself. To imagine that you are not alone, to begin to believe it is true that you are not alone, can help you feel a sense of safety, comfort and security. It can also be the first step in learning that it is all right for you to love yourself with the same all encompassing love, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, no matter what you feel.
Love is what you are made of. Love is what has created the entire universe. And any steps you take to tap into that feeling of love, for yourself or for those around you, is a tapping into your true nature. Here is a short exercise you can use as often as you want to tap into the feeling of security and safety that you get when you get closer to your true nature. Use this during times of forgetfulness, when you are unsure of yourself, when you feel a little bewildered or lost.
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